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Paper Publications
MBA Faculty Publications- Research Paper, Conference Proceedings,Book Chapter,Book and Patent |
List of Publication in International Journal
- Prof. Chanchal Prabha, published a paper titled”Patient Monitoring System in the context of Artificial Intelligence in ICU”, Bulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life Sciences, April 2022(ISSN 2277-
1808). - Prof. Chanchal Prabha, published a paper titled”A Comparative Analysis of the Impact of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence on Business Management and Economics”, Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal, pp. 1814-1818, October 2021(ISSN 2319-4979).
- Prof. Puja Dhar published a research paper titled “Enhanced Feature Extraction-based CNN Approach for Epileptic Seizure Detection from EEG Signals” in an international journal Journal of Health Engineering (Hindawi) on 16th March 2022.
- P.Dhar “A Study of Big Data Analytics & Tools : Challenges and Disadvantages” International Journal of Innovations &Advancement in Computer science ISSN:2347-8616, August 2017.
- Abhay Ray , Rakesh Roshan “Issues, Challenges and Application of Big Data” International Journal of Computer Application , issue – July 2017, ISBN No. 973-93-80975-09-1.
- Umang, “Wireless Networks Past, Present and Future : A Technical Review” ICSE International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , ISSN : 23472693,30 July 2017.
- P.Dhar “Role of Digitalization in Enhancing Quality Education in India” International Journal of Computer Application (0975-887) ISBN:973-93-80975-09-01, July 2017.
- R.Roshan, A.K.Ray, “Challenges and Risk toImplement IOT in Smart Homes : An Indian Perspective” International Journal of Computer Application (Page No. 16-19) (0975-8887) Volume – 153 No 3, November 2016.
- Umang Singh, Payal Goyal, “Hierarchical based Routing Protocol in WSN”, International Journal of Computer Applications, p.p. no 16-22, ISSN 0975-8887(Online),2016.
- Umang Singh, Bhawna Singh, “Information Retreival in Wireless Sensor Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, p.p. no 11-16, ISSN 0975-8887(Online), 2016.
- Ms.Ayushi, Dr. Umang Singh, “ Study on load Balancing Techniques in Ant colony optimization for cloud computing”, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887 on Next Generation Technologies for E Business, E-Education & E-Society, NGTBES-2016, pp.no 16-27, ISBN:978-81-928380-9-0.
- Dr. Umang, “CloudSim Simulator Used for Load Balancing in Coud Computing”, Interantional Journal Of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume-6 Issue-4, April 2016 (Page no. 246-255).
- Abhay Ray “Study and Analysis of different Testing Techniques for web Application” IJCA Proceedings EPICTIS 2014 with effect from http://www.ijcaonline.org/proceedings/epictis2014/number1/19424-3009, International Journal of Computer Applications,Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA. January 30, 2015. ISBN : 973-93-80885-03-1 (Page No. 15-18).
- Kumar Pal Singh, Gaurav Kumar, Abhay N. Tripathi, “A Comparative Study of Security Protocols of Wireless Networks” published in “IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues” Volume 12, Issue 1, No 2, January 2015, ISSN (Print): 1694-0814 | ISSN (Online): 1694-0784 through National Conference "Emerging Paradigms of Information and Communication Technology & its impact on Society” organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad on 7-8 November, 2014. (Page No. 72-78).
- Vaibhav Bansal, Rabins Porwal, “Mobile Commerce: Applications & Services”, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Consortium (IJMC), vol. 1, Issue 1, Jun 2014, pp. 01-09, ISSN: 2349-073X, published by MRES, Delhi, India.
- Chandramani Sharma , “Adaptive real time motion segmentation technique based on statistical background model” International The Imaging Science Journal UK, Volume- 62 June 2014 DOI 10.1179/1743131X13Y.0000000056. Pg. No 285-302 (http://www.maneyonline.com/doi/abs/10.1179/1743131X13Y.0000000056).
- Jitendra Singh, Rabins Porwal, S. P. Singh, “Performance Measures of Tele-Protection System Based on Networked Microwave Radio Link”, International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), vol. 6, No. 5, Apr. 2014, pp. 21-28, ISSN: 2074-9090 (Print), ISSN: 2074-9104 (Online), DOI: 10.5815/ijcnis.2014.05.03, published by MECS Publisher, Hong Kong.
- K. L. Sarkar, Rabins Porwal, “Voice over IP: Improving Call Admission Control with Modified Voice Codec-A new Approach”, International Journal of Trends in Computer Systems Engineering (IJTICSE), vol. 3, issue 2, Feb. 2014, pp. 153-163, ISSN: 2348-1978 (Online), published by Academic Journals Online, India.
- Rajeev Kumar, Gaurav Kumar “Location Based UML Development – A UML Based Modeling for usage of location based services” International Journal of Computer Engineering & Technolgoy (IJCET), ISSN 0976-6367 (Print) ISSN 0976-6375 (Online) Oct. 2013.
- Vaibhav Bansal, Rabins Porwal, “Knowledge Patterns from Knowledge Mining”, International Journal of Research and Development in Technology & Management Sciences (IJRDTM)-Kailash, vol. 20, Issue 06, Jun 2013, pp. 01-05, ISBN No. 978-1-62840-997-0, published by MRES, Delhi, India.
- S. Saxena, C M Sharma “ A context - aware Approach for detecting skin colored pixels in image” International Journal for Computer Science Vol-71, No-17 June 2013.
- Umang Singh Deepali Jain, Ashish Payal “ Sensor Nodes Based Group Mobility Model (SN-GM) for MANET, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 4, Issue 6, June-2013 823 ISSN 2229-5518.
- Rajeev Kumar and Harsh Dev, “Efficiency Related Parameters in GPS based Vehicle Tracking System working for an Organization”, International Journal of Computer Applications 68(19):31-35. Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, April 2013. Volume- 68,Pg. No 0975-8887. http://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume68/number19/11690-7393.
- Vijender Kumar Solanki, Kumar Pal Singh and M Venkatesan. “ Firewalls Best Practices in an Organization” in IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on Communication Technologies & its impact on Next Generation Computing 2012 CTNGC 9-11, November 2012. Published byFoundation of Computer Science, New York, USA(http://www.ijcaonline.org/proceedings/ctngc/number3/9063-1025).
- S. Saxena, C M Sharma “ Machine learning based approach for human trait Identification from Blog Data “International Journal for computer application, Vol 48 No—10 June -2012 (pp 0975-888).
- Vineet Kansal “An Analysis of Mobile Transaction Methods and Limitations in execution of M Commernce Transaction” in International Journal of Computer Application, Vol. 43, Iss. 21, pp.14-19, ISSN 975-0887, April 2012.
- Umang “Analytical Study of Existing Methodologies of IDS for False Alarm Rate -A Survey and Taxonomy”, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Vol. 2, Iss. 4, pp. 393-399, ISSN 2250-2459, April 2012.
- Dr. Vineet Kansal “An Analysis of Mobile Transaction methods and Limitations in execution of M-Commerce Transaction” in International Journal of Computer application ( 975-8887) Vol.43, No.21 April 2012.
- A.Agrawal & R. A. Khan, “Role of Coupling in Vulnerability Propagation-Object Oriented Design Perspective”, Software Engineering: An International Journal (SEIJ), vol. 2, no.1 March 2012, pp. 60-68.
- C.Sharma, R Roshan, R.Porwal “ Intelligent Video Object Classification scheme using offline Feature Extraction and Machine Learning based Approach”, International Journal of Computer Science Issue, Vol.9, Iss. 1, No. 3,pp. 247-256, ISSN (Online) 1694-0814, January 2012.
- P.Dhar, “Cloud Computing and its Applications in the world of Networking” in IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1 No 2,pp. 430-433, ISSN (Online) 1694-0814, January 2012.
- P.Dhar, “A Detailed look of Audio Steganography Techniques using LSB and Genetic Algorithm Approach” in IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science issues, Vol. 9, Iss. 1 No 2, pp. 402-406, ISSN (Online) 1694-0814, January 2012.
- Umang, Shruti Goyal, “Incorporation of IDS in real world applications”, Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, Vol. 3 , Iss.1, pp. 15-20, ISSN-2079-8047, EISSN: 22186301 January 2012.
