News & Events

IB club organizes the activity “TRIVIA CRACK” for MBA(2021-23) Batch


I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad, organized an activity “TRIVIA CRACK” for MBA 2021-23 batch students on December 3rd, 2021.

The objective of the activity was to enhance and boost up participants’ International business knowledge. The activity consisted of two rounds. Round 1 comprised of 12 teams (each of 3 members) to participate in a treasure hunt event and collect things whose details were already provided to them. Based on the earliest time, 6 teams were shortlisted for the final round.

The final round of the activity was based on quizzing the teams for various International business-related events, entrepreneurs, company logos, etc. Later, a concluding remark was given by all the judges about the activity the words of appreciation for all participants and for club members. The winners were Nishant, Akash, and Sanjeet.

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5-days offline Instructor-led Bootcamp/Training on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


The objective of this training program is to help our MCA students to make them aware of the emerging trends in Information Technology so that there is no gap between academic and industry.

This training program was conducted by ShapeMySkills Pvt. Ltd. which is amongst top rates online and Offline learning platforms in the country, known to offer courses that help advance career empower students’ skill set and add to their learning making them progressive. The major topics which they covered include Programming Fundamentals for machine learning, Mathematical Fundamentals for machine learning, Machine learning applications, Regression, Classification, Forecasting - Time Series Analysis Supervised Machine Learning, Feature Engineering, Artificial Neural Networks.

On 1st December, 2021 Certificate distribution ceremony for attending 5-days offline Instructor-led Bootcamp/Training on Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence was organized.

Mr. Sanyam Dixit and Mr. Kuldeep Dixit were the guests who along with Director (IT&UG), Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey Chairperson-MCA, Prof. Puja Dhar and Coordinator-MCA, Prof. Smita Kansal felicitated the students with Certificates. Top-5 students who were the highest scorer in the online examination during the training were also felicitated with a certificate of honor. Faculty coordinators of this 5-days training Prof. Puja Dhar, Prof. Smita Kansal, and Prof. Abhay Kr. Ray was also felicitated.

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Merit and Performance Award Ceremony for MBA (2020-22) batch


I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Management Department organized a Merit and Performance Award Ceremony for MBA (2020-22) batch on November 30th 2021. 


The ceremony was graced by the benign presence of Shri. Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman I.T.S - The Education Group; Shri. Surinder Sood, Director PR, I.T.S – The Education Group; Director, Dr. D K Agrawal and Dr. Surendra Tiwari, Chairperson MBA.

The beginning of the ceremony was marked by the motivating speech by Shri. Arpit Chadha who motivated the students by emphasizing that how values in life are important in all walks of life which makes everyone in life a true winner. 

Shri. Surinder Sood addressed the students & revealed the importance of competition amongst the students and motivated them to have the spirit of continuous improvement.

Dr. D K Agrawal discussed the importance of small achievements and efforts of life which cumulatively become big for future. He congratulated all awardees and their parents for the success of their wards. Dr. Surendra Tiwari shared brief overview of the event with the audience. 

The students were presented with awards in three categories as follows:

·         Top 3 Merit Holders of MBA I Year.

·         Top 10 position Holders of MBA I Semester

·         Top 10 position Holders of MBA II Semester

·         Top 10 improvements in MBA II semester over MBA I semester.             .

33 students were awarded under the above categories. Top three Positions of MBA I Year (2020-22) bagged the Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000 by Nancy Gutpa; Rs. 7,500 by Shrang Singh & Rs. 5,000 by Kiran respectively. Rest of the awardees were rewarded with certificates of Merit & Improvement.

The event culminated with a Hi-Tea for Parents & Awardees.

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Industrial Visit to Mother Dairy for the students of MBA batch 2021-23


The Department of Management, I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organised an industry visit to Mother Dairy, Delhi for the students of MBA batch 2021-23 on November 26, 2021.

The objective of the visit was to provide the newly admitted batch a unique learning exposure by closely observing the functioning of an industrial operation.

