News & Events

3 Episodes Webinar Series on “Blockchain Technology” by Shri Upkar Singh, Director (Information Technology), FIS Global


The First Session of 3 Episodes Webinar Series on "Blockchain Technology" was organized through on-line Video Conferencing by I.T.S, Ghaziabad today, 11.04.2020.  


Shri Upkar Singh, Director (Information Technology), FIS Global was the key Resource Person for this Webinar. In this session Mr. Singh talked about basic principles, its significance, importance and various terms used in Blockchain Technology. While speaking on the Philosophy of Blockchain, Shri Singh emphasized on the importance of trust. During the session lots of queries of audience were also taken and resolved. The Webinar was attended by large number of participants of the Institute and other guests from different part of the country

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Elets Webinar on "challenges that the NBFC sector going to face for next 6 months"


Faculty and finance specialization students of PGDM attended online webinar conducted  by the Elets Techno media. The webinar was all about the “Challenges that the NBFC sector going to face for next 6 months.”

The panellists of the session were:

1.      Dr.Ravi Gupta , CEO & Editor in Chief of Elets Technomedia.

2.      Mr. Umesh Revankar , MD & CEO of Shriram Transport Finance.

3.      Mr. Pavan K. Gupta ,  CEO of Muthoot Housing Finance.

4.       Dr. Puneet Kaur Kohli , CTO of Manappuram Finance ltd.

5.      Mr. Rahul ,CEO of Avanti Finance.

6.      Mr. Bhavin Patel , Co-founder& CEO of Lendenclub.

The issue was - the challenges for the NBFCs for the next 6 month as we know that due to COVID-19 the world is going through the major shutdown. The major challenges were regulatory consideration, stoppage of supply chain, livelihood is also affected, informal workplace, Delay in repayments due to less cash flow in the economy, problem of delinquency, migration of labours, decrease in demand of finance is the major challenge for this sector and more liquidity as people can consume cash for future uncertainty.

The second issue was with respect to the customers that how they interact with the customers in this lockdown situation. As we know that the many of the people in rural areas don’t have smart phones and mail id’s so how the NBFCs interact with them is the main issue for this sector. Customer of NBFCs can delay their repayments as due to less cash flow in the economy. The entire system of NBFCs is working in a close relationship with the customer so now first they have to migrate their customer to the digital platform and then start working digitally is the biggest challenge because people are migrating towards the rural areas and in rural areas they don’t have the proper facilities.

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MHRD Leadership Talk Series


Students of ITS participated in leadership talk series organized by the AICTE-MHRD IIC cell on the 8th, 9th and 10th of April’2020 with interactive sessions of distinguished resource persons.

8th of April- LEADERSHIP Talk with Prof. K Vijay Raghvan, Principal Scientific Advisor Govt. of India by Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, MHRD Cell on twitter live.

Prof. K Vijay Raghvan praised India and the government on the ways and techniques used by it to minimize the effect of COVID 19 as compared to many developed countries like Italy and USA. He said that “one of the best measures taken by the government was checking international travelers’ very early which helped a lot and our tracking system for their contacts was very good.  Innovative ideas were being received everyday towards fighting against COVID 19. The government has contacts with the scientists all over the world who also help in checking and analyzing the innovative ideas. These ideas and innovations fall under different categories like easily implementable, complex and innovative but really difficult to implement. On the basis of feedback of group of scientists citizens are responded to and on the basis of that the government receives much better responses from citizens as they take the responses very positively.” To the question of whether he was satisfied with the way Indian scientific community responded to COVID 19, he affirmed that the Indian scientific community has responded in the best way they could have like the scientist of Pune have been working for the drug vaccination along with the scientific community of Bangalore who are focusing on IT inputs along with medical vaccination. Delhi IIT is been helping in the diagnostic tests and likewise all the other scientists are contributing to their level best to fight against this COVID 19. Responding to Dr. Abhay Jere’s question on “In which areas should youngsters focus at this time of COVID 19 and not only at current time but also post COVID 19 which will be a great challenge to India?” Prof. K Vijay Raghvan said that social distancing is one of the major preventive measures of COVID 19 and technology can be used in order to make social distancing successful to the maximum extent. One of the most challenging focus for the youngsters will be how can economy be handled after the situation returns to normal and the life of people will be again in daily routine, companies will reopen and everything will start once again.