- P.Dhar, “Cloud Computing and its Applications in the world of Networking” in IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science issues, Vol. 9, Issue 1 No 2,pp. 430-433, ISSN (Online) 1694-0814, January 2012.
- P.Dhar, “A Detailed look of Audio Steganography Techniques using LSB and Genetic Algorithm Approach” in IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science issues, Vol. 9, Iss. 1 No 2, pp. 402-406, ISSN (Online) 1694-0814, January 2012.
- Umang, Shruti Goyal, “Incorporation of IDS in real world applications”, Journal of Computing and Information Sciences, Vol. 3 , Iss.1, pp. 15-20, ISSN-2079-8047, EISSN: 22186301 January 2012.
- C.Sharma, R Roshan, R.Porwal “ Intellegent Video Object Classification scheme using offline Feature Extraction and Machine Learning based Approach”, International Journal of Computer Science Issue, Vol.9, Iss. 1, No. 3,pp. 247-256, ISSN (Online) 1694-0814, January 2012.
- Dr. Rabins Porwal, “Working Capabilities of A.T.M with parallels redundant central computer” International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Information Security, Vol-2 No 11,pp. 16-26, Nov-2011.
- Umang, “Secure Routing Protocols In Mobile Adhoc Networks-A Survey And Taxonomy”, International Journal of Reviews in wireless computing, Vol. 7, Iss. 2, pp. 9-17, ISSN 2076-3328, September 2011.
- Ashish Seth, “Designing a SOA Based Model” ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes Page 1 Volume 36 Number 5, September 2011.
- Seth A. Singhla. A.R. & Aggarwal H, (2011, Spring), Evolution of Technology through Procedural, Object Oriented, Component Based to Service Oriented. The Journal for Computing Teachers.
- Vidushi Sharma, Nancy Sharma, “Challenges of Dynamic Load Balancing of Association Rule Mining Algorithms in Distributed Computing Platform”, IFRSA International Journal of Data Warehousing & Mining, pp. no.75-78, Vol 1 Iss. 1, Aug-2011.
- Dinkar,S.K. and Purwar, R.K., “Time Aware Incremental Page Ranking Based on Personalized Link Structure Analysis”. International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science (IJRRCS), Vol.2 Iss. 2, pp 383 – 388, ISSN: 2079-2557, published by Science Academy, UK, indexed in Ulrich, Cabell’s Directory, Google Scholar, Journal Seek, EBSCO, Open J-Gate, Computers and Applied Sciences Complete, ProQuest Technology, INSPEC, Scientific Commons, April, 2011.
- Umang, Reddy B.V.R and Hoda M.N., “Study of Mobile Management Schemes in Mobile Adhoc Networks”, International Journal of Computer Applications, March 2011, Vol. 17, Iss. 7, pp. 42-47, ISSN-0975-8887, DOI: 10.5120/2236-2605.
- Ashish Seth. “SOA Evolution – A Review” In International Journal of Engineering Sciences, Vol 1, ISSN: 2229-6913, March 2011.
- Porwal Rabins, “A Survey in sensor’s Drift counteraction using Dynamic Pattern Recognition System”, Vol. 3 No. 1, pp. no 127-132, ISSN :975-3397, Jan 2011.
- Pandey, SK, Singh G.P., Kansal V, “Study of Object Oriented Analysis & Design Approach’, Journal of Computer Science, Vol 7 Iss. 2, pp. 143-147, Indexed in NY, USA and indexed in Ulrich, DOAJ, Cabell, WAD, ASA, IET-ISI Scient6ific, Genamics, EBSCO, Thomson Gale, ProQuest, SCOPUS, ISSN 1549-3636, Jan 2011.
- Umang S., Reddy, B. V. R., Hoda M. N. "Enhanced Intrusion Detection System for malicious node detection in ad hoc routing protocol using minimal energy consumption", Communications IEE, Vol. 4, Iss. 17, pp. 2084-2094, ISSN- 1751-8628, DOI: 10.1049/iet-com.2009.0616, Nov 2010.
- Ashish Seth., “Minimum Spanning Tree-Based Approach for Reliability Estimation of COTS-Based Software Applications” IUP Journal of Computer Science, Vol 4. Iss. 4, pp.13-21, October 2010.
- Seth A. Singhla. A.R. & Aggarwal H, (2011, Spring), Aspects of Service Oriented Computing. The Journal for Computing Teachers.
- Pandey, SK, Singh G.P., Kansal V., “An Alternative approach to Temporary Memory Management in Database using Object Oriented Systems”, International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security, Vol.10 Iss. 10, pp. 158-165, ISSN 1738-7906, Seoul, Korea indexed in Copernicus, Ulrich, Getcited, Open J-gate, Journal Seek, SCRIBD, Google Scholar, October, 2010.
- A.Agrawal & R. A. Khan, “Securing Vulnerable Software: A Checklist Approach”, The Journal of Computing (TJC), Vol.1 Iss. 2, pp. 33-45, June 2010.
- A.Agrawal & R.A.Khan, “An Algorithm to Measure Attribute Vulnerability Ratio of an Object Oriented Design” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol.2, Iss.3, pp. 61-63, November 2009.
- A.Agrawal & R.A.Khan, “A Framework to Detect and Analyze Software Vulnerabilities -Development Phase Perspective” International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol. 2, Iss. 2, pp. 82-84, November 2009.
- A.Agrawal & R.A.Khan, “Measuring the Vulnerability of an Object Oriented Design”, Network Security, Elsevier, Vol. 2009 Iss.10, pp. 13-17, October 2009.
- A.Agrawal & R. A. Khan, “Impact of Inheritance on Vulnerability Propagation at Design Phase”, ACM SIGESOFT Software Engineering Notes, Vol 34, Iss. 4, pp. 1-5, July 2009.
List of Publication in National Journal
- Kumar Rajeev, Dr. Vanshraj Uphadhay, published a paper with title “A comparison of the performance of vehicle tracking system depending on location based services”, in IEBRJ bi- annual journal published by IMS Lucknow in April issue 2014, Volume -1, No-1.
- S.K. & Singh G.P. Study of Significant of Object of object –oriented Paraligm in Modeling in national journal” computing Trends, Vol.1, ISSN:22309152, January 2011.
- Dinkar, S.K. and Verma, P., ”Knowledge Discovery in Database: Data mining” in the IILM Journal of Science, Technology & Management(CHINTAN), Vol. 2 Iss.1, pp 36-42, March 2009.
- A.Agrawal, R. A. Khan & S. Chandra, “Software Security Process-Development Life Cycle Perspective”, CSI communications, India, vol. 32, no.5, pp. 39-42, August 2008.
- Dhar, P., “OOUPS…! How many germs Live on your desk?” in the journal Spark. [Online].http://www.indiabschools.com/sparkjournal_sys1.html, July, 2008.
- Dhar ,P., “Security Issues for SHE (Smart Home Environment )” in the jounal Spark. [Online].http://www.indiabschools.com/sparkjournal_sys2.html, March, 2008.
- Pandey, S. K., “Study of status and Legal Framework of cyber crimes-An Indian Prespective” in the Business Journal from FORE, India, Vol. 24 Issue 3, pp. 20-29, ISSN 0970-2385, December, 2007.
- Dhar, P., “Use of Technology in newspaper printing with special reference to TOI” in the journal Spark[Online]. http://www.indiabschools.com/sparkjournal_sys3.html , April 2007.
- Pandey, S. K., “Context-Aware Computing: Augmentation of Mobile devices with Awareness of their Context” in the Apeejay Journal of Management and Technology, Jalandhar, India, Vol. 3, Iss.1 pp 85-93, January, 2007.
- Pandey, S. K., “Information and communication Technology A catalyst for future roadmap of India” in the Journal Business Transaction The road ahead, pp 133-141, INMANTEC publishing House, July, 2006.
- Pandey, S. K., “Grid Computing: Enabler of Clustering of Distributed Resources” in the IIIM Journal of Management and IT (OORJA), Jaipur, India, issue 2, Vol. 4, pp 55-63, May-August 2006.
- Pandey, S. K., “Data Mining: Application of Clustering and parallelism” in the Journal of Rajarshi School of Management & Technology, India, issue 2, Vol. 2, pp 60-74, ISSN 0972-1398, June, 2005
- Pandey, S. K., “The Saga of E-Commerce & Reforms” in the ITS Journal of IT and Management (SYNERGY), Ghaziabad, India, issue 2, Vol. 1, pp 79-85, March 2003.