The visit began with a nice drink of milk offered to all participant in the company compound. Following that, Ms. Neha, a company representative, gave brief knowledge about the history of successful years of Mother Diary and also describes the number of products produced by the organization and what is the process of making such high-quality milk and other products which nearly has maximum number of shares in the market. She informed about the company and its different products, followed by a foray into the entire processing at the plant. She described how Mother Dairy is achieving consumer satisfaction by continuously ensuring quality in its range of products. She also discussed how Mother Dairy is facing the increasing competition and its future plans to expand the operations in the untapped markets of India.

Further, she gave the students a guided tour of the premises while providing information about how the milk and dairy products began to be produced in India. She also spoke about the past years’ experience at Mother Dairy and how the organisation used to compete in different states by different names of same products. She also explained about the process of ensuring the quality and hygiene of milk and as well as the contribution of the farmers. The entire process of ‘clarification, homogenisation and pasteurisation was well explained.

Overall it was a memorable day out for the students. They found the session highly informative and engaging and raised many queries which were duly answered.

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Alumni Talk on “Opportunities in Publication Industry” fro MBA (2021-23) batch


Institute of Technology & Science Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad has organized an alumni talk on “Opportunities in Publication Industry” on 26th November, 2021.

The speaker for the session was Ms. Sarita Yadav, Sr. Project Manager, Aptara, alumnus of MBA 2005-07 Batch.  The session was organized for students of MBA 2021-23 Batch. The motive behind the session is to discuss the possible opportunities available in the Publication Industry after MBA and to impart the key skills required to get the job in the Publication Industry.

The session was started with the welcome address by Dr. V.N. Bajpai, Dean Accreditation and welcome address by Dr. D.K Pandey, chairperson Alumni Committee. Ms. Sarita started her talk with the introduction of the publishing industry and details of her job profile. She also discussed how she utilized the available resources at the institute to sharpen her skills during her MBA program.

She discussed the challenges that students face in communication and the importance of communication in the publishing industry. In her discussion, she emphasized on the importance of classroom attendance during MBA courses as well as the role of summer internship during the second year of the course. She also shared her beautiful memories about I.T.S and she thanks I.T.S for the support provided during her 2 years program.

At the end of the session Dr. Nitin Saxena shared her views and common issues of MBA students while preparing for placement and presented a plaque as a token of regards to  Ms. Sarita on behalf of the institute.  

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Guest Lecture on “GST – Introduction and Implementation” for MBA (2020-22) batch


Institute of Technology & Science Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad has organized a Guest Lecture on “GST – Introduction and Implementation” on 25th November, 2021.

The talk was organized as a part of industry delivery in Financial Planning and Tax Management in 3rd Semester of MBA (2020-22) batch.  The guest for the talk was CA Vishal Sharma, Founding Partner, Ecoo Global and Ex Finance Head Luxor Writing Instruments Ltd.

The lecture started with welcoming guest with play sapling. As Goods and Service Tax is now an integral part of our economic system and has changed the scenario of indirect tax in India, It is important to impart knowledge. Mr. Vishal Sharma has started his talk with simple terminologies of GST. He also shared the registration process, List of goods and Services with the specific tax rates .

During his session Mr. Vishal has shown the official portal of GST. He shared the information on how you can use various links available on the portal. These links include new registration links, updating key information related to the firm and company, Input Tax Credits , quarterly tax returns etc.

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Abhivinas - 2022 (Silver Jubilee Batch of MCA - Orientation Programme)


Department of IT, I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organized five days Orientation Programme for its newly, admitted 25thbatch of MCA (2021-2023) students from 17th November to 23rdNovember 2021.

