Spiritual session on the topic "Self-Exploration"
I.T.S Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar organized a spiritual session on the topic "Self-Exploration" on 16.03.2022
at Management Learning Centre, AB-IV from 2:30 to 3:30 pm. The objective of the session was to find the answers of questions like; Who am I?, Why am I?, What is the purpose of life?, How someone can balance emotions?, What is nature?, What is the true success?, What is God? And how one can attain the Ultimate Happiness in Life?, What is Mind? How to differentiate between Mind and Brain?, What is Consciousness?, How can someone become Conscious about himself/herself? During the session Dr. V.N. Bajpai gave insight about importance of Spiritual knowledge in day to day life, he also emphasized that one should not have ego about anything like; money, knowledge or wealth.
Dr. Bajpai gave references of various Sanskrit Shlokas to make his thought more relevant and effective to the audience.
The session was very interactive & full of wisdom. Dr. Bajpai also answered the questions raised by Dr. Ashish Jha & other participants. The Session was ended with a very motivational story about the God's Mercy told by Dr. Sanjeev Tandon.
Virtual Symposium on “Design Academics & Research 2022” attended by MBA students and faculty member
Piyush Kumar Jha and Anjali Singh, students of MBA 2021-23 batch, along with Prof. Shikha Aggarwal, attended virtual “Symposium on Design Academics & Research 2022” organized by MIT Institute of Design, MIT- ADU University on March 12, 2022.
The eminent speaker for the session were Prof (Dr.). Dhimant Panchal, Chair Professor, MIT Institute of Design; Prof. (D). Ravi Poovaiah, Industrial Design Centre- IIT Bomabay; Prof. Jatin Bhatt, Ex. Pro-Vice-Chancellor Ambedkar University, Delhi; Prof.K. B Jinan, Design Researcher And Educationalist; Mr. Yogesh Dandekar, Founder- Sarg Design Studio; Dr. Guruprasad Rao, Director & Mentor, Imaginarium India Pvt. Ltd; Dr. Keyur Sorathia, Secretary- DPPC, IIT- Guwahati.
At the start of the session 1, Prof. Dhimat Panchal introduced the importance of Design thinking education. Further Prof. Ravi Poovaiah told us about the design education for the future. How it helps students adopt a better understanding of the people around them and learn to build stronger relationships. By tackling old problems in new ways, students get the chance to do a double take on their own preconceptions. Moving ahead in the session Prof. JatinBhatt elaborated upon design education from Indian perspective. In that, design education is learning how to apply practical methods, prior knowledge and natural talent to solve new problems. it is also referred to as creative education. Then Prof. K.B Jinan enlightened about reinventing design pedagogy and contextual aesthetics.
Session 2 began with Mr. Yogesh Dandekar talking about the evolving paradigm of design education in India. And highlighted the need of new kind of designers, people who can work across disciplines. Then Dr. Guruprasad Rao told us about the design practice and design education, industry-academia partnerships. A new group of professionals combine the roles of professional, practitioners, and educators is the new demand in the market. Finally, Dr. Keyur Sorathia discussed about the significance of academic research in India. India has a well acclaimed brain power and promotion research will only help India move up the global intellectual ladder. At the end of session guest professors took questions from participants and engagingly answered participant queries. The symposium was full of new insights and learning.
Cultural Club’ Activity “Cultural Holi Haat - 2022” Competition for PGDM Participants
Vibgyor – The Cultural Club of I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized “Cultural Holi Haat - 2022” Competition for PGDM participants on 11th March, 2022. The Event was inaugurated with the Lamp-Lightening of Maa Saraswati by Dr. V.N. Bajpai, Dr. Anusha Agarwal, Dr. D.K. Pandey, Prof. Durba Roy & Prof. Shikha Arora.
In the Event Competitions were organized in following 5 Categories;
1. Best Stall (Main Competition)
2. Star Performer in Cultural Dance (Ms. Neeti Chaudhary was the winner)
3. Star Performer in Cultural Singing (Mr. Utkarsh Sharma was the winner)
4. Star Performer in Poetry/Gazal Writing (Mr. Surendra Srivastava was the winner)
5. Star Performer in Standup Comedy. (Mr. Kunal & Mr. Ankit Jha were the winners)
The Best Stall competition was Judged By Dr. Anusha Agarwal & Prof. Yacchna Malhotra, And Winner of this competition was Stall No.-5 of the participants Mr. Surendra Srivastava, Mr. Akash, Mr. Aryan & Ms. Priyanshi. Whereas First Runner-up was Stall No.-7 of the participants Ms. Amrita Singh, Ms. Baishnabi Behra, Ms. Laxmi Pandey, Ms. Manisha Kumari & Ms. Sara Jain. And the Second Runner-up was stall No.-11 of Mr. Shivam, Ms. Ankita Singh, Ms. Nitu Pandey, Mr. Ankit Jha, Mr. Awanish Mishra.