List of Publication in International Conferences/Seminars
- Prof. K. P. Singh Published a Research Paper titled "Security Attacks Prediction Model for Cloud Computing" in IEEE Xplore through International Conference ICI-2022 organized by JIIT, Noida on 15th April 2022.
- Prof. Varun Arora published a research paper titled “A Comprehensive Review on Multimodal Feature Selection through Nature-Inspired Algorithms” in International Conference at Galgotiya University on 24th December, 2022.
- Prof. Abhay Kumar Ray participated and presented a paper titled “Security and Privacy preservation in Smart Home ” in( Dr. Paarivendhar Research Colloquium )DPRC- 2022 held on 24 to 26 March 2022 at SRM –IST Kattankulathur Tamil Nadu India.
- Prof. Puja Dhar Presented Paper titled Detection of Epileptic Seizure Using a Combination of Discrete Wavelet Transform and Power Spectral Density in International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communication (ICICC-2022) by University of Delhi on 19th February, 2022.
- Prof. Puja Dhar published a paper titled “Brain-Related Diseases and Role of Electroencephalography (EEG) in Diagnosing Brain Disorder” in 5th International Conference on ICT for Sustainable Development, Proceeding Published by Springer held in Goa, India, on 23–24 July 2020.
- Prof. Abhay Kumar Ray published a paper titled “IoT based Smart home: Security Aspects and security architecture” IEEE International conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies (CSNT-2020) during 10-April -2020 to 12 April 2020 organized by Machine Intelligence Research (MIR) Labs Society, Gwalior
- Vidushi Singh, V.Arora “ Future of Secure Financial Transactions : Bitcoins” International Conference on Changing Global Economic Scenario – Strategies for Business Sustanability 11th November 2017 organized by Jaipuria Business School Ghaziabad.
- Umang,Anupriya “IOT in the Backdrop of Developing Smart Cities Challenges and the Road Ahead:An Indian Perspective Proceeding of 2nd International Symposium, 28 Feb – 01 March 2017.
- Kumar Pal Singh, Gaurav Kumar, Abhay N Tripathi “Information Integrity Preserving Approaches in Wireless Networks” published in proceeding IEEE International Symposium on "Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages (IoT-SIU 2017)" organized at FET, MJPRU, Bareilly, UP, India on 28 Feb-01 March 2017.
- Abhay Ray , Rakesh Roshan “Issues, Challenges and Application of Big Data” International Conference ICCSMS-2016” international Conference on “Computer Systems & Mathematical Science” date 18-19 November 2016, pp. no. 124-128, ISBN No. 978-81-928555-0-9.
- Puja Dhar “Role of Digitization in Enhancing Quality Education in India” International Conference ICCSMS-2016” international Conference on “Computer Systems & Mathematical Science” date 18-19 November 2016, pp. no. 129-134,ISBN No. 978-81-928555-0-9.
- Parul Choudhary, Umang S, “ A Literature Review on Vehicular Adhoc Network for Intelligent Transport”, IEEE International Conference on Computing for sustainable global development, INDIACom-2015, pp. no. 2194-2197, 978-9-3805-4416-8/15/$31.00_c © 2015 IEEE.
- Anu Kiran Jain, Umang S, Hoda M N, “Conceptual Understanding of Cognitive Radio Adhoc Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Computing for sustainable global development,INDIACom-2015, pp. no. 2194-2197, 978-9-3805-4416-8/15/$31.00_c © 2015 IEEE.
- Jaspal S.S., Umang S, Hoda M N, “Evolution of routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Computing for sustainable global development, INDIACom-2015, pp. no. 2190-2193, 978-9-3805-4416-8/15/$31.00_c © 2015 IEEE.
- Umang, B.V.R Reddy, M.N. Hoda, “MNI-AODV, Malicious Node Isolation in AODV Routing Protocol”, IEEE International Conference on Computing for sustainable global development, 2014, pp. no. 719-723,978-93-80544-10-6, DOI://10.1109/IndiaCom.2014.6828056.
- Chandramani Sharma, Harish Kumar, “Architectural Framework for implementing Visual Surveillance as a Service” Proceedings of IEEE International Conference IndiaCom, April – 2014 Pg. No- 296301. 978-93-80544-12-0/14/$31.00_c 2014 IEEE.
- Vijender Kumar Solanki, Kumar Pal Singh, M.Venkatesan, Sudhanshu Raghuvanshi “Securing Networks Using Situation-Based Firewall Policy Computations” published in Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-81-322-1665-0_105, pp: 1029-1035, ISBN : 978-81-322-1665-0 in March-2014 through International Conference “Advanced Computing, Networking, and Informatics” conducted by NIT Rourkela.
- Rajeev Kumar, “Availability and Handling of Data received from GPS Device: In tracking a Vehicle ,” has been accepted for Oral Presentation in International Advance Computing Conference going to be held in ITM Gurgaun Haryana with IEEE sponsorship and paper will be published in IEEE Xplore, 22-23th Feb- 2014, ISBN 978-1-4799-2571-1, DOI 10.1109/IAdCC.2014.6779328.
- Harsh Dev, Rajeev Kumar, “Optimization Model for Efficiency Parameters of Location Based Services,” has been accepted for Oral Presentation in International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent Computing Techniques going to be held in KIET Ghaziabad and will be published in IEEE Xplore, 7-8th Feb- 2014., DOI 10.1109/ICICICT.6781287, INSPEC NO.14211019, Pg No.244-247.
- Vijender Kumar Solanki, Kumar Pal Singh “Firewalls Policies Enhancement Strategies Towards Securing Network” Proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Information Communication Technology (ICT-2013) 978-1-4673-5758-6/13.
- Sharma Charamani, “Automatic Human Activity Recognition in Video using Background Modleling and Spatio-temporal Template Matching Based Technique”, ACM International Conference ACAI 2011, Chitkara University, Patiala Punjab, pp 97-101, ACM 978-4503-0635-5/11.10, 2011.
- A. Seth. “Data warehousing framework for Telecom Revenue Assurance” in International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Networking, Intelligence and computing Technologies (ICNICT 2011) Sep. 2011.
- A. Agrawal & R.A.Khan, “A Framework for Vulnerability Minimization- Object Oriented Design Perspective”, 2nd International Conference on Computer and Communication Technology, ICCCT, 15-17 Sep 2011, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 499-504.
- A.Agrawal & R.A.Khan, “Assessing and Improving Encapsulation for Minimizing Vulnerability of an Object Oriented Design”, Communication in Computer and Information Science, Springer-Verlag, vol. 250, no. 2, pp. 531-533, 2011.
- Umang, B. V. R. Reddy, M. N. Hoda, GNDA: Detecting Good Neighbor nodes in adhoc routing protocol, IEEE Second International Conference on Emerging Applications of Information Technology, 978-0-7695-1/11 $26.00© 2011 IEEE.DOI 10.1109/EAIT.2011.62.
- Roshan, R, “Weak Passwords Practices and their Impact on the Security Systems of Universities in India: Analysis and Policy” in proceeding of International Conference of Computer Application (ICCA 2010)”, organized by TFRDC, Pondicherry, Research Publishing. pp 217-221, ISBN 978-981-08-7303-5, 24-27, December 2010.
- Dhar, P. and Pandita, S. “The Role of Artificial Neural Networks in recognizing handwritten characters” In Sovenir of International Conference on “Innovative Practices in Management and information Technology for Excellence (SRIJAN’2010)”, organized by Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management & Technology, Jagadhri, Excel India Publishers, pp 136, May, 2010.
- Kumar, R., “Geographical Information System to Identify Related and Required Dynamic Information of an Object” in the International Conference organized by Jaipuria Institute, Ghaziabad, India, issue 1, vol. 4, pp 319-329, ISBN 978-81-313-0850-9, February, 2010.
- Dinkar S.K., “Server Based Antiphising” published in International Conference “Quality, Reliability and Infocom Technology”, Vol. 2, pp 142, ISSN 0972-3392, December, 2009.
- Nancy Sharma, Business Intelligence in Health Care Challenges & Solutions, international Conference on IT & Business Intelligence (ITBI 2009), pp. no 23-27, 6th-8th Nov.2009 at Institute of Management Technology, Nagpur, 2009.