9th of April LEADERSHIP Talk with Prof. Anil D. Sahasrbudhe, Chairman AICTE by Dr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, MHRD Innovation Cell on twitter live show

The talk was about what AICTE expects students and faculty members during this crisis of COVID 19. The first question asked by Dr. Jere was “At this time of crisis of COVID 19, we are receiving large number of messages from students and faculties about colleges being closed down and academic calendar disturbed so in this scenario how do you expect the students, teachers and institutions to react so that there is no long term loss when it comes to academics.” To this question Prof Sahasrbudhe very positively answered that, “Since this COVID 19 crisis is not in the hands of anyone and has come up as an unexpected problem we as citizens of India should not panic first of all and try to fight this crisis as directed by our Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji. We all together should work towards flattening the curve of COVID 19 and get relieved from this problem as soon as possible. For the expectations from students and faculties we expect from them certain things and first of them is learning. Even in the crisis of COVID 19 our learning should not stop.” He stated “In today’s time with the use of technology we can enhance our learning through different sources being provided online like SWAYAM and other MOOC platforms, YouTube and other educational platforms. We all should enhance our knowledge especially in the technologies that are new and emerging like AI, IOT, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Robotics, 3D Printing, Blockchain, Cloud Computing, and Cyber Security with the help of different platforms available today.” On the point of different queries by different students to AICTE about their worries related to their examinations, next classes, future admissions, placements and internships he assured that, “ We should not panic at all and all these will fall in place may be with a delay of one month or so but none of these will be left.”

The discussion was taken forward by Dr. Jere by his next question about the new things that people can take up at this current time of mental health risks due to anxiety being faced by the people and to this Prof. Anil talked about the steps taken by AICTE in the very starting of lockdown which was a competition called IDEATHON an MHRD Innovation and AICTE along with some of the companies like FORGE where they came up with an idea that students will be given a challenge to address COVID 19 and their ideas will be received into thought of products that can be used. He told that this activity was very successful and approximately 5500 students participated in this with brilliant ideas among which top 20 students were awarded also. He also told that they are not going to stop here and soon going to launch the next activity SAMADHAN in which they will be getting the solutions to the problems encountered today by the students in more innovative manner. He told that they are trying their best so that the students at home can showcase their talent to the best they can.

On the view upon the placements and company’s view he responded “It totally depends on the economy which is been hit badly and our GDP is going to come down. There are possibilities that different new ways are going to be found out by the government of India and RBI to bring back the situation to normal and all we have to do is to have faith in the system. The students will get placements accordingly though it can be late by 1 month or 3 months or 6 months depending upon the situation.” Prof. Sahasrbudhe also inspired students by saying that, “With the help of different opportunities provided to the students at this time like IDEATHON & SAMADHAN, the students should think of becoming entrepreneurs and not working in the offices so that they can also give employment opportunities to 20 and more people which will help in growth and development of the country’s economy and GDP.”

Prof Sahasrbudhe on the request of Dr. Jere also explained about the portal being launched by AICTE to address the grievances and distress of students by stating “After the crisis of COVID 19 was announced many students had different problems regarding the colleges, hostels, accommodations, transportations, food, health issues, internships, academics and placements, etc. and looking to these problems AICTE launched a portal called HELPLINE specially for the students. There are two faces of the portal where on one side the students have to post their problems on the portal and on the other side are some 4000+ institutions providing some 15000+ services and we also roping in NGOs, social organizations, voluntary organizations, etc. that are willing to help students in this hour of crisis. It is a type match making of students who need help and people who are willing to help and that too in each district, town and states,” He also thanked his team Dr. Chandra Shekhar Buddha and two of the students who had done this in just one day for which many companies would have charged huge amounts of money and taken too much of time for creating such a helpful portal. Many of the retired persons have also joined the portal to provide pitching and counseling to the students who are in difficulty.

