- itsmn@its.edu.in | 18003095855 | 8447744044 |

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With our tradition of excellence and our renewed commitment to lending new direction to the form of creativity, we seek to create a dynamic committee of various clubs and societies where the focus is on an all-round development and experience. Extra-curricular activities are elixir of the education process. It’s a common belief that knowledge, skill and attitude go hand in hand for overall development of an individual’s personality. Moreover, the demand of digital economy is not just to amass the knowledge given in books but to build up individual’s skills so that their attitudes and careers are changed. To foster a sense of belongingness among students, I.T.S provides a platform to them for pursuing both academic and non academic interests. The institute has a host of societies from which the student can choose and obtain membership. Each society is student driven. The societies are geared towards helping students pursue their creativity and hone their management skills.
- Marketing Club-marrecus
- HR Club
- Finance Club
- Binary Club
- IB Club
- Cultural Club