- Porwal, R., Shukla, M., Awasthi, A., Moghey, A. and Pandey, P., “Modeling a Single Level Neuron”, in Proceedings of the International Conference on “Innovative Technologies, ICIT-09”, organized by PDM College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh, Haryana, India, in collaboration with IEEE-IMS/ EMBS (Delhi), pp 309-310, June 2009.
- A.Agrawal, S. Chandra & R. A. Khan, “An Efficient Measurement of Object Oriented Design Vulnerability”, The International Dependability Conference, ARES, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 618- 623, 16-19 March 2009.
- Bisht, S., “A Comparative study of aspect oriented testing approaches” published in the proceedings of International conference “Innovation in redefining Business Horizons” at IMT, Ghaziabad, India, pp 587-592, ISBN 023-063-716-7, December, 2008.
- Pandey, S. K., “Architectural Study and Comparison of Data Warehouse Technologies” in the proceedings of International conference ICDM organized by IMT, Ghaziabad, India, pp 418-426, February, 2008.
- Umang, and Hoda, M. N. “A Study of Adhoc Wireless Network Routing based on Various AODV Routing Schemes”, International Conference on “Information and Communication Technolgy”, organized by DIT, Dehradun in association with Uttarakhand State Council for Science & Technology, Bharat Sanchar Nigam and Institute of Engineers India((IE(I)), pp 873-876, July, 2007.
- Umang, ”Emerging Wireless Technologies in Growth & Development of Rural Areas”, 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary approach in Physical sciences, organized by IAPS, Allahabad, India, pp 45, December, 2005.
- Pandey, S. K., “Analytical Study of Data Mining Algorithm”, International conference on Interdisciplinary approach in physical Sciences, organized by IAPS, Allahabad, India, pp 37-38, December, 2005.
List of Publication in National Conferences /Seminars
- S. Saxena, C. Sharma “Unified Security Framework for web hosting as a service” Name: National Conference on Next Generation technologies for e-business, e-education & e-society, 5 March 2016 ISBN: 978-81-928380-9-0 (Page num: 192-198).
- Kumar Pal Singh, Gaurav Kumar, Abhay N Tripathi, “Analytical Study of Different Generations of Wireless Networks” published in National Conference on “Next Generation Technologies for e-Business, e-Education & e-Society (NGTBES-2016)” on 5 March, 2016 at I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
- Geetanjali Singh, Umang, “Optimization Techniques for Energy Consumption in Sensor Networks- Survey”10th National Conference on Emerging Paradigms of Information & Communication Technology & its impact on Society on 07-08, November, 2014 organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad. ISBN No. 97881928380-4-5, Pg No. 56-64.
- Anu Kiran Jain, Umang, M N Hoda, “Exigency of Cognitive Radio Networks”, 10th National Conference on Emerging Paradigms of Information & Communication Technology & its impact on Society on 07-08, November, 2014 organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad. ISBN No. 97881928380-4-5, Pg No. 103-107.
- Puja Dhar “Knowledge Mangement Supoort using Web for Collection of Documents” in Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Innovation in computer Science & Emerging Technologies (ICSET-2015).
- S. Saxena, V.Arora “A Comprehensive Survey on Personality of Authors on Blog Data” ISBN No. 97881928380-4-5, Pg No. 128-130, National Conference “ EPICTIS-2014.
- Rabins Porwal, Syed Imtiyaz Hassan, “A Brief Survey on Generating Test Data for Data Flow Testing using Genetic Algorithms”, in Proceedings of 10th National Conference on Emerging Paradigms of Information & Communication Technologies & its Impact on Society (EPICTIS-2014) bearing unique ISBN: 978-81-928380-4-5; organized by/ at Institute of Technology & Science (ITS), Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP), India, in association with CSI-Ghaziabad Chapter, CSI Division-I & III, CSI Region-I and technically sponsored by IJCA, NY(USA), IJCSI (Mauritius); pp 163-166, Nov. 07-08, 2014.
- Amit Aggarwal, Rabins Porwal, “An In-depth Study of Mobile Application Testing in Reference to Real Time Scenario”, inProceedings of 10th National Conference on Emerging Paradigms of Information & Communication Technologies & its Impact on Society (EPICTIS-2014) bearing unique ISBN: 978-81-928380-4-5; organized by/ at Institute of Technology & Science (ITS), Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP), India, in association with CSI-Ghaziabad Chapter, CSI Division-I & III, CSI Region-I and technically sponsored by IJCA, NY(USA), IJCSI (Mauritius); pp 150-157, Nov. 07-08, 2014.
- Avneesh Vashistha, Rabins Porwal, A. K. Soni, “A Taxonomy of Scheduling Algorithms for Cloud Computing”, in Proceedings of 10th National Conference on Emerging Paradigms of Information & Communication Technologies & its Impact on Society (EPICTIS-2014) bearing unique ISBN: 978-81-928380-4-5; organized by/ at Institute of Technology & Science (ITS), Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad (UP), India, in association with CSI-Ghaziabad Chapter, CSI Division-I & III, CSI Region-I and technically sponsored by IJCA, NY(USA), IJCSI (Mauritius); pp 132-135, Nov. 07-08, 2014.
- R. Kumar “A study of Movement and speed of Vehicle byt Using Vehicle Tracking System Depending upon Location Based Services” ISBN No. 97881928340-4-5, Pg No. 157-161, National Conference “ EPICTIS-2014.
- K.P. Singh, G. Midha, A.N Tripathi “ A Comparative study of security Protocols of Wireless Networks” ISBN No. 97881928340-4-5, Pg No. 135-140, National Conference “ EPICTIS-2014”.
- Rajeev Kumar, Dr Harish Kumar “Real Tracking Scenarios through Vehicle Tracking System Based On Location Based Services”, IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on Advancement in Computing Technologies and Applications SACTA, 87-92,, Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, April 2014. Pg no- 251-255. ISBN-978-81-928-3802-1.
- Rajeev Kumar, Harsh Dev, “PhD Showcase: Performance Evaluation and modelling of Location based Services in facilitating logistics by Using GPS/GIS through Hand Held Devices”, IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on Advancement in Computing Technologies and Applications ACTA, 29-32,, Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, April 2014.pg no- 291-296, ISBN-978-81-928-3802-1.
- Puja Dhar, Dr.Sarjue Pandita “A Glance into various government and non-government Projects using ICT in development of Rural India” Proceeding of 9th IT National Conference SACTA- 2014, pg. No. 232-234, ISBN No.978-81-928-3802-1.
- K.P. Singh Harish Kumar, Abay N Tripathi “Threats and preventive approaches for Information Integrity in Wireless Networks” Proceeding of 9th IT National Conference SACTA- 2014, pg. No. 380-38, ISBN No.978-81-928-3802-1.
- Chandramani Sharma, Harish Kumar “Creation of Video Mosaics from Low Resolution CCTV Footage” Proceeding of 9th IT National Conference SACTA- 2014, pg. No. 297-300, ISBN No.978-81-928-3802-1.
- Chandramani Sharma, Harish Kumar “Smarter Visual Approach for object segmentation and motion Analysis” Proceeding of 9th IT National Conference SACTA- 2014, pg. No. 301-303, ISBN No.978-81-928-3802-1.
- Harsh Dev, Rajeev Kumar, “Optimization approach for Convergence Aspect of Wireless Communication, Positioning Techniques and Spatial Databases in Facilitating Logistics Industry, IJCA Proceedings on National Conference on Next generation Computing Technologies and Applications NGCTA, 29-32,International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA, November 2013.
- Chandra Mani Sharma, Rabins Porwal, Deepika Sharma, “An Approach to Deformable Object tracking in Video”,in special edition of IJCA Proceedings on 08th National Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies & Applications (NGCTA-2013), Nov. 2013, pp. 12-16, ISSN (Online): 0975-8887, published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
- Chandra Mani Sharma, Rabins Porwal, Deepika Sharma, “Testing Object-Oriented Software: Issues, State-of-the-art and Future”, in special edition of IJCA Proceedings on 08th National Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies & Applications (NGCTA-2013), Nov. 2013, pp. 25-28, ISSN (Online): 0975-8887, published by Foundation of Computer Science, New York, USA.