Dance & Singing Competitions were judged by Prof. Ritika & Prof. Shilpi. And Standup Comedy & Poetry/Gazal writing competition was judged by Prof. Mayank & Prof. Yacchna.
All the Winners were Awarded with Trophies & Certificates.
The event was successfully organized by the members of Cultural Club; Mr. Shobhit, Ms. Mahima, Ms. Divyanshi, Ms. Rupali, Mr. Utkarsh, Ms. Garima, Mr. Bhuvneshwar, Ms. Sandhya, Ms. Sakshi & Ms. Shruti.
Dr. Rajeev Johari delivered session on “Creation the Space of Entrepreneurship”
Dr. Rajeev Johri delivered session on Creation the space of Entrepreneurship on 9th March 2022 at Trinity Institute of Professional Studies-TIPS, Dwarka, Delhi affiliated with G.G.S.I.P. University, Delhi.
The purpose of the session was to acquaint participants on how to explore an idea and convert it into successful implementation. The session was attended by students of undergraduate final year of B.Com and B.B.A. The session was very interactive with orientation on new thoughts and tips for making a successful journey for Entrepreneurs. The basic issue of the session of idea generation was how to tackle business plan, financial model and breakeven analysis. Different points were discussed with latest examples of existing products and services of startups and young innovators in different sectors of entrepreneurship. Vibrant students and faculty members raised intelligent queries during the session and also after the session.
Guest Lecture on the topic "High Impact Communication Skills in Digital Era" for MBA (2021-23) batch participants
I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Department of Management organised an Online Guest Lecture for MBA (2021-23) batch participants on the topic "High Impact Communication Skills in Digital Era" on 7th March, 2022.
The Guest Speaker for the session was Ms. Juhi Gupta who is a Master Trainer, Motivational Speaker, HR Consultant and Career Guide.
Ms. Juhi gave a detailed view of Business Communication in the digital world with the help of examples and a few activities. She explained to the participants about basic communication skills which are required to be successful in the corporate sector. She talked about SLRW principles of communication and the basic telephonic and online meeting etiquette to be followed during conversation with the clients or customers at the workplace.
She also highlighted the importance of business writing and proofreading guidelines while sending the emails and texts. Also, she gave a detailed overview of Corporate Expectations to the participants about ethical behaviour and attitude so that they can inculcate such traits in their personality.
Overall it was a wonderful interactive session which concluded with the presentation of a virtual plaque to the guest as a token of remembrance and gratitude.
International Women’s Day celebrated by ‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme
I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad celebrated International Women’s Day at ‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme on the 5th of March, 2022.
Spring is in the air and with some recent accomplishments by female personalities fresh in the mind, the time was just right for remembering the contributions of women to society and life in general.
The volunteers for the day were Manjeet, Ayushi, Manvi, Shailesh, Rima, Aryan, Rupali, Baisnabi, Abhijeet, Shradha, Shubham, Piyush, and Vikash.
Ayushi began the proceedings for the day by reminding the children about the important role played by women in the present day and age. She was assisted by Manvi as they went about explaining why is not enough to indulge in lip service as far as the involvement of women at work and public life, in general, is concerned. Prof. Lokesh Upreti joined in and made the kids aware of how times have changed in this regard. He drew attention to the sea change that had taken place from females of previous generations to those of the present one. The little ones were told to wish their mothers and elder sisters back home on this occasion (8th March 2022) and to express gratefulness as well.
In the second part, Shailesh took a class on basic science where he touched upon concepts like the water cycle and photosynthesis. The learners were mostly familiar with these topics and were able to relate to the process of plants preparing their own food.
The day ended with the distribution of Britannia biscuits and Melody toffees before the children headed home. Prof. Upreti planned and presided over the day’s session, while also guiding the volunteers in the performance of the various tasks.
Research Convention 2022 - Informal Economy: The Invisible Hand
The Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad organized the fourth edition of Research Convention-2022 on the emerging and key theme of ‘Informal Economy: The Invisible Hand’ on 05th March, 2022.