The formal inaugural ceremony of Abhivinyas, MCA Orientation Programme was scheduled for 17th November 2021. On this occasion, the newly admitted students of MCA were addressed by eminent speakers including Sh. Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group
Prof. M.M Pant, Founder & Chairman- PlanetEDU, Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, IGNOU, Shri Arvind Thakur, Member, Board of Management at NIIT University, Cofounder, Ex.Vice-Chairman&  Managing Director - NIIT Technologies, Sh. Manoj Chugh, President - Group Public Affairs & Member - Group Executive Board,Mahindra & Mahindra, Dr. Rajesh Mohan Rai, Co-Founder, Learning Equation LLP at Learning Equation LLP, Former Lead - Recruitment & HR RGE Vertical and Director(IT&UG), Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey.

In the beginning Chairperson-MCA, Prof. Puja Dhar, and Coordinator-MCA, Prof. Smita Kansal welcomed the new students of MCA andwished them the best of luck for a new journey of learning at I.T.S.

While addressing the students Director-IT&UG, Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey said that Department is proudly welcoming the 25th (Silver Jubliee) batch of MCA. He said that the department always provides the opportunity to students of MCA to work on Industry projects during their studies. He said that the Department of I.T. is fortunate to have eminent speakers from industry and academia who are addressing the new members of the MCA Programme during the 5-days Orientation Programme.

Sh. Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group while addressing the gathering congratulated the department for celebrating & welcoming the 25th Batch of MCA. He said that students are fortunate to listen & meet the guests from the leading industries who will be sharing their experience and blessing them.

While addressing the students of MCA,Dr. M.M.Pant talked about shaping minds for the new millennium. He said that success happens when preparation meets opportunities. He also discussed the Top 10 skills of the year 2022 and technology megatrends in the 5th Industrial revolution.

While addressing the students Sh. Arvind Thakuradvised students to focus on basic and at the same time, they have to be aware of the new technologies. He said thatcommunication is very important to express our knowledge & creativity. Skills are important as it is a requirement of industry and at the same time, we should build a learning attitude and discipline is also important. He emphasizedreskilling which is important for survival in the IT industry.

Sh. Manoj Chugh while addressing online advised Students to be updated as per the expectations of the industry. He said that Students who want to work in Web framework can start learning UI/Angular JS/ Node JS latest technologies. They can also think about ML/AI/IoT. Students may also take Python which supports ML capability. He talked about all the demanding technologies as per the corporate demand.

While addressing the new MCA candidates Dr. Rajesh Mohan Rai congratulated the IT Department for organizingthe 25th (Silver Jubliee) Orientation Programme. He appreciated I.T.S for always providing the opportunity to its students to meet & listen to the people from the leading companies.

On 18thNovember 2021 students were fortunate to listen toMaj. Gen. Shashi Asthana National Security Expert and Brig. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar, Brigadier (Retd.) & International Master Trainer, Leadership Coach, Author, and Motivation Speaker and Brig. R. S. Grewal, Veteran Army Officer & Sr. Academician. Brig. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar took an interactive session in which students were fully involved in many activities.

On 20th November 2021 students were blessed to meet and listen to Sh. Bharat Anand, VP and Group IT & Technology Head - EC-Council & Ex. CTO – Ministry of Home, Govt. of India. While addressing the students he advised them to focus on the fundamentals and be aware of the upcoming technologies.

While addressing the gathering on the same day Shri Narottam Sharma,Group CIO, MASTEK also advised students to be a sport and take active participation in all the events. Students should avoid giving excuses to achieve any goal and they should come out of their shells to face the real challenges from the corporate world.

On the same day, some of the MCA alumni were also invited for an open-house session. The objective of this session was to discuss the doubts of the new students which were nicely addressed by the alumni. In this session, there wasMs. Nidhi Kapoor Malhotra, Founder Director-, (MCA 1999-2001), Mr. Manish Sharma, Idemia, (MCA 2002-05),Mr. Chetan Pandey,Astt. Manager, Paytm, (MCA 2011-14),Mr. Prashant Somani,Infosys, (MCA 2011-14), Mr. Abhishek Agrawal,MCA (2013-16)Microsoft India, Mr. Yash Mendiratta,Tavant Technologies, MCA (2013-16).