- K.P. Singh, Gaurav Kumar, A.N. Tripathi “Analytical study of security Threats of Wireless Networks” published in Proceeding of 8th National Conference NGCTA, Oct-2013, International Journal of Computer Application ( 0975-8887).
- Vijendr Kumar Solanki, Kumar Pal Singh, M.Venkatesan , S.Tamilselvan "A Holistic Approach to Secure Networks Unsing Firewall" has been published in National Conference on "Frontiers of Applied Science and Computer Technology", FACT-2012 (http://www.ijesacbt.org/fact2012/) dated 6-7th Dec 2012 at NIT Trichy. (Conference Proceeding, Vol-1, pp 48-56).
- Umang, Securing AODV: A Survey in the 6th National Conference on Advancements In Computational Techniques & Applications (ACTA-2011), at I.T.S Management & IT Institute Ghaziabad, pp. no 134-137, ISBN: 978-93-815830-6-7, October 2011.
- Nancy Kansal, Identifing Capabilities of Data Mining in providing the Quality Technical Education in The Proceeding of 5th National Conference on “ Computing for National Development (INDIACom 2011)” at Bharati Vidya Peeth’s Institute of Computer Applications and Management New Delhi, March 10-11, 2011.
- Nancy Kansal, Role of ICT in India: Rural Areas and Health Care in National Conference on “Impact of Information Technology on Society” at I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad.
- C. Sharma. “An Automatic Machine Learning and Particle Fitering Based Approach to Real Time Human Tracking in Videos” National Conference on Signal Processing and Real Time operating system (SPRTO, 2011), pp 290-295, HBTI Kanpur, March 26-27, 2011.
- Khanna.A, Siddiqui.Z, “Domain Driven Data Mining” published in the proceedings of the 5th National Conference on “Computing for Nation Development”, organized by BVICAM, New Delhi, pp 1 – 5, ISBN 978-93-80544-00-7, March, 2011.
- Kumar M , “ERP Issues & Challenges in Successful Implementation” published in the proceedings of National Conference “Emerging Technology in Computer Science(ETCS-2009)”, organized by MIET Meerut, 213-516, -ISBN 977-91-96549-59-18&19, Sept, 2009.
- Roshan R., “Data Warehousing and Data Marts: Development in Pattern of Data Mart with Feedback or without Feedback” published in “NGTIM-2009”, organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, pp 331-338, ISBN 978-81-89547-69-1, November, 2009.
- Bisht, S., “AOP vs OOP" published in the proceedings of National Conference “NGTIM-2009”, organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, pp 287-290, ISBN 978-81-89547-69-1, November, 2009.
- Saurabh Saxena. “Security Based Cryptographic Schemes for Password based Protocols” in National Conference on Recent Trends in Network Security and Cryptography, PES Institute, pp. 172-176, Octorber 2009.
- Roshan, R., “It is a tool to capture the essence of Human Thinking and communication and make decisions” published in the proceedings of National Seminar “Information Security: Emerging Threats and innovations in the 21st Century”, organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, pp 251-259, ISBN 978-81-89547-55-4, April, 2009.
- Ray, A. , “Server Side Scripting (State Management)” published in the proceedings of National Seminar “Information Security: Emerging Threats and innovations in the 21st Century”, organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, pp 231-237, ISBN 978-81-89547-55-4, April, 2009.
- Kumar M , “Ajax: An Introduction to Web applications for future Modeling” published in the proceedings of National Seminar “Information Security: Emerging Threats and innovations in the 21st Century”, organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, pp 209-216, ISBN 978-81-89547-55-4, April, 2009.
- Porwal, R., Kapoor, S., Singh, L., and Gupta, A., “A Case Study in Testing a JAVA Class”, in Proceedings of the National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Software & Networking Technologies, ETSNT’09”, organized by Amity Institute of Information Technology, Amity University, Noida, India, pp 175-177, April, 2009.
- Kumar R., “Security attacks and security policy in WLAN” published in the proceedings of National Seminar “Information Security: Emerging Threats and innovations in the 21st Century”, organized by I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, pp 163-175, ISBN 978-81-89547-55-4, April, 2009.
- Saurabh Saxena “ Multidimensional Database for Book sales Data warehouse” in National Confrence on Advance Conputing & Communication Technology, ABES Ghaziabad pp E22-E25, 6-7 February 2009.
- Kumar, P., Gupta, G., and Umang, “Aspect oriented Programming with Eclipse AspectJ Development Tool (AJDT)”, 3rd National Conference on “Computing For Nation Development”, organized by IETE Delhi Chapter, CSI Delhi Chapter and BVICAM New Delhi, India, INDIACOM-2009, pp 319-322, ISSN:0973-7529 and ISBN 978-81-904526-0-3, January, 2009.
- Singh, K.P., Solanki, V. K., “Implementation of Client Server Architecture using Mobile Agents” published in the proceedings of National Conference “Next Generation Computing Technologies-2008” at ITS, Ghaziabad, India, pp 33-45, ISBN 978-81-89547-48-6, October, 2008.
- Juneja, N., “Load Balancing technique for SMP machine as an improvement in Linux Scheduler” published in the proceedings of National Conference “Next Generation Computing Technologies-2008” at ITS, Ghaziabad, India, pp 163-169, ISBN 978-81-89547-48-6, October 2008.
- Srivastava, S., “Techniques of High Dimensional Data Reduction” published in the proceedings of National Conference “Next Generation Computing Technologies-2008” at ITS, Ghaziabad, India, pp 259-266, ISBN 978-81-89547-48-6, October, 2008.
- Bisht, S., “A study on Benefits of Multi-core processors” published in the proceedings of National Conference “Next Generation Computing Technologies-2008” at ITS, Ghaziabad, India, pp 92-99, ISBN 978-81-89547-48-6, October, 2008.
- Kumar, G., Tiwari, R., Gupta, S. and Srivastava, A., “Modeling Business Process and IT Infrastructure” published in the proceedings of National Conference “Next Generation Computing Technologies-2008” at ITS, Ghaziabad, India, pp 211-216, ISBN 978-81-89547-48-6, October, 2008.
- Umang, Kumar, R. and Reddy, B.V.R. “Watchdog and Pathrater as a mechanism to make network more secure”, National Conference On “Issues and challenges in Internet and Mobile Computing” organized by IMR, Ghaziabd, India, pp 84-90, March, 2008.
- Umang, Abdulahad, F.M. and Rai, C.S. “Comparison between Proactive and Reactive Routing Protocols”, National Conference On “Issues and challenges in Internet and Mobile Computing” organized by IMR, Ghaziabad
Book Published
A Bookd titled 6G Connectivity-Systems, Technologies, and Applications Digitalization of New Technologies, 6G and Evolution edited by Prof. Sunil Kr. Pandey, I.T.S Ghaziabad and 03 other Co-authors from India and Denmark has been published by River Publishers, Denmar and Taylor & Francis ,UK with Print ISBN No.: 9788770228350 and e-ISBN No.: 9788770228701. This Books has been included in IEEE Xplore (https:// ieeexplore .ieee.org/book/10440194)
Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey (Director-IT & UG) edited Book titled “Innovations in Information and Communication Technologies” (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66218-9)has been published in 2021 by SPRINGER NATURE, Switzerland AG - a globally renowned 180 Years old publishing house with ISBN 978-3-030-66217-2 (Hard Copy) and 978-3-030-66218-9 (e-Book) in both Electronic and Print formats
- D. K. Lobiyal,Dr. Vibhakar Mansotra, Dr. Umang Singh, “Next Generation Networks”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, ISSN 2194-5365 (electronic), ISBN 978-981-10-6005-2 (eBook), Published by Springer, Imprint Springer Nature Singapore (2K Downloads done as on date 19.12.2017)
Book Chapter
- Prof. Sunil Kr. Pandey Prof. Abhay Kr. Ray, Prof. Smita Kansal, Prof. Varun Arora written & published a Book Chapter titled Role of 6G, IoT with Integration of AI and ML to Establish Security in Agriculture in the Book 6G Connectivity-Systems, Technologies, and Applications Digitalization of New Technologies, 6G and Evolution published by River Publishers, Denmark with ISBN No.: 9788770228350, e-ISBN No.: 9788770228701.