This one day Convention was organized under the aegis of Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), MIC-MoE and MSME. The convention witnessed a huge participation from industry and academia along with the students.
The event began with the auspicious lamp lighting ceremony and invocation of Goddess Saraswati. The convention commenced with the enriching address by Shri Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman, I.T.S - The Education Group. He warmly welcomed all the eminent speakers and shared his valuable insights on the emergent theme of the convention, its role and importance to the Indian economy and involvement of youth to drive it coming years. He emphasised participants to take maximum learning from the deliberations of all the experts and practitioners to be shared across various sessions.
Prof. (Dr.) V.N Bajpai, Director Management presented the welcome address where he introduced the theme of the convention and shared his viewpoints on the informal economy and its relevance in today’s scenario. Dr. Rajeev Johari, Convenor provided the overview of the convention and the program flow.
The Inaugural session was graced by Mr. Anil Patni, Team Leader EU Policy and Outreach Project (India & France) as Chief Guest, Mr. Rahul Sharma, Managing Director, APCO World Wide and Dr. Rajat Kathuria, Professor & Dean, Shiv Nadar University, Former Director and Chief Executive Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER).
Mr. Anil Patni, Team Leader EU Policy and Outreach Project (India & France), Chief Guest of the convention deliberated upon the importance of Informal Economy as being informal doesn’t means non-existent, and importantly it has a major part to play in GDP.
Mr. Rahul Sharma, Managing Director, APCO World Wide, as the keynote speaker expressed his thoughts over the emergent ‘Knowledge Economy’ giving its way to the gig economy wherein technology has proved to be the major enabler.
Dr. Rajat Kathuria, Professor & Dean, Shiv Nadar University, Former Director and Chief Executive Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER), was the other keynote speaker who expressed concern over greater urbanisation and new characteristics of the city and its people who do not prefer to own assets.
The session was quite interactive as participants asked many relevant questions and the eminent speakers answered them to their satisfaction. At the end of the inaugural session, Dr. V.N Bajpai presented virtual plaques to all the honorable speakers as a token of remembrance and gratitude.
The first panel discussion involved Mr. S. K. Gautam, CEO, UDYAM; Mr. Ramanan Ramanathan , Former Additional Secretary NITI Ayog, New Delhi; Dr. Raj Agarwal, Professor and Director, CME-AIMA, New Delhi; Mr. Anand Mirani, Director & Lead Advisor, Simplus Exim & Corporate Advisory LLP;and Ms. Hanadi Khalife, Senior Director- IMA, Middle East, Africa & India Operations.
Mr SK Gautam initiated proceedings by speaking about “Informal Economy & Invisible Hand”. He shared data on the Indian government’s contribution to the startup ecosystem, also taking time to stress upon women entrepreneurship and their contribution to Indian economy.
Dr Raj Agarwal emphasised upon the collaboration between academia and industry for promoting an environment of entrepreneurship. He also spoke about the culture of entrepreneurship during the course of the globalisation, privatisation and liberalisation process.
Mr. Anand Mirani started his deliberation with a story of ants and stressed upon becoming butterfly in the times to come. He hoped that students would take the chance to explore possibilities. He highlighted entrepreneurial attitude, adaptability to change and VUCA world through various examples.
Mr. Ramanan Ramanathan stressed on various features of the Atal innovation mission along with the demographic dividend being exploited by India. He shared examples and quotations of Steve Job, Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam and Swami Vivekananda to reinforce his concepts on innovations, creativity and entrepreneurship.
Panel Discussion 1 ended with the vote of thanks by Dr V.N. Bajpai and sharing of Plaque of Honor to all the panel members.
The second panel discussion included Mr Surendra Nath, IAS, Former Secretary, Govt. of India; Dr Vipin Kumar, Director and Chief Information Officer, National Innovation Foundation, DST, Govt. of India; Prof. Birendra Kumar, Dr Rajendra Prasad Agriculture Central University Bihar; Mr Ashwinder R. Singh, CEO, Bhartiya Urban; Dr Sanjeev Kumar Saxena, Assam University; and Mr Ankur Bisen, Senior Partner, Technopak Advisors.
Mr. Surendra Nath initiated the session by explaining the background of informal economy; how to increase the productivity of the informal economy; the working population of the country, core issues of employment & productivity; and how 40 crore people are engaged in different industries of which 20 crore in agriculture, 8 crore in construction, 5 crore in forestry, 4 crore in hotels, 2 crore in animal husbandry and 1 crore in handicrafts.
Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Saxena discussed about the resilience of the hospitality industry in Covid-19, including how the industry coped with revenue downfall because of foreign restriction and lockdowns. He further discussed how they have planned the strategic approach during the pre and post pandemic era.
Mr. Ashwinder R Singh expressed his views about the role of technology in the real estate sector and how residential real estate has grown in the last couple of years during the pandemic. He further explained some of the challenges for the real estate industry, such as the low rental rates.
Mr. Vipin Kumar discussed about the startups in the services sector and how they have grown into unicorns in a very short time. He went on to talk about employment generation with startups and experimentations in the food industry.
Mr. Ankur Bisen highlighted the importance of the informal economy in pandemic and how society needs to invest more in defining the informal economy. He also addressed issues like quality of employment, human rights, lack of framework in informal economy and economic growth of India.
Panel Discussion II was then concluded with the presentation of a virtual plaque of honour as a token of gratitude.
Overall the various sessions of the convention were very lively and instructive for all present. Students gained a variety of insights which are expected to broaden there horizons while also apprising them about opportunities coming up in a growing job market.
Online Session on "Hands-on on Project Management with Jira” for the students of MCA
Jira Software is an agile project management tool that supports any agile methodology, be it scrum, Kanban etc.
It is used to check backlogs, roadmaps, reports, to integrations and add-ons you can plan, track, and manage all the agile software development projects from a single tool. To make students of MCA aware about this tool, on 1st March 2022 Department of IT, organized an online guest talk on “Hands-on on Project Management with Jira” for the students of MCA. Ms. Shweta Pandey, Analyst, Capgemini was the Guest speaker of this session. During the session she demonstrated the working of Jira and many of its features which are important in the development and monitoring of the Project. Students were very interactive and asked many queries related to Jira and Ms. Pandey very nicely took all the doubts of students by giving practical implementation using Jira. It was a new learning for all.
Employability Skills Workshop for PGDM (2021-23) batch
I.T.S School of Management, Mohan Nagar organised a three-day “Employability Skills Workshop” for PGDM (2021-2023) students from 23 February to 25 February, 2022 in collaboration with Rubicon Skill Development Pvt. Ltd.
The three-day workshop began with the inaugural session in the august presence of Dr. V.N. Bajapi, Dr. Anusha Agarwal - Chairperson PGDM Program and Prof. YachnaMalhotrain the Dronacharya Auditorium.
The trainers for the session were: Ms. ShilpiAgarwal, Ms. Aishwarya,
The training session focused on team building activities and personality development of the PGDM students. The trainers conducted some hand on activities with the students in order to enhance their self-confidence and overcome stage fear.The training sessions also covered essential interview skills like giving presentations, group discussions, mock interviews, email etiquette and many more.
The workshop witnessed huge enthusiasm from the students as they were seen being participative in all the sessions.
Sports Competition organized by Utthan Club
Games and Sports play a vital role in the student’s life. It helps in the attainment of the ultimate aim of education i.e. the achievement of holistic development.
Considering the concept of “SPORTS FOR ALL”, Utthan, A CSR initiative of Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organised a "Sports Competition" for the Government School students of class 1st to 10th in the campus on 24th February, 2022.
This competition offered a break from the daily routine tasks and energised all the students. The race competition was categorised in 3 sections. Sack race was organised for class 1st to 3rd; Ball chasing race was organised for class 4th to 6th and Rope race competition was enthusiastically participated by students of class 7th to 9th.
Faculty Coordinators, Dr. Nitin Saxena and Prof. Shilpi Rana started the activity by addressing the students and motivated them for upcoming club activities. Winners of the different race competition were awarded with exciting gifts. They seemed to be quite enthusiastic after visiting the campus since December, 2021 due to Pandemic restrictions.
Students were given refreshments at the end of the activity.
Corporate Talk on “Future of Experience - Are you ready?” for MBA students
The Management Department organised a Virtual Corporate Talk with Ms. Neha Modgil, COO & CMO Global Head of Design Techved Consulting, Entrepreneur, CX Strategist and Yoga Instructor for MBA 2020-22 Batch under its Corporate Talk Series on 24thFebruary 2022 on the focal theme of “.Future of Experience - Are you ready?
Ms. Neha introduced the concept of Design and how it is relevant for Customer experience. She further elaborated on the concept of “Augmented Reality” as to how it is enabling the User experience worldwide.
She gave numerous examples from global scenario indicating how technology is penetrating almost all the industries be it banking or aviation. Her simple examples brought clarity and simplicity to the session.