On 22nd November 2021, there were two eminent speakers who addressed the students of MCA (2021-23) including Sh. Upkar Singh,Director Technology, FIS, Global, Noida, and Ms. Geeta Sheghal, Founder, Speakers & Leaders Academy. While addressing the students Sh. Upkar Singh,Director Technology, FIS, Global, Noida took the session and very nicely explained about the VUCA world which means Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. He also advised students to follow 10-E Keys starting from Enthusiasm to enjoying a successful life. He also advised that we should blend humor in our work environment. He very nicely explained the journey from comfort zone to growth zone. He advised students that we should program according to what we see and hear. We should generate our thoughts and we should program ourselves in such a manner that so that it can result in excelling your goals.

Ms. Geeta Sheghal talked about tips regarding personality development and how a fresher should be ready for the new challenges of the corporate world.

The concluding day of the 5-days Orientation Programme was organized on 22nd November 2021. Dr. Amitabh Rajan, Chairman - Services Board,RBI Former Home Secretary of Maharashtra, Additional Chief Secretary of India, was the speaker of this day. Dr. Amitabh talked about the Techntonic Shift of the 21st century. He also discussed the 10 views about Enterprise Development which included Conceptualising Enterprise to conceptualizing institutional economies. He also suggested the new various books which students should definitely try to read.

The five days Orientation Programme was full of new learning and meeting with the leaders from industry & academia.

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Motivational talk on the fourth day of the orientation program “Aarambh 2021”


A Motivational Talk was organized for the MBA 2021-23 Batch on the fourth day of the orientation program “Aarambh 2021” on 18th November, 2021.

The speaker of the day was Mr. Surinder Sood, Director PR- I.T.S The Education Group. The session began with the welcome of Mr. Surinder Sood by Prof. (Dr.) D. K Agrawal Director. In his highly energetic deliberation, Mr. Sood emphasised on the values students are expected to inculcate to be successful in their professional endeavours. He stressed that every individual is driven by certain motivators, and it is our responsibility to be honest, committed, and true towards ourselves.

The interactive session witnessed active participation from the students who voiced their queries which were duly addressed by the guest of the day. 

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Industry Interaction session “Corporate Expectations from Budding Managers’”


I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Department of Management organised a session on ‘Corporate Expectations from Budding Managers’ as a part of "Aarambh 2021"

Orientation Program for MBA (2021-23) on 17th November, 2021. The guest of the day was Mr. Sushil Aggarwal, Chairman, AVRO India Limited. He emphasised on the qualities students are expected to cultivate in themselves to cope up with the challenges in this VUCA World. The session was full of interesting incidents which emphasised on life lessons for the young minds. 

The highly interactive session saw active participation from the students who raised their queries pertaining to future career opportunities as well as their entrepreneurial dreams. 

Mr. Aggarwal duly answered all the queries and emphasised on having a right attitude to progress on the path of success.

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Corporate Talk on “COVID-19: Strategies for Getting Ahead of the Pandemic Crisis”


Institute of Technology and Science, Ghaziabad organized a corporate talk on "COVID-19: Strategies for Getting Ahead of the Pandemic Crisis" for participants of MBA (2021-22) batch on October 30, 2021.

Expert for the session was– Mr. Avinash Srivastava, General Manager at DLF Ltd, Gurugram.

Mr. Srivastava has over 2 decades of diversified experience in the leadership in General Management role i.e., Business Strategy and Operation. He is a member of various committees at Industry Associations and Chambers i.e., PHD Chamber, ASSOCHAM, FICCI, and NAREDCO.  

Mr. Srivastava shared his views about several periods of disruption i.e., 1st world war (1914- 1918), The Great Depression (1930s) and The World War 2 (1939- 1945) etc., He also discussed the learnings drawn from the “dot com bubble”, “subprime crisis” etc and how they have impacted the economy.