- Prof. Sunil Kr. Pandey, Prof. Kumar Pal Singh, Prof. Puja Dhar, Prof. Saurabh Saxena, Prof. Kumar Vaibhav Bhatnagar written & published a Book Chapter titled "Chapter titled: “Green Computing: Importance, Approaches, and Practices” in the Book 6G Connectivity-Systems, Technologies, and Applications Digitalization of New Technologies, 6G and Evolution published by River Publishers, Denmark with ISBN No.: 9788770228350, e-ISBN No.: 9788770228701.
- Prof. Sunil Kr. Pandey (Director-IT & UG) published a Book Chapter titled "IoT and Healthcare: Study of Conceptual Framework and Applications ” in a Book, "The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) and Telemedicine Frameworks and Applications" Published in the United States of America by IGI Global [2023] https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8085-2275
- Prof. Saurabh Saxena published Book Chapter titled "The Future of Marketing Automation Through Data Analytics and AI” in a Book, “Marketing Automation” ISBN: 9798887723136, July 2022, pp 172-182, Notion Press Publication, India (July 2022).
- S.K. Pandey, Vineet Kansal “Social Media Analytics An application of Data Mining” , Book chapter of Book Titled “Data Mining in Dianamic Social Networks & Vuzzy Systems” , DOI:10.4018/978-1-4666-4213-3.CH010, 2013.
- Chandra Mani Sharma, Deepika Sharma, & Harish Kumar 'Cloud based infiltration detection system for military purposes,' Chapter in Book Delivery and Adoption of Cloud Computing Services in Contemporary Organizations published by IGI Global USA, Chapter No. 15, pp. 358-386, March 2015.
- Umang, M N Hoda, Geetanjali Singh, “EEA-LEACH—Trustworthy-Enhanced Algorithm for Energy Optimization in Wireless Sensor Networks”, Book Titled: Sensor and Image Processing(Chapter-15), pp. no 139-155, AISC, Volume 651, Springer
- Shalini Singh Jaspal, Umang, Birendra Kumar, "Energy Saving Using Memorization: A Novel Energy-Efficient and Fault Tolerant Algorithm"(Chapter No: 10), book titled Intelligent Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Computing, published by Springer Publishers, 2017
- Umang and Parul Choudhary, “Analyzing Virtual Traffic Light using State Machine in Vehicular Adhoc Networks”, Book Titled: Next Generation Networks(Chapter 25), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 638, pp. no 239-246, Volume 658, Springer, 2017 (34 Downloads)
- Anukiran Jain, S. Umang, M. N. Hoda, “Routing Protocols in CRAHs: A Review”, Book Titled: Next Generation Networks(Chapter 22), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 638, pp. no 209-220, Volume 658, Springer, 2017 (34 Downloads)
- Shalini, Umang, M. N. Hoda, “Cluster Tree Based Routing- A Step Towards Increasing WSN Loneivity”, Book Titled: Next Generation Networks(Chapter 23), Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 638, pp. no 221-229, Volume 658, Springer , 2017(35 Downloads).
Patent/Copyright etc.
- Prof. KP Singh of MCA department published a Patent titled "Convolutional Neural Network Based Technique to Identify the Security and Privacy Issues in Internet of Things Based Big Data Cloud Systems" on August 18, 2023. URL to access details of patent online: https://search.ipindia.gov.in/IPOJournal/Journal/Patent
- Sunil Kr. Pandey, Umang “Indian IT Industry, Hopes, Expectations & Challenges” Souvenir of CEO Meet-2015, September 2015 “Leading Transformation - Crafting Technology vision for India’s Future”, pp No. 19-21, ISBN No.: 978-81-928380-8-3.
- Sunil Kr. Pandey, Umang “Digital India Mission: No longer an initiative by the government, but evolved into a revolution, movement” Souvenir of CXO Meet 2016 September 2016, pp no 36-38, ISBN No : 978-81-928555-1-6.
- Umang, “IoT & IoE: A Technical Review”, CSI Communications, July 2017, Volume 41, Issue 4,pp. no 6-9.
- Vidushi Singh, “Inflection points of IT Industry in India”, MESDAI.ORG BLOG, September 2017.
- Parul Chourdhary,Umang “ Traffic Management and its Impact”, Souvenir of National ICT Summit “New india Vision: ICT Nation Development” November 2017, pp no. 08-09, ISBN No. 978-81-928555-3-0
Department of Management
Paper Published in International Journal
- Shuchita Singh paper titled “BEHAVIORAL FINANCE: IT’S SCOPE AND PERSPECTIVE” published in Asian Journal of Management Applications and Research, Vol. 08 No. 1, ISSN 2230 – 8660 (print), ISSN 2230 – 8679 (online) (January 2018)
- Vaid Jyotsana paper titled “IMPACT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL MARKETING ON CONSUMER ATTITUDE" published in the International Journal of Engineering Research ISSN: 2348-4039 & Management Technology. May-2018 Volume 5, Issue-3 .ISSN: 2348-4039 (May 2018)
- Dr.Shuchita Singh paper titled “CRYPTO CURRENCY: IS THE DEAD END APPROACHING" published in the Journal Economic Challenger// ISSN 0975-1351/ Issue 80, July-September 2018.
- Nitin Saxena paper titled “CRYPTO CURRENCY: A BIG QUESTION FOR FINANCIAL SUSTEM" published in the International Journal of Creative Research Troughs (IJCRT) Volume 6, Issues 2, April 2018, ISSN -2320-2882, page no.844-848
- Saxena Ritu paper titled “Flipped Classroom Approach: Opportunities and Challenges " published in SCOPUS Indexed and UGC Approved Journal - Literary Endeavour, July 2018 Issue, ISSN 0976-299X
- Dr. Shuchita Singh paper titled “DISRUPTION OF BEST SECTOR" published in the International Journal of Engineering Research & Management Technology. Volume 5, Issue-3 .ISSN: 2348-4039 (May 2018) & impact factor is 3.018 (May 2018) page no20-24.
- Nitin Saxena & Ankur Ahuja paper titled “INESTROS DECISIONS IN INDIAN STOCK MARKET – EFFECT OF HERD BEHAVIOR" published in the International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume 2, Issue-4 (May – June 2018).
- Shivani Sardana & V. N. Bajpai - paper titled “ROLE OF PRICE IN CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – A PERFORMANCE SPECIFIC STUDTY O INDIAN BANKS" published in the SYNERGY – I.T.S Journal OF I.T. & Management (IJTSRD), ISSN: 0972-7361, Volume 15, Issue-1 (January – June 2017).
- Ritu Saxena & Nitin Saxena , paper titled "Understanding Employability Skill Gap: Global Perspectives and Sustainable Development " published in the IILM University book “Sustainable Business Practices in Agile Organizations” published by Bloomsbury Publication, page no 20-30, ISBN No 978-93-88038-45-4.
- Dr.Shuchita Singh published Paper titled “Behavioral Finance: It’s Scope and Perspective” published in International Journal of Business and Management Invention, ISSN (Online) : 2319 – 8028,ISSN (Print) : 2319 – 801X, Volume 6 - Issue- 7-Version-II-July-2017.
- Dr.Gopal Krishna Dwivedi (May, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “CSR through Students : Challenges and Opportunities” published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications (IJA-ERA), ISSN :2454-2377, Volume 3, page 22-26.
- Dr. Shuchita Singh (January, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “A study on effects of Geomagnetic Storm on Financial Markets” published in an International Journal of Research in Management Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad, ISSN :2279-0373, Online issue : ISSN – No. 2321-726X, page no 44-49.
- Saxena Nitin (June 2017) a research paper on the topic, “A Analytical Study on Contribution of Private Banks in Success of Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana.” published in PEZZOTTAITE an International Journal of Research in Management Jaipuria School of Business, Ghaziabad, ISSN-2279-0896, page3075-3079Online issue : ISSN – No. 2321-726X, page no 44-49.
- Dr. Anusha Agarwal (June 2017) a research paper on the topics, “RBI INITIATIVES TO PROMOTE FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN INDIA” published in International Journal OF APPLIED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT PERSPECTIVES ,6, Number, April – June’ 2017 ISSN (Print): 2279-0896, (Online): 2279-090X Impact Factor (2015): 6.847, Impact Factor(2016): 7.067 H5-Index: 2, H5-Median: 2, H-Citations:
- Arora Shikha (June2017) a paper titled "Career Dynamics of women in India: A Critical Review of Literature" was published in International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Applications (IJA-ERA) with an impact factor of 2.811, ISSN :2454-2377, Volume 3,Issue -2, June 2017, page 86-94.