On Dr. Jere’s question about the online platforms like NEAT, SWAYAM as the moocs platform and SWAYAM PRABHA providing 32 DTH channels helping the students in this time of lockdown Prof. Anil said that, “These all three are important platforms each in their respective manner. NEAT is AI based personalized learning platform that provides different future employability options to students. SWAYAM and SWAYAM PRABHA are almost similar one is through internet and one is through TV respectively. For the students living in cities SWAYAM is good but for the students living in rural areas with low network bandwidth SWAYAM PRABHA is one of the best learning opportunities.” Finally talking about other AICTE initiatives Prof Anil told that, “We have different initiatives of AICTE. One of them is a mandatory 3 weeks student’s induction program for refresher of students and also a Course on Human Values and to handle these faculties need to be updated and for these various workshops had been conducted online. We also have ATAL ACADEMY which holds the faculty development program and they are also being made online. We are also receiving the responses in much higher numbers than we expected.” On one of the big step taken by AICTE for the internships made online he expressed that, “This is not the first time that we are making the internships online rather we have been doing since last few years where companies provide different situations to the students as their internship tasks and the process of finding out the best way to cope up with the situation helps the students to get the practical exposure of the market as they do in internships while they face the real market. We have appealed to different companies to give students such challenging statements which they can solve at home and they can also gain the experience of the industries.” He also told students not to believe on any rumors that there will be no internships in the companies and told that as soon as the situation comes to normal and lockdown opens the students can continue their internships in their companies by visiting them.

10th of April leadership talk by Prof. Partha Chakrabarty (Chairman, National Digital Library Ex – Director. IIT Kharagpur) with Dr. Abhay Jere as moderator


Prof. Chakrabarty informed that National Digital Library has integrated all their education material from KG to PG and put them together in the portal and any student can get access of that material at any of period of time. 45 millions collection of material which covers Books, Videos, Notes, Simulation, General, Research paper, etc. are categorized in terms of Classes, Teams, User Categories, Classical research, NPTEL Lectures, MI Lectures, etc. All the education Boards provide the text material free of cost. All citizens can access the integrated learning material through mobile app and website. It is a national level platform with currently 25 lakh users. It is an integrated platform and materials are contributed by Khan Academy and others to the National Digital library during the ongoing covid-19 crisis. There is also a filter option where one can filter education board, or types of classes. They also provide material for NET, GATE, UPSC, etc. All the materials are free and there is no need of any IP Address and they can access through the NDL portal itself.

Towards handling the Copy Rights issues they drive the copy right all over the world which also helps to make policies. For those who own material there are no copy right issues while for others they provide the link so that user can directly access with his/her copy rights. If any person using these materials creates a new material, there are rules and norms to be followed. If any person wants to contribute he/she can do so by providing links or content and take patent rights. If a person does not want to share copy rights then they can share at least the abstract. Today they have 20,000+ contributors in National Digital Library. They can share the material in 2 parts. First they can share the Thesis or Reports. Second they can share only the catalog (if they do not want to share the books digitally). Anyone who needs any books/Reports etc. can easily find out about its availability. They share the data with European countries libraries and American library. They are working with UNESCO so that they can provide the facilities to other countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan etc. and are thus cross interlinking worldwide. Currently they are managing in 30-40 languages and 10 Indian languages and others like Spanish, German, etc. are being worked upon. Currently they do not have any support for translation of foreign language and are working on the project.


Students also attended the informative facebook live session by Dr. M.P Poonia, Vice Chairman AICTE on the 10th of April on Personalized and Customized learning for employability skill enhancement and bridging learning gaps. Though this session was more relevant for engineering students our students found the talk interesting.

Overall the sessions were highly motivational, positivity oriented and were a useful and productive learning experience for the students addressing many of their genuine concerns arising out of the ongoing corona crisis that has brought the entire globe to a state of standstill.

One feature common to these talks was the emphasis that learning has to go on come what may and that things will soon be the same as it were before the pandemic onset. The nation’s economy will bounce back, students will find jobs and or create jobs, teachers will continue with their refreshers and impart practical knowledge with the same business as usual spirit to the students. And that all these called for actions on all of us as disciplined responsible citizens in response to the coordinated efforts of the state to counter the present difficult state of 

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Weninar on "Creating New Belief in Changing Times and Crisis.


