News & Events

Utthan Lab Activity


30th December, 2017 activity of Utthan Lab, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was a grand celebration of the New Year with the kind blessings of Director IT Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey. The Children also enjoyed working on computers and participating in the Greeting Card Preparation Competition.

Volunteers of the day – Shweta Sharma, Renu Chauhan, Shivani Jain, Jhalak Agarwal, Shivi Gautam, Prateek Srivastava, Bikram Parajuli and Rakesh Dam started the day with the brief on the day’s activities and the competition.

The talk of the day was on ‘Resolutions for 2018’ which was based on the confessions of the mistakes committed in the passing year. The children frankly and honestly announced their New Year Resolutions which could make their life and relations better.

The second session of the day was a practical session in the computer labs. The children were taken to Lab 1 and Lab 6 where the task was to explore Google Images and find out the best greeting card for 2018. Then the children had to draw the same card on the paper given to them.

Drawing and decorating the Greeting Card on the sheet was the competition of the day. Out of around 150 children, 35 were chosen as winners of fabulous prizes like ball and rackets, flying disks, writing pads, stationery kits and highlighters. The encouraging presence and address of Director IT Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey boosted the morale of the children. He not only blessed them with his kind words but also felicitated them with prizes and appreciation.

The activity concluded with the snacks and the cold drinks served to all. All the children were gifted with balloons, ball pens and salty snacks Crax Curl. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi guided the volunteers and enjoyed the activity as the faculty coordinator of Utthan Lab

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FDP on Customer Value Management by Mr Gautam Mahajan.


I.T.S Ghaziabad organised a Faculty Development Program on Customer Value management for PG Management faculty members on 27th December, 2017. The FDP was conducted by Mr. Gautam Mahajan, President, Inter-link and Customer Value Foundation.

Mr Mahajan is the leading global thought leader in Total Customer Value Management. Mr Mahajan worked for a Fortune 50 company in the USA for 17 years and had hand-on experience in consulting, training of leaders, professionals, managers and CEOs from numerous MNCs and local conglomerates like Tata, Birla and Godrej groups. He is also the author of widely acclaimed books “Customer Value Investment: Formula for Sustained Business Success”, “Total Customer Value Management: Transforming Business Thinking.” and " Value Creation: The Definitive Guide for Business Leaders". He was President, of the Indo-American Chamber of Commerce, and was Chairman, PlastIndia Committee, Vice President All India Plastics Manufacturers Association, Trustee Plastics Institute of America. He was a member of the US India think tank. He was Chairman of the US India Economics Relations Forum. Among his honors is a Fellowship from Harvard Business School and Illinois Institute of Technology. He also has 18 US patents.

The FDP was organized with the objectives:

· To create awareness about Co-creation of customer value

· Understanding Concept & global practices

· Implications for Indian companies in different sectors.

Addressing to the participants Mr. Mahajan highlighted that key development in marketing and business practice in the last decade has been the tremendous growth of customer relationship management (CRM). Many companies have invested significantly in customer databases to understand, monitor, analyse and influence customer behavior. The critical aspect of CRM is customer value, the economic value of the customer relationship to the firm. Customer Value Management is a measure of a company’s customers’ view of the perceived value for money delivered relative to that of their competitors’ customers. It is sometimes known as a Customer Value Added (CVA) approach. He said that effective Customer Value Analysis brings tangible benefits to a company. He shared various examples of multinational companies to make the participants understand the total customer value management and its implications.

The FDP content and the delivery were well appreciated by the participants.

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Session Attended on “Future of Work in a Digital Era: The Potential and Challenges for Oline Freelancing and Microwork in India”


Dr. Indrneenl Mandal, a faculty at I.T.S Ghaziabad, attended a half day session organized by the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) at the Juniper Hall of the India Habitat Centre, on 26th December 2017. The purpose of the session was to discuss the results of a survey carried out by post doctoral students under the aegis of ICRIER.

At first Dr Rajat Kathuria, Director and CE, ICRIER, highlighted the results of the study. He pointed out that while freelancing is an activity in which various sections of society were involved. As Dr Kathuria summarised, the online freelancing ecosystem had expanded to encompass a variety of skills, work type and commitment to freelancing. It facilitated the involvement of a signficant cohort of informal labour in India, particularly women. He stressed on the need for including freelancing as a part of labour policy design. He also referred to the necessity for building awareness and correcting perceptions through the concerted participation of multiple stakeholders.

The next speaker was Ms. Helani Galpaya, the CEO of LIRNEasia. She spoke on another survey carried out in India by her own organisation. This survey was more comprehensive and wide ranging in terms of both the issues covered as well as the respondents accessed. The focus was on a more micro view with the individuals being interviewed for assessing their outlook towards online freelancing as a remunerative activity.

