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Prof. Ritu Saxena & Dr. Vivek Pachauri Department of Management I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad
successfully completed AICTE sponsored Six Day Short Term Training Programme (STTP) under AQIS Quality Teaching and Research fromJANUARY 18-23, 2021 organized by IMI Bhubaneswar.
The STTP was focused towards conceptual overview and hands on experience on many facets like Teaching pedagogies , Creating effective presentation for class ,Case method of teaching ,Research problem and research ,Introduction to multivariate data analysis , Creating a manuscript publishable in an international journal .The 6 days course was packed with session delivered by the eminent speakers from IMI Bhubaneswar and other reputed institutions
Theoverall objective of STTP was to familiarize participants with updated pedagogical tools and techniques and to develop among participants the competency to assess a business predicament under uncertainty and choose the appropriate research technique to generate relevant insight. The program also highlighted how to publish in high category journals. Participants also got an insight of multivariate statistical methods for quality research.
The training program was enriched with learning and knowledge.