- Dr.Anita Mathew & Dr. Sapna Rakesh (March, 2016) a research paper on the topic, “Transformational leadership: an investigation of Bass’s model in the context of Indian professionals” published in “Int. J. Human Resources Development and Management, Vol. 16, Nos. 1/2, 2016., page no:18-29.
- Prof. Alok Singh (February, 2016) a research paper on the topic, “A Review of Literature on Supply Chain Performance Evaluation of Perishable Products in India” Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur on the theme of “E-Business and Supply Chain Competitiveness” (EBSCC 2016).
- Lalit Kumar Sharma. (June,2015) a research paper on the topic, “Blue Ocean Strategy: A Tool For Growth of Indian IT Sector”published in “VISION CATALYST – An International Journal for Management , IT & Communication, ISSN: 2277-243X, Vol: 5., page no:28-33.
- Jain Vijesh (February, 2015) a case study on the topic, “Strategic Competition for a Pie in the Ever Expanding Family Global Brand”published in Amity Global Business Review, An international research journal of Amity International Business School (Feb, 2015, Vol. 10).
- Saxena Nitin (July, 2015) a research paper on the topic, “Study of Price Performance of IPO with Nifty” published in International journal “SAARANSH” of Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology, Ghaziabad, Vol. 7, No-1, page no:81 to 90 and losted in CABELL’s Directory, USA & ULRICH’s, USA.
- Vinita Srivastava, Meenakshi Handa& Anupama Vohra (March 2014 - September 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Promotional Tools: Do Physicians Really Bite The Hook?”Published in International Journal of DRISHTIKON, Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development, Pune, India, ISSN 0975-7422 (Print) / 0975-7848 (Online), Val.5, No. 2, page no: 71-84.
- Dr. Anusha Agarwal & Dr. Charu Chaudhry (January-March, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Indian Banking: Innovation, Technology & Key Concerns”Published in Peer Refereed International Research Journal of Global Journal of Management and Research, ISSN 2278-0955 (Print), Val.3, No. 1, page no: 7-19.
- Dr. Charu Chaudhry&Dr. Anusha Agarwal (January-March, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Indian Banking: Innovation, Technology & Key Concerns”Published in Peer Refereed International Research Journal of Global Journal of Management and Research, ISSN 2278-0955 (Print), Val.3, No. 1, page no: 7-19.
- Meenakshi Handa, Anupama Vohra&Vinita Srivastava (2014) a research paper on the topic, “Ethics: The Physician – Pharma Dyad India” Published in Asian Journal of Business Ethics, Springer Publications, DOI 10.1007/s13520-012-0025.5 page no: 1-10.
- Dr.V.K.Arora& Mr. Balraj Singh (January. 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Structural Support for Small Business in India”published in International Journal of Management by MIT College of Management,Moradabad (UP), India, ISSN 2321-6700 (Print), Val.2, No. 1, January 2014, page no: 15-17.
- Dr. Puneet Mohan, Dr. Namita Srivastava & Dr. Parul Malik (January. 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Career Planning Through Psychometric Testing: An Empirical Study”published in International Journal of Management by MIT College of Management,Moradabad (UP), India, ISSN 2321-6700 (Print), Val.2, No. 1, January 2014, page no: 36-38.1`
- Gopal Krishna Dwivedi (January. 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Talk-Tactics & Soft-Skills: A few Secrets”published in International Journal of Management by MIT College of Management,Moradabad (UP), India, ISSN 2321-6700 (Print), Val.2, No. 1, January 2014, page no: 33-35.
- Lalit Kumar Sharma (June. 2014) a research paper on the topic, “The Art Of Crafting Effective Medical Copy”published in VISION CATALYST - An International Journal For Management, IT & Communication, ISSN NO. : 2277-243X (Print), Volume No. 3, July 2014, page no: 62-69.
- Gopal Krishna Dwivedi (July, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “The Feministic Substance in the Early Poetry of Kamala Das: An Analysis” published in An International Peer Reviewed Research Journal of Venkateshwara International Journal of Multidisciplonary Research, ISSN : 2348-7097, Vol -1, Issue 2, Page: 40-46.
- Gopal Krishna Dwivedi (July- December, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Nuances of Effective Communication and Inter-Personal Skills”published in International Journal of Communication a half yearly review of cognition, culture & communication, Bahri publication, ISSN No. 0975-640X, VOL. 24, NO. 2, page no 61-67
- Gopal Krishna Dwivedi & Dr. Arun Kumar (July. 2014) a research paper on the topic, “An Observation and analysis of the Feministic Substance in the early poetry of Kamla Das”published in EDUVED International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, ISSN 2349-5480 (Print), Val.1, No. 4, July 2014, page no: 125-131.
- Dr. Abhinav P. Tripathi, Anju Tripathi & Dr. K. R. Chaturvedi (Jan-June 2014), a research paper on the topic , “Role of Commitment as Intrinsic Motivator in Promoting Quality Education” published in the Scholar’s View: International Journal of Media and Management, Volume 3, Isue 1 (Jan-June 2014), ISSN: 2319-121X, page no. 36 -43.
Paper Published in National Journal
- Dr. Charu Chaudhry (June 2017) a research paper on the topic , “SMEs perspective on Talent management” published in National Journal name: Global Journal of Contemporary Management Volume VI, Number 1, ISSN 2249-1899, June 2017
- Dr. Anusha Agarwal (June 2017) a research paper on the topic , “SMEs perspective on Talent management” published in National Journal name: Global Journal of Contemporary Management Volume VI, Number 1, ISSN 2249-1899, June 2017.
- Dr. Shuchita Singh published Paper titled “Bullion: A Healthy Investment Option” published in Asian Journal of Management Applications and Research Vol.05 No.01 ISSN 2230 –8679 (online), ISSN 2230 –8660 (print).
- Saxena Nitin (July 2016) a research paper on the topic, “Studying Earning Management in IPO & its impact on IPO pricing in India” published in National Journal GIBS- Global Information & Business Strategies, ISBN-978-93-5267-544-9, 122
- Dr. V. N. Bajpai & Dr. Satish Kumar (April, 2015) a research paper on the topic, “Dark Side of Celebrity Endorsement: An Empirical Study” published in MAIMS Journal of Management (Refereed), Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Mgmt. Studies, Rohini, Delhi, ISSN: 2249-0116, Vol: 10 Issue:1, page no:61-68.
- Dr. Satish Kumar & Dr. V. N. Bajpai (April, 2015) a research paper on the topic, “Dark Side of Celebrity Endorsement: An Empirical Study” published in MAIMS Journal of Management (Refereed), Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Mgmt. Studies, Rohini, Delhi, ISSN: 2249-0116, Vol: 10 Issue:1, page no:61-68.
- Pandey D.K. (April, 2015) a research paper on the topic, “A Study of factors affecting development of women employees and HRD strategies with reference to industrial sector of Sultanpur District”published in Journal of Management of Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology (NIET), Greater Noida,, ISSN: 0975-7643, Vol: VII Issue:1, page no:03-08.
- Lalit Kumar Sharma. (Jan-Jun, 2015) a research paper on the topic, “A study on Women Empowerment Through Micro Enterprises Development in India”published in “PRANJANA” Journal of Management Awareness of INMANTEC institutions, Ghaziabad, ISSN: 0971-9997, E-ISSN 0974-0945 Vol: 18/No1/Jan-Jun 2015, page no:22-28.
- Dr. V. N. Bajpai & Dr. Satish Kumar (Winter. 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Co Creation of Value: Leveraging Customer’s Intellectual Capital”published in Journal of Management by Noida Institute of Engineering & Technology, GN, ISSN 0975-7643, Val.VI, No. 2, Winter 2013-2014, page no: 37-42.
Paper Published in Conference / Seminar Proceedings
- Anuja Roy (February, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Healthcare Services at the Doorstep: A Conceptual Insight to The Indian Home Healthcare Market” published in 2nd Global Leadership Research Conference,Amity Business School,Noida ISBN No. 978-93-86330-04-8,Page No. 123-124.