Finally a panel discussion on the existing status of online freelancing in India and the way forward was held, with the participants being Mr Sanjeev Bikhchandani, Co-Founder and Executive Vice Chairman of Info Edge, Mr R.Chandrashekhar, President, NASSCOM, Mr Manish Kumar, MD and CEO, National Skill Development Council, and Dr Harsha Vardhana Singh, Executive Director, Brookings India. The discussion was moderated by Dr Kathuria.

It was a interesting and eye opening session on the diverse aspects of a virgin area like freelancing. Everybody gained some unique insights based on the preceding interactions.

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‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme.


24th December, 2017 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was a real blast, a power-packed advance celebration of Christmas in association with the Cultural Club of ITS, Ghaziabad. The overwhelming presence of Prof. Durba Roy, Head-CRC, made the celebration even more memorable.

Volunteers of the day Payel Sinha, Shashank Sharma, Mayank Chaturvedi, Prashanjit Sen, Mayukh Sau, Rubiya Nur, Jhalak Agarwal, Rupam Rani, Apurva, Abhijeet Giri, Guriya Kumari, D. Gagan Acharya, Harshvardhan, Novika Chadha, Bikram Parajuli and Rakesh Dam started the class with the prayer and informed the children about the significance of the day.

The celebration of Christmas started with the decoration of the spot. The volunteers had reached early and decorated the tree and the wall with the ribbons, balloons and posters. Soon the members of the Cultural Club ‘Vibgyor’ of ITS, Ghaziabad took the reins in their hands and conducted interesting games for the slum children like passing the parcel and touching their own body parts as instructed. The winners were felicitated with the fabulous prizes like big balls and cricket kits. The cultural club members had also brought muffins for all children. Besides, senior PGDM students Payel, Shashank and Mayank had brought three really huge cakes for the slum buds out of their pleasure of getting placed in prestigious concerns.

The attraction of the day was PGDM I Year volunteer Mr. Harshvardhan who was warmly welcomed as Santa. The presence of Prof. Durba Roy gave the celebration a great height and energy. She not only enjoyed the celebration till the end but also interacted with the underprivileged children affectionately.

The celebration concluded with the distribution of Muffins, Cake pieces, balloons, balls and chocolates among the children. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi accompanied and guided the volunteers as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club.

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Prof. Alok Singh presented a research paper in XXIth Annual International Conference


On December 21st, 22nd and 23rd December, 2017, XXIth Annual International conference of Society of Operations Management was organized at Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad. The conference saw a great gathering of wonderfully acclaimed speakers throughout the world. This conference was devised to create a platform for discussion on the current and contemporary issues on Supply Chain Management, E- Business, Process Excellence, Optimization and Operations Management. The conference had also allowed the participants to discuss current and pressing issues with senior level executives and academicians from different countries.

On the behalf of I.T.S- Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad; Prof. Alok Singh has participated among the elite galaxy of eminent scholars and presented his research paper titled “A Critical Review on Supply Chain Performance Evaluation of Perishable Products in India”. More than 100 quality research papers across the world were submitted by different area experts in their different domain of expertise. The conference was inaugurated with benign presence of Prof. Pankaj Chandra (Vice Chancellor, Ahmedabad University), Prof. Peeyush Mehta (IIM Calcutta), Mr. Aamir Akhtar (CEO, Denim Fabrics of Arvind Ltd.) and Prof. Devanath Tirupati (Dean, Amrut Mody School of Management).

This three day international conference was organized by Society of Operations Management at Amrut Mody School of Management, Ahmedabad University, Ahmedabad.

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Participation in Five Day Workshop by Google


Two faculty of Department of IT, Prof Gaurav Kumar Midha and Prof Varun Arora attended 5-day workshop by Google with train-the-trainer programme on “Android Developer Fundamentals” Sponsored by AKTU at GLB ITM, Gr Noida, Gr Noida sponsored by AKTU. 
Android Developer Fundamentals is an instructor-led course created by the Google Developers Training team. Developers taking the course learn basic Android programming concepts and build a variety of apps, starting with Hello World and working their way up to apps that use content providers and loaders.
Ms. Simmi Anand corporate trainer was the resource person for the training.