He further talked about the continuous growing trend of the Indian economy to reach a massive 3 trillion USD even after facing recurring disruptions like 3 Indo- Pak wars, Indo-China war, Kargil war, 1991 economic crisis and many more. He explained some of the major tenets of a country’s economy like Exports, Imports, balance of payment, foreign reserve etc., and also introduced recently evolved concepts like FTWZ (Free Trade Warehousing Zones), growth in customer experience and such others.

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HR Conclave 2021


I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized HR Conclave 2021 on the focal theme of “HR & Disruptive Development During Pandemic” on 23rd October, 2021 in the campus

with an objective to understand the changing face of HR and disruptive development during pandemic.

The inaugural session was graced by the benign presence of Shri Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman, I.T.S - The Education Group, Chief Guest Mr. Ashutosh Anshu CHRO, Hitachi India, Guest of Honour Mr. Subir Verma, CHRO and Head HR & IR Tata Power, Shri Surinder Sood, Director (PR), I.T.S - The Education Group, Dr. Vidya Sekhri, Former Director & Professor Emeritus, I.T.S Ghaziabad and Prof. Durba Roy, Program Convener.

The inaugural ceremony commenced with the lamp lighting followed by Saraswati Vandana. The Welcome address was presented by Dr. Vidya Sekhri, and Session Overview was given by Prof. Durba Roy.

The session also witnessed the energetic opening remarks by the Shri Surinder Sood and an inspiring and motivational inaugural address by Shri. Arpit Chadha.

Honourable Chief Guest Mr. Ashutosh Anshu, shared his valuable experience with the students and focused on three Cs in terms of Communication, Coordination and Collaboration to be successful in the professional arena.

Guest of Honour Mr. Subir Verma discussed with the students about the major technical, digital and HR disruptions and how budding managers should handle these disruptions.

At the end, I.T.S plaques were presented to the eminent guests of the inaugural session as a token of respect.

Inaugural session was followed by two panel discussions.

Panel Session 1 - "Work From Home - A new Paradigm"

Speakers from different fields and vintage shared their experiences of navigating adversity and turning disruption that they faced during the pandemic.

- Mr. Agniwesh Thakur, Lead HCM, Accenture

- Mr. Debargha Deb, Head HR - North, Dabur Ltd.

- Ms. Nidhi Jain, MD, Apex P. Ltd.

- Ms. Richa Sahay, Head HR, Human Circle

- Ms. Sincy Joseph, HR-OD Professional, ICF-ACC Coach (Leadership and Life); Group Dynamics Trainer (ISABS)

Dr. V N Bajpai, Dean welcomed all the speakers by presenting the plant saplings.

Students also raised various questions which were nicely answered by the speakers.

At the end Each speaker was honored with a plaque at the conclusion of the panel discussion.

Panel Session 2 - "Digital Disruptions and HR"

- Mr. Neeraj Narang, Director – HCM Strategy, Oracle

- Ms. Priyanka Srivastava, AGM HR, CNH Industrial India Pvt. Ltd.

- Mr. Manoj Kumar, AVP & Head HR, Indiannica Learning Pvt. Ltd.

- Mr. Shivshant Kumar, Sr. Director & Head HRIS,Jubiliant Pharmova

- Mr. Devmani Pandey, Head HR Operations, Dalmia Cements & Hippo Stores.

After the end of the panel discussion, each speaker was felicitated with the plaque as a token of remembrance.

At the end of HR Conclave 2021, Prof. Shilpi Rana, conclave coordinator offered a vote of thanks to all esteemed guests for their insightful words discussing current HR trends.

HR Conclave 2021 panel discussions contributed to the success of the conclave and ensured lively discussion of the issues.

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Management faculty attended a one- week FDP, an Initiative of the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India Electronics & ICT Academy, IIT Guwahati


Prof. Shilpi Vaish, Faculty of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad attended a one-week online Faculty Development Program on "Classroom Management Skills & Online Delivery Techniques" from 4 -9 October, 2021 .