- Rajeev Jahari (March, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Social Sector Accounting – A SWOT Analysis” published in 35th Annual Conference on National Income & Wealth, Jaipur, Page no-1-11
- Dr. V. N. Bajpai & Dr. Satish Kumar (April, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “An Empirical Study of Customer touch Points with special Reference to White goods Industry” published in proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Management, governance and Entrepreneurship (ICGTMGE – 2017), Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, ISBN No.978-81-928555-2-3, page no. 95-101.
- Dr. D. K. Pandey (April, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Employee engagement: A Road Map for Sustainable Development” published in proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Management, governance and Entrepreneurship (ICGTMGE – 2017), Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, ISBN No.978-81-928555-2-3, page no. 126-136.
- Dr. Ajay Sinha (April, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Operational Issues for Managing Automobile Remanufacturing in India” published in proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Management, governance and Entrepreneurship (ICGTMGE – 2017), Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, ISBN No.978-81-928555-2-3, page no. 190-196.
- Upreti Lokesh (April, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Corporate Governance and the role of Independent Directors – A Critical Analysis ” published in proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Management, governance and Entrepreneurship (ICGTMGE – 2017), Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, ISBN No.978-81-928555-2-3, page no. 197-206.
- Dr. Rajeev Johari and Parvez Ali (April, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Influence of Globalization on India’s Foreign Trade ” published in proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Management, governance and Entrepreneurship (ICGTMGE – 2017), Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, ISBN No.978-81-928555-2-3, page no. 207-214.
- Dr. Surendra Tiwari & Dr. Kavita Tiwari (April, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Advertising and its global Nature: A Research on Changing trends and its impact on consumers ” published in proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Management, governance and Entrepreneurship (ICGTMGE – 2017), Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, ISBN No.978-81-928555-2-3, page no.247-252.
- Dr. Surendra Tiwari & Chirag Malik (April, 2017) a research paper on the topic, “Factors influencing consumers’ socially responsible behaviors: A study with special reference to Delhi-NCR ” published in proceedings of International Conference on Global Trends in Management, governance and Entrepreneurship (ICGTMGE – 2017), Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, ISBN No.978-81-928555-2-3, page no.273-284.
- Dr. Anita Mathew &Ujjal Kumar Chowdhury (April, 2016) a research paper on the topic , “Enhancing Managerial Decision Making through Effective Use of HR Metrics” published in proceeding of International Conference on Development in Management, Technology and Business (ICDMTB 2016), I.T.S, Ghaziabad dated 1st – 2nd April, 2016, page no 30.
- Anuja Roy, Akansha Saxena &Ayush Agarwal (April, 2016) a research paper on the topic , “Online Shopping Behaviour of Youth (18-26) Years in Delhi-NCR Region: An Empirical Study” published in proceeding of International Conference on Development in Management, Technology and Business (ICDMTB 2016), I.T.S, Ghaziabad dated 1st – 2nd April, 2016, page no 84.
- Dr. V. N. Bajpai & Shivani Sardana (April, 2016) a research paper on the topic , “Impact of Price Discount Framing on Consumers Behaviour” published in proceeding of International Conference on Development in Management, Technology and Business (ICDMTB 2016), I.T.S, Ghaziabad dated 1st – 2nd April, 2016, page no 101.
- D. Abhinav P. Tripathi &Arun Kumar (April, 2016) a research paper on the topic , “Tracking Awareness, Attitudes and Usage (AAU) Behaviours of Customers to Value Added Service s (VAS) with Special Reference to BSNL (Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited) Cellular Mobility Services ” published in proceeding of International Conference on Development in Management, Technology and Business (ICDMTB 2016), I.T.S, Ghaziabad dated 1st – 2nd April, 2016, page no 106.
- Anusha Agarwal & Neetu Purohit (February, 2015) research paper on the topic, “A comparative performanceanalysis of three leading private sector banks: ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axix Bank” published in proceedings of National Seminar on “Concurrences & Opportunities for the Financial Sector” dated 06th – 07thFebruary, 2015 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-7-6(Print), page no: 259-275.
- Dr. Pankaj Kumar (February, 2015) research paper on the topic, “Productivity of Credit Facility in Micro and Small Enterprises” published in proceedings of National Seminar on “Concurrences & Opportunities for the Financial Sector” dated 06th – 07th February, 2015 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-7-6(Print), page no: 110-122.
- Neetu Purohit & Dr. Anusha Agarwal (February, 2015) research paper on the topic, “A comparative performanceanalysis of three leading private sector banks: ICICI Bank, HDFC Bank and Axix Bank” published in proceedings of National Seminar on “Concurrences & Opportunities for the Financial Sector” dated 06th – 07thFebruary, 2015 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-7-6(Print), page no: 259-275.
- Dr. MukeshPorwal (February, 2015) research paper on the topic, “A study on Entrpreneurial skills for the development of small medium enterprises(SMEs)” published in proceedings of National Seminar on “Concurrences & Opportunities for the Financial Sector” dated 06th – 07th February, 2015 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-7-6(Print), page no: 294-301.
- Dr. Raghvendra Dwivedi & Ram Kumar (February, 2015) research paper on the topic, “Role of social responsibility of media in Indian democrative perspectives” published in proceedings of National Seminar on “Concurrences & Opportunities for the Financial Sector” dated 06th – 07th February, 2015 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-7-6(Print), page no: 144-150.
- Prof. Govind Nath Srivastava * Dr. Ranjan Upadhyaya (February, 2015) research paper on the topic, “Resurgence of working capital management on profitability of information technology companies (NCR-India)” published in proceedings of National Seminar on “Concurrences & Opportunities for the Financial Sector” dated 06th – 07thFebruary, 2015 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-7-6(Print), page no: 144-150.
- Dr. Pankaj Kumar (September, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Policy and Pattern of Employment in Rural Industries of India”published in proceedings of National Conference on “Towards Sustainable HR Profession” dated 19th& 20th September, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-3-8(Print), page no: 33-39
- Arora Shikha (September, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “A Suggestive Framework for Competency Mapping of Fresh Management Graduates Based on Expectations of Potential Employers”published in proceedings of National Conference on “Towards Sustainable HR Profession” dated 19th& 20th September, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-3-8(Print), page no: 95-107.
- Dr. P. U. Rao & Dr. J. C Pande (September, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Impact of inadequate manpower planning in public sector banks in India”published in proceedings of National Conference on “Towards Sustainable HR Profession” dated 19th& 20th September, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-3-8(Print), page no: 1-6.
- Dr. V. N. Bajpai (18th October, 2014) a caselet on the topic, “Gillette India: Innovation Dilemma and Challenges in 21st Century”published in selected caselets in management by IMS, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-921148-5-9 (Print), page no: 1-3.
- Jain Vijesh (November, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Level of comfort among members of multicultural work teams, in large Indian cities”published in proceedings of 10th National Conference on “India 2020: readiness for cutting edge marketing” dated 01st& 2nd November, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad,India, ISBN:978-81-928380-5-2(Print), page no: 28-54.
- Jain Vijesh, Tandon Deepak & Saxena Navneet (November, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Assessment of Aftermaths of Marketing the Retail Banking Services in Indian context”published in proceedings of 10th National Conference on “India 2020: readiness for cutting edge marketing” dated 01st& 2nd November, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-5-2(Print), page no: 100-113.
- Dr. Sapna Rakesh &Geetika Jain (November, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Online consumer buying behavior in apparel sector: A literature review” published in proceedings of 10th National Conference on “India 2020: readiness for cutting edge marketing” dated 01st& 2nd November, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN: 978-81-928380-5-2(Print), page no: 137-150.
- Dr. Pankaj Kumar (November, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Environmental Practice: An instrument of readiness for green market mechanism – case of Indian SME” published in proceedings of 10th National Conference on “India 2020: readiness for cutting edge marketing” dated 01st& 2nd November, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN: 978-81-928380-5-2(Print), page no: 184-194.
- A.R.Mishra, Dr. Subhojit Banerjee & Dr. Naveen Kumar (November, 2014) a research paper on the topic, “Modeling Association of consumer personality, values and interpersonal influences in predicting brand preferences for Indian private label brands” published in proceedings of 10th National Conference on “India 2020: readiness for cutting edge marketing” dated 01st& 2nd November, 2014 by ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, India, ISBN:978-81-928380-5-2(Print), page no: 195-209.
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