The course materials included:
A practical workbook: Android Developer Fundamentals Course—Practicals
• A concept reference: Android Developer Fundamentals Course—Concepts
• Slide decks (for optional use by instructors)
• Videos of lectures (for reference by instructors and developers)
Android Developer Fundamentals includes five teaching units:
• Unit 1: Get started
• Unit 2: User experience
• Unit 3: Working in the background
• Unit 4: All about data
• Unit 5: What's next
Unit 1: Get started
This unit covers installing Android Studio, understanding project structure, building first app, creating activities, testing apps, and using the Android Support Library.First, One can deploy a simple Hello World app. One can go on to create an app with a simple activity, and then One can create a multi-screen app that passes data between activities. One can also learn how to use the Android Support Library to provide backward-compatibility with earlier versions of the Android system for app.
Unit 2: User experience
This unit covers how to get input from the user, implement navigation strategies, use themes and styles, test user interface, and follow Material Design principles.
One can create apps that use menus and tabs for navigation, and input controls such as spinners and picker dialogs to get information from the user. One can learn how to extract resources to create a style from an instance of a user interface element. One can write an app that displays a word list in a recycler view (and One can learn why it's better to use a recycler view than a plain scrolling list).One can also build a score-keeping app to explore Material Design guidelines.
Unit 3: Working in the background
This unit covers how to do background work, how to schedule tasks, and how to trigger events. It covers the performance implications of executing work in the background, as well as best practices for reducing battery drain. One can learn how Android determines which apps to keep running and which to stop when resources run low.
One can write an app that connects to the Internet in a background thread to find the author of any book. One can also build apps that send notifications and schedule tasks, and One can learn how to implement scheduling functionality for apps that run on earlier versions of Android.
Unit 4: All about data
This unit is all about data. It covers how to store data, update it, query it, load it, and make it available outside app.
One can build a word list and store the words in a database. To understand content providers, One can build a minimal content provider app. Then One can add a content provider to the word list app to provide an interface for querying and updating the list. One can finish by creating a separate app that uses a loader to load the word list via the content provider.
Unit 5: What's next?
This unit covers permissions, app performance, and security best practices. It explains how to run a trial of app so family and friends can try it out.
This unit also introduces some of the many additional Android features that you can add to your app, and explains how to publish your app in Google Play. 
It was a great learning experience with hand on lab instructions and practical work in android developer studio.

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invited talk on Big Data Analytics & Hadoop


Dr. Doreen Robin, Director, Computer Intelligence Research Foundation from, Chennaihas delivered a invited talk on 22ndDecember, 2017, at I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad through videoconferencing during 10:00 A.M-12:00 PM at New Board Room, AB I, I.T.S Ghaziabad. In this session, reknown researcherDr. Doreen delivered talk on “Big Data Analytics and Hadoop”. 

In hersession, she explained about Bigdata. She said that Big Data basically refers to huge volume of data that cannot be stored and processed using traditional approach within the given time frame. She briefed about maximum bigdata allowed by gmail/yahoomail and social media like Facebook, Twitter etc. Dr Doreen talked about Hadoop, component and its development framework. She has shown practical demonstration of Hadoop by taking practical examples. Further Dr, Robin has explained Apache Hadoop Ecosystem, Pig(Scripting Language), Machine Learning(Mahout), Hive(Query), Sqoop, Rest and ODBC etc. She has also briefed about Skybox, yarn, flume, JSON and HBase.
She provided a detailed insight with her recent research and latest technologies of Hadoop2. She also explained various example. She has mentioned that Facebook alone receives around 500 terabytes of data every day. Twitter processes around 400 million tweets each day. Linkendln and google receives tens of terabytes of data on a daily basis. Youtube each minute around 48 hours of fresh videos are uploaded to youtube. She also spoke about How much volume of data is being stored and presented on these sites. 
This event was in the series of Invited talks by national and international speakers of repute by Dept of IT of the institute with an objective to provide the detailed insight of the theme to the upcoming and working professionals about the technological, research and allied issues and experience sharing by leading experts and professionals.
Dr Doreen Robin also interacted with faculties and answered the queries raised during the session.
It was wonderful learning experience for IT Faculties.

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Dr. Rajeev Johari attended conference at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi


 Dr. Rajeev Johari attended the enriching program “Launch of the World Inequality Report 2018” on 20th December, 2017 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The report was presented by Lucas Chancel, Co- Director, World Inequality Lab & World Wealth and Income Database, Paris School of Economics. Isher Judge Ahluwalia, Chairperson, ICRIER delivered the welcome address. This session was followed by a lively enlightening exposure on the report by Mr. Lucas Chancel, the general coordinator of the report on economics terminologies like fiscal deficit, private economy, public economy, market economy in the context of the central term of inequality and wealth. This report has been prepared in eight languages of the world including Hindi and is accessible online. This useful report focuses on the dynamics of global income inequality. It also offers insights into employability related to skill levels. The parameters employed in the report were subjected to both endorsement and critiques by the guests.

The panel discussion by three distinguished panellists following the report presentation was chaired by Dr. Rajat Kathuria, Director& CE, ICRIER. The panellist Dr. Pronav Sen of International Growth Centre, threw light on issues related to fiscal deficit, micro finance and taxation. The panellist Dr. Himanshu of JNU, talked about Government’s recent initiatives which have served to bridge the inequality gap. Mr. Sandeep Chachhra of Action Aid discussed issues relating to industry requirement. This panel discussion was followed by vibrant question answer and comment session. Dr. Rajat Kathuria gave the concluding remarks.