This FDP was an Initiative of the Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India Electronics & ICT Academy IIT Guwahati, Assam, organized in Association with Government Model College, Kaziranga and was a 40 Hours of course for the per day timing of 10 am to 5 pm.

The online FDP witnessed participation from 50 selected Faculty members and PHD Research Scholars from across India. It aimed to impart training to a level where faculties will be benefited in terms of the teaching style, personality improvement, classroom delivery and help the faculties to create a strong mentor mentee relation required for overall development. 

The topics and schedule covered are mentioned below:

4th October, 2021

·    Inauguration Ceremony 

·    Introduction of Learning Management System

·    Benefit of using Learning Management System

·    Various Learning Management System tools available

·    How to design your own Learning Management System

5th October, 2021

·    Classroom Transaction, Pedagogical Approaches in Teaching in Higher Education

·    Micro Teaching Techniques, Question paper setting and  Evaluation patterns and Techniques

6th October, 2021

·    Virtual Delivery Techniques

·    Life Skills

7th October, 2021

·    Mentoring Techniques, Career Counseling

·    Attitude Crafting, Behavioral Skills

8th October, 2021

·    Classroom delivery enhancement techniques

·    Gratitude Attributes

9th October, 2021

·    Project Work, Assessment, Case Studies

Continuous Monitoring and Assessment was conducted by E&ICT Academy IIT Guwahati. The weightage of the Assessment (100 Marks) as follows:

o Theory Assessment (MCQ/Descriptive) : 30 Marks

o Practical Assessment/Assignment/Activities : 40 Marks

o Classroom Attendance/Monitoring and Assignments : 30 Marks

On the basis of percentage, the certificate was awarded. All the resource persons were masters of their own field and seasoned trainers. This extremely informative FDP will help me in training participants with a variety of modules and different styles of conduct which can enhance their overall personality.

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Online Faculty Development Programme on Data Analytics for Research and Publication


AICTE ATAL organized a 5 day FDP on “Data Analytics for research and Publication” from Oct 4th 2021 to Oct 8th 2021, which was hosted by IIM Vishakhapatnam.

Prof. Charul Agrawal and Prof Parul Gupta from Management Department, I.T.S Ghaziabad attended this 5-day FDP which was focussed on equipping the programme participants with the requisite knowledge for identifying the right research problem, selection of adequate data analysis techniques, application of those research techniques, and interpretation of results. The FDP witnessed overwhelming participation from more than 150 participants from all the corners of the country. All the sessions in FDP were well planned and structured so as to give a comprehensive view of the topic.

The sessions were taken by the Faculties of IIM Vishakhapatnam who were well equipped and presented the topics in an easy manner. The Resource persons shared many practical examples and gave hands on training on some statistical data packages.

The 5-day FDP was followed by a rigorous examination, on completion of which the participants were issued Certificates. 

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Management faculty attended a one- week FDP on “Data Analytics: Tools & Techniques”.


Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, the Faculty of Management Department, I.T.S Ghaziabad,  attended a five days Virtual FDP on ‘Data Analytics: Tools & Techniques’ from September 20-24, 2021 organized by the School of Management Studies (SMS), University of Hyderabad (UoH).


The online FDP witnessed participation from 80 selected Faculty members from across India. The resource persons of the program were mainly from the University of Hyderabad. The details of the topics covered are mentioned below-

·         Introduction to Data analytics

·         Analytics and Algorithms

·         Data visualization: Graphs & Charts

·         Measurement and Scaling

·         Concepts of Probability

·         Choice of the right statistical technique for data analysis

This FDP followed a peer-learning approach. It was a highly interactive and intensive program that included daily quizzes and an exam for final assessment based on which the certificate was awarded. This was a great learning experience for Dr. Gurpreet Kaur which would help her in the teaching-learning process in the field of data analytics.

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