The session was highly informative and presented the students with a new insight to the concept of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality. The Guest was presented with a virtual plaque as a token of gratitude and appreciation. Few questions were asked related to data security and privacy issues.
Alumni Talk on the topic “Career in Sales & Distribution” for MBA Students
Institute has organized an Online alumni talk on “Career in Sales & Distribution” on 23rd February, 2022.
The speaker for the session was Ms. Rashmi Yadav, Deputy Manager, Infoedge India Ltd. and Alumna of MBA 2015-17 Batch. The session was organized for students of MBA 2020-22 Batch. The motive behind the session is to discuss the possible opportunities available in sales & distribution after MBA and to impart the key skills required to get the job in distribution segment.
The session was started with the welcome address by Dr. V.N. Bajpai, Director and welcome address by Dr. Nitin Saxena, Coordinator Alumni Committee. Ms. Rashmi started her talk with the introduction challenges in sales in different verticals and details of her job profile. She also discussed how she utilized the available resources at institute to sharpen her skills during her MBA program.
She discussed the challenges that students face in communication and the importance of communication in sales and distribution. In her discussion, she emphasized on the importance of classroom attendance during MBA courses as well as the role of summer internship during the second year of the course.
She shared that during her MBA participation in co- curricular activities helped her a lot in sharpening her communication and also helped her in grooming her personality. In her talk, Ms. Rashmi motivated the girl students for sales jobs and discussed that female candidates are very much successful in sales profiles.
She also shared her beautiful memories about I.T.S and she thanks I.T.S for the support provided during her 2 years program.
At the end of the session Dr. Nitin Saxena shared her views and common issues of MBA students while preparing for placement and presented a plaque as token of regards to Ms. Rashmi on behalf of the institute.
Virtual Business Summit-2022 “Resilience & Reinvention of Business in the GIG Economy”
I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a Virtual Business Summit on the focal theme of “Resilience & Reinvention of Business in the GIG Economy” for PGDM and MBA students on 19th February 2022.
The Virtual Business Summit had an enlightening Inaugural session followed by insightful panel discussions. All the renowned resource persons presented deep insights on the focal theme of “Resilience & Reinvention of Business in the GIG Economy”
Following renowned Experts deliberated on the given theme-
· Mr. Venkatesh Mahadevan, Chief Information Officer, Dubai Investments, PJSC, Dubai, U.A.E
· Mr. Naresh Priyadarshi, CEO, IIITD Innovation & Incubation Center, IIIT Delhi -
· Mr. Amit Kumar, CEO, OLX Auto,
· Mr. Anupam Saronwala, Advisor Mentor, Angel Investor, Former Country Leader, IBM Research
· Ms. RashmiMansharamani, CHRO, Wave Group
· Mr. Gursharan Rai Bansal, CGM & Chief Sales Marketing officer, India Post Payments Bank
· Mr. Prashant Pal, CEO & Founder, Pure India Trust, Jaipur
· Mr. Kaushal Mahtani, Senior Principal, Accenture Strategy
· Ms. Lakshika Joshi, Global Lead IP Counsel & AVP Legal, Capgemini Engineering
· Mr. Amit Katariya, Global CHRO, Hanu Software
The event commenced with the virtual invocation of Goddess Saraswati. The program commenced with the enriching address by Shri Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman, I.T.S - The Education Group. Prof. (Dr.) V.N. Bajpai, Director- I.T.S Ghaziabad warmly welcomed all the eminent speakers and shared his valuable insights on the focal theme with the audience. An overview of the summit and introduction of the theme was given by Business Summit Convener, Dr. Anusha Agarwal.
The inaugural session was graced by honorable Chief Guest Mr. Venkatesh Mahadevan, Chief Information Officer, Dubai Investments, PJSC Dubai, U.A.E.He motivated the participants to embrace the practical knowledge and use their inquisitiveness for building agility and for betterment of their future.
Mr. Naresh Priyadarshi, CEO,IIITD Innovation & Incubation Center, IIIT Delhi distinguished Guest of Honor the day, described digital marketplace, listing platforms and asset sharing as the three pillars of GIG Economy and inspired participants to look for other options to become a disruptor themselves.
Mr. Amit Kumar, CEO,OLX Auto the keynote speaker of the inaugural session, delivered his keynote address highlighting the meaning of GIG economy as having virtual workers doing temporary jobs at their freedom. He also stressed that disruption is around the corner for most of the sectors and they need to embrace the change to be successful.