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Sansmaran-2017 : Alumni meet of Management Courses


Sansmaran–2017, unveiled itself in all its glory. The I.T.S Alumni Meet of Management courses (PGDM, MBA & BBA) was organised on a pleasant evening of Saturday, 16th December, 2017, manifested emotions, youth and enthusiasm at its full flow. What took months of planning and diligent execution was finally ready to welcome the alumni. Million smiles on the faces and high spirit marked the welcome for the alumni. With beautiful ambience, dazzling lights and foot tapping music, the meet began with a difference.

It was time again for nostalgia, as 519 ex-students of management programmes (PGDM, MBA & BBA) from different batches of Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad gathered to cherish old memories. It is a testimony of growing networking among alumni and strong bonding between the institute and its alumni.

Programme was inaugurated with lamp lighting before Maa Saraswati by Dr Ajay Kumar, Director (Management), Dr Sunil Kumar Pandey, Director (IT) & Chairperson- Alumni, Dr Vidya Sekri, Director (UG Campus), Prof Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal-UG, management programme Chairpersons Dr V N Bajpai (PGDM), Dr D K Pandey (MBA) and Prof Pawan Kumar (BBA) and Prof Durba Roy, CRC Head.

Senior alumni of PGDM, MBA & BBA courses were felicitated for their achievements in their respective fields and being connected with their Alma-mater as a true brand ambassador. Senior alumni spoke about college life and shared their past experiences. 06 alumni of 2004-06, the first batch of MBA programme, joined alumni meet and shared their experiences and good wishes.

It was then followed by number of mind blowing performances by students including Ganesh Vandana by UG students, Group Dance on fusion songs by PG students and Bharat Natyam.

Celebrity performance was one of the main attractions of this year alumni meet. Bollywood playback singer and performer Manoj Jaiswal (MJ), one of the most versatile singers and his team sang many songs with such distinction, that left the listeners spellbound. The effortless transition across the entire range of old and new songs without any strand of strain, flawless emotions forced the audience to tap their feet. The electrifying performance by lady singer Ms. Bhumika Malik raised the heat and put the stage on fire on this cold winter evening. This nigh also witnessed the Teaser release of his Bollywood album named – ILTIJA. The presence of Shri Surinder Sood, Director (PR) made this release , a life time memory.

There were games and quizzes organized for everyone to take part and win prizes as well. The day’s programme had a lot of exciting events lined up to raise the nostalgia one notch up.

The excitement augmented to a joyful high when the alumni and faculty joined the festivities together to strengthen the bond among them. Colors of joy, happiness, togetherness could be seen in alumni as well as faculty members.

The gala dinner was organised where alumni across batches and sectors, faculty and administrative body members and current students interacted with each other. The major takeaway from the event was the satisfaction all attendees had after meeting their friends and their alma mater.

Sansmaran -2017 is all about refreshing memories and strengthening bond between alumni and its Alma-mater. A time of the year to create an everlasting relationship and to cherish the old ones. Everyone left with not just tapping feet but the pulsating togetherness of what they went for.

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Faculty IT attended 5-Day International Workshop @ Bennett University


Two faculty of Department of IT, Prof Chandra Mani Sharma and Prof Saurabh Saxena attended 5-day international workshop on “Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning” during 16th-20th December, 2017. The workshop was organized by Bennett University, Gr Noida in association with IEEE Computer Society.

The big data analytics and deep learning are the demanding areas of research and development. The breakthroughs in these areas has been very promising therefore they are attracting the attention of the researchers. Recently, deep learning has proved to be more accurate in solving a variety of pattern recognition problems.

The workshop was attended by around 100 international participants. The workshop had very renowned resource persons including Prof (Dr). K K Biswas(Rtd. Professor, IIT/D); Prof. (Dr) Deepak Garg, Dr. Rishav Singh, Dr. Sridhar Swami Nathan, and Dr Shubham Jain.

The workshop had a plentiful of practical exposure on various tools for Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning including programming languages like R & Python, and tools like Anaconda, Tensorflow, Stax, Cassandra, etc.

During the workshop, we also got the opportunity to visit the AI lab of Bennett University. They have procured nVidia GPU Supercomputer for Deep Learning and other complex tasks of AI. It was an amazing experience to see how Super Computer solves it all.

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Library Club organized “Management Fiesta and Poster Making Contest”


Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized “Management Fiesta and Poster Making Contest” as an activity of Library Club on 12th December 2017, forPGDM (2017-19) students.

First event was Poster Making Competition in