Management Faculty attended a webinar organized by Ghaziabad Management Association (GMA) on the topic

"Creating New Belief in Changing Times and Crisis on  9th April, 2020 . The resource person of the webinar was  Mr. Girish Bhatia. (founding partner and certified coach teacher and speaker with John Maxwell).In the webinar Mr Bhatia explained that our belief drive and  behaviour and our behaviour drives our result. So if we want to change our result we need to challenge the belief which do not serve us anymore and create a new belief.In this session he also discussed 10 step process to create a new belief so that we can create our result by design and not by default based on our existing beliefs.

The webinar was very motivating and has given a huge insight on our belief and competencies.

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Webinar by Shri Archie Jackson, Sr. Director and Head IT


A Webinars on "VUCA World & Landscape of Emerging Technologies" was organized on-line through Video Conferencing by I.T.S, Ghaziabad today. Shri Archie Jackson,

Sr. Director and Head IT & IS, Incedo was the key Resource Person for this Webinar. In this session Mr. Jackson talk about VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complex, Ambiguous) and need of continuous update and learning of different technologies including AI, Neural Network, Quantum, Computing, 5G, Cyber Security etc. The Webinar was attended by 150 Participants from various places including Chandigarh, Patna, Delhi, Gurgaon, Muzzafarnagar and other places

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Webinar by Shri Upkar Singh, Director (Information Technology) FIS Global


A Webinar on "#Entrepreneurial Attribute & Opportunities" was organized on-line through Video Conferencing by I.T.S, Ghaziabad on 09.04.2020

by Shri Upkar Singh, Director (Information Technology), FIS Global was the key Resource Person for this Webinar. In this session Mr. Singh explained the concept of 10 E's, concept of ACTIVE and their significance in Entrepreneurship. The Webinar was attended by over 125 Participants from various places including Patna, Delhi, Gurgaon, Muzzafarnagar and other places.

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Webinar of Leadership Talk series organized for MBA


Department of Management I.T.S, Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organized a Webinar of Leadership Talk series for MBA (2019-21) Batch by Mr. Avinash Srivastava, Vice President (Business and Strategy) DLF Limited on the topic “India Growth Story: Global perspective” on 9 May, 2020

Mr. Avinash Srivastava has discussed that the world continues to wage its war against COVID-19. As nations sweep down their streets with various forms of restrictions and lockdowns, the stall on the growth of global economy feels more pronounced than ever. He further said that the India has so far managed to keep a relatively flatter infection curve in its battle against the pandemic; it does appear to have a better chance of pulling off with lesser collateral damage.

Mr. Avinash Srivastava conveyed students that the global economic slowdown will mean that first world economies will be looking out for low-cost outsourcing solutions, so India could be the best outsourcing hub. Globally, buyers have already shifted to India to source ceramics, home, fashion, and lifestyle goods. He said that around a thousand foreign manufacturers want to relocate their production to India, a country they see as an alternative to China. 

Mr. Srivastava emphasized that Future, however is difficult to predict, but anticipating where a single seed can be planted to bear a massive fruit-bearing tree is what we need to do. The COVID-19 pandemic will, undoubtedly, continue to keep us all on our toes until a vaccine comes out. But hope is what we have, so it is what we shall use. At the end of the corporate lecture a special vote of thanks was given to him.

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Management faculty members of I.T.S, Ghaziabad attended “Leadership Talk Series”,

organised by Mr. Abhay Jere, Chief Innovation Officer, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India at (  The guest speaker was Mr. Abhishek Suryavanshi, Director, Wikipedia project SWASTHA. Mr Abhishek spoke about his journey to Wikipedia and the goals of “Project SWASTHA”. He explained about the working of Wikipedia and how the process at Wikipedia is undertaken by various stakeholders.

Dr. Sanjeev Tandon and Prof. Yachana Malhotra attended this LIVE session. It was an inspiring learning experience to know Mr. Abhishek’s journey from his graduation and the challenges being experienced by him. 

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Management faculty attended a webinar on "Role of Technology in Tumultuous Times".


Management faculty members of I.T.S Ghaziabad attended a webinar on "Role of Technology in Tumultuous times" on 6th April 2020,

organised by Ghaziabad Management Association (GMA). Dr. Sanjiva Shankar Dubey, Professor at BIMTECH & Former Asia Pacific Executive, IBM shared his thoughts on the topic and interacted with the partcipants from industry and academia.