During the first Panel Session, Ms. Rashmi Mansharamani, CHRO-Wave Group introduced the theme Innovate, Integrate and Motivate for Sustainable Organizations. She explained why resilience and reinvention are important in an organization and how pandemic has impacted the organizations through the hybrid workplace. She further emphasized that empathy and trust along with relevant decision making can build socially sustainable organizations.
Mr. Gursharan Rai Bansal, CGM & Chief Sales Marketing officer,India Post Payments Bank discussed how technology is helping organizations to be agile and adaptable in order to sustain in this pandemic era
During the Panel Session-II, the summit witnessed stimulating discussions from the esteemed panelist on the theme of Entrepreneurism and Business Growth – Thriving in Turbulent Times.
Mr. Anupam Saronwala Advisor Mentor, Angel Investor, Former Country Leader, IBM Research, highlighted some important characteristics of GIG workers and emphasized that the biggest characteristic of GIG economy is absence of the fear of failure. Mr. Prashant Pal, CEO & Founder, Pure India Trust, Jaipur, briefly discussed about the upcoming contractual and freelance work environment. Mr. Kaushal Mahtani, Senior Principal, Accenture Strategy stressed on the changing nature of work which is giving way to contractual jobs and agile workforce. Ms. Lakshika Joshi Global Lead IP Counsel & AVP Legal, Capgemini Engineering, talked about legal protections available globally for GIG workers which India can adapt during its journey on the challenging growth path. Mr. Amit Katariya Global CHRO, Hanu Software, elaborated on the efforts of organizations in managing and engaging their workforce towards the transition from pandemic to post pandemic scenario.
The 6th Edition of I.T.S Business Summit 2022 thus concluded with the Institute’s students and guests learning through the combined experience of various Industry stalwarts from a variety of fields. The young leaders of tomorrow were left with a refreshed sense of motivation to work towards a brighter and smarter India. Prof. (Dr.) V N Bajpai presented virtual plaques to all the eminent guests as a token of gratitude. The beauty of the summit was evident from the way the audience kept peppering the sessions with different questions aimed at the panelists and the speakers’ enlightening remarks on the same.
National Online Summit on "Expectations, Challenges and Changing Role of Technology in HR Management
Online National Summit on Expectations, Challenges and Changing Role of Technology in Human Resource Management & Development organized by Department of IT(MCA) and UG Campus conducted on a grand note with august presence and address by eminent guests
1. Prof. Vinay Nangia
Professor, Mentor , Guide for Education, Business and Start ups
IIT Roorkee, NSUT Delhi
2. Dr. Anil Kumar Misra
Chief Human Resources Officer
JioMart - B2B Grocery, Reliance Retail
3. Shri Gaurav Gupta
India Head of Human Resources
4. Shri Shubham Tripathi
Senior HR Manager
Zee Media Corporation Limited
5. Shri Samyak Jain
Founder & CEO
6. Shri Narottam Sharma
Group Chief Information Officer
Shri Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group, in his message, expressed his happiness and appreciated the efforts of organizing team of this summit
Over 750+ participation from various institutes and universities all around the country attended this event.
Stop Look Cross - Rules of Traffic and Grammar by ‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme
I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad carried out ‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme on the 18th of February, 2022.
There was a nip in the air amidst distinctly warmer weather as winter indicated its retreat amidst a receding pandemic. The sense of optimism was thus entirely understandable.
The volunteers for the day were Manjeet, Tushar, Mamata, Rima, Manvi, Aryan, Tushar, Neha, Surendra, Baisnabi, Priyanshi, Saurabh, Tisha, Vimal, Rashmi, and Smriti.
Surendra initiated proceedings by providing a primer on basic traffic rules to be observed on a day-to-day basis. This was of particular importance for the kids in attendance as most of them live in slums that are close to the daily traffic; crossing roads safely is an essential requirement. Common traffic practices like the left-right-left rule were reminded to the tiny tots.
Prof. Lokesh Upreti then conducted a role-play session where the children were apprised about the dos and don’ts of using zebra crossings.
The second part of the day’s sessions focussed on the rules of English grammar. Neha enlightened the students about what constituted good language in common English usage. She was assisted by Mamata as they ensured that the learners properly followed whatever was being taught; uses were copied in the notebooks, which were checked by the instructors. A quiz was carried out where the day’s learning was evaluated.
With the day drawing to an end, Haldiram Chips and Melody Coffee Bite toffees were distributed among the children before they headed homewards.
Prof. Upreti planned and presided over the day’s session. Prof. Ashutosh Sharma motivated the volunteers in the various tasks.