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Department of I.T, I.T.S Ghaziabad organized Online Technical Session on “Cyber Security: Identity and Access Management”
in Alumni Talk Series for MCA Students on 6th February 2021. Mr. Manjim Mukul Sharma, Associate Director, KPMG Singapore was the speaker of the session.
Mr. Manjim Mukul Sharma, Associate Director – KPMG Singapore & MCA Alumni (Batch 2000-2003) addressed the gathering on a very important topic “Identity and Access Management”. Mr Sharma explained the need, importance, process and framework for Identity and Access Management to prevent unauthorized access and prevent the ICT resources, services and facilities from any external or internal attacks with live case studies. During the Session he also spoke about different security mechanisms and cryptographic algorithms. Mr. Sharma interacted with students and answered the queries asked during the session.
It was a nice experience for all participants.