Dr. V N Bajpai, Dr. Anusha Agrawal, Dr. Satish Kumar, Dr. Nitin Saxena, Dr. Vinay Srivastava, Dr. Manoj Kumar Jha, Prof. Ritu Saxena, Prof. Lokesh Upreti, Prof. Sunil Upadhyay, Prof. Shikha Arora, Dr. Charu Chaudhary, Dr. Surendra Tiwari of I.T.S Ghaziabad attended the webinar.

In his address, Prof. Sanjiva shared that the world has witnessed massive enrichment and exponential growth in business performance through technology & innovation. Session started with a sharing of a three point agenda to deal with this time of disruption: 1. Why should one bother? 2. What should we do? 3. How should we proceed?

He discussed the best practices of remote working. Dr Sanjeeva also demonstrated the use of a few technologies and apps including the Socrative & Google class room to help participants understand how technology makes jobs easier and increases efficiency.

The participants were very keen to get the answers of their queries on the subject from the expert. It was a great learning experience for all the participants.

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Faculty members of I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad attended Zoom Webinar on the topic: “Agra Smart City Combats COVID-19 Using Technology”, Speaker: Mr Arun Prakash, IAS.


Mr. Arun spoke about the steps being taken by Agra Municipal Corporation, Medical Fraternity and Allied Health Care Professionals to combat COVID-19. He spoke about the quarantine facilities being arranged by the UP Government and district administration in an upscale hotel. Information pertaining to Corona Virus and its awareness got spread using whatsapp numbers, social media platforms. The spread of misinformation regarding the virus was strictly tackled. He also spoke about the relief measures being rendered by the CM, Yogi Adityanath. Two Whatsapp numbers: 7300740645 & 7300740647 were shared by the Agra administration to help the labourers and daily earners from various sections of the society. These individuals will have to provide their name, adhaarcard and bank details to facilitate the transfer of Rs 1000 for their food and other necessities. The administration had received 40,000 details of such individuals and 12,000 scrutinized individuals (details) were shared the declared amount in their bank account. Many participants shared their queries through zoom chat box, which were answered by Mr Arun.

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Management faculty attended Webinar on Technology Disruption: Banking During COVID-19


Management Faculty Dr. Garima Srivastav attended the webinar conducted  by Elets Academy on Technology Disruption: Banking During COVID-19 on 6 April 2020 from 2:30-3:30 pm.

The panel of the speaker consisted of Dr. Ravi Gupta-CEO & eDITOR -IN CHIEF Elets Technomedia PVT Ltd., Suresh A Shan-Head innovation future technology Mahindra Finance, KRC Murthy-Head IT Kotak Mahindra Bank, Abhishant Pant-Founder the Fintech Meetup, Prasanna Lohar-head innovation DCB Bank, Anand Aggarwal-Chief Innovation officer Capital Trust Ltd.

The panel discussed the issues like-How to Bank during covid 19,Impact of Pandemic on India's economy,what will happen to the 5 trillion economy goal after the coronavirus pandemic,Challenges and opportunities during pandemic,and the future post pandemic situation.

It was a very insightful discussion with lots of learning and tips.

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Management Faculty attended Webinar on CORPORATE WORKLIFE - THE NEW NORMAL”


Faculty members from the Management Department of I.T.S Mohan Nagar attended a webinar on CORPORATE WORKLIFE – THE NEW NORMAL organised by Ghaziabad Management Association on Sunday, April 5, 2020 from 06:00 PM to 7.00 PM.

Speaker of the session was Mr. Prashant Sharma, Dy. GM, Gas Authority of India Ltd. He talked about the new work life situation emerging from the lockdown owing to the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic that urgently requires businesses to rapidly adjust to the changing needs of their people, their customers and suppliers, while navigating the financial and operational challenges.

He said that with every industry, function and geography greatly impacted, business managers have to work on five R’s, namely, Resolve, Resilience, Return, Reimagine and Reform to sail through these challenging times. Remote working, human surveillance, virtual connect with knowledge partners, flexitime schedules enabled by IT interventions have become the new normal transforming the way businesses are run. This will affect the HR functions like Recruitment, Learning and Development as well as Performance Management System. Business managers will have to design innovative ways to connect with and engage employees, fulfil the changing requirements of customers and vendors and ensure compliances as per the stated guidelines in order to sustain and win in the future.

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Video Conferencing session on "Raising Awareness about Building Strong Immunity through Ayurveda and Yoga during Covid 19 Crisis".



I.T.S Ghaziabad organised a wonderful video conferencing session on "Raising Awareness about Building Strong Immunity through Ayurveda and Yoga during Covid 19 Crisis" by Dr. Yogi Amrit Raj, from Maa Yoga Ashram, Rishikesh for it's faculty members on 5th April, 2020.

During the session Yogi Dr. Amrit Raj demonstrated various yoga techniques to build strong immunity. He talked about the use and importance of many commonly available herbs, spices and vegetables to strengthen our immunity and create positivity around us during the crisis of Covid 19.
It was a very insightful session with lots of learning and tips to make life happier and joyful.   

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Faculty attended Webinar by Dr. CA Girish Ahuja hosted by GMA


Faculty at I.T.S Ghaziabad attended a webinar  by Dr. CA Girish Ahuja hosted by GMA on 3.4.2020 at 6:00 pm

Major points discussed during the session were regarding filling the Income Tax and GST. the points can be summed up as below


- Date for filing Income Tax Return has been extended upto 30.6.2020

- Linking of Aadhar to avail benefits has been extended upto 30.6.2020

- Date of application and payment for VIVAD SE VISHWAS scheme has also been extended  upto 30.6.2020

- Last date for filing STT, CTT, equalization has  been extended  upto 30.6.2020 

- Timelies of taking deductions u/s 80C, 80D, 80E, donations u/s 80G, 80GGP, 80GGC has  been extended  upto 30.6.2020 

- Contribution in PM Care Scheme is subject to 100% deductions, if contributed upto 30.6.2020

-  For SEZ, u/s 10AA, approval for production can be taken upto 30.6.2020

- Rollover benefits for Capital Gains u/s 54, 54 B, 54 E/F/G/GA and GB can be taken up to  30.6.2020

- for SME having production less than 5 cr can fill form GSTR 3B  upto 30.6.2020, without any interest charges

-  for SME having production more than 5 cr  will get extension for 15 days after the due date and after extension period 9% interest will be charged

- benefits of composition scheme can be availed upto 30.6.2020


At the end participants raised questions with the resource person


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Legal Issues arising out of COVID19


Dr. D. K. Pandey & students of MBA-II Semester, Section-D has attended a Webinar on Legal Issues arising out of COVID19 situation with top legal luminaries on Friday, April 3, 2020 from 2:30 pm onwards organised by FICCI.  The webinar was attended by more than 800 participants including law experts, corporates and academicians.  


The event started with a welcome address given by Mr. Dilip Chinoy, Secretary General, FICCI. The session was conducted by Mr. Mohit Saraf, Senior Partner, L&L Partners and assisted by legal experts; Mr. Akshay Nagpal, Mr. Karan Mitroo and Mr. Vaibhav Kakkar.

The main issues discussed during e session were:

1.      Force Majeure and Analysis vis-à-vis COVID-19

2.      Frustration of Contract and Analysis vis-à-vis COVID-19

3.      Regulatory Framework to deal with COVID 19 &

4.      Impact on Commercial Contracts

The session addressed various aspects of the legal and regulatory framework and its impact on businesses in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the speakers discussed the impact and implications of COVID-19 on various aspects such as (a) commercial contracts from the perspective of principles of ‘force majeure’ and ‘frustration’; and (b) implications from the standpoint of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897 (“Epidemic Act”), the Disaster Management Act, 2005 (“DM Act”) and the Civil Defence Act, 1968 (“Defence Act”). Further, the key measures undertaken by the Government, regulatory authorities and the courts in ensuring public safety as well as minimising and preventing the spread of COVID-19 were also discussed. Number of cases were also taken by the experts to have a clear understanding of the issues and way out. Post discussion the question answer round was held to address the various related issues of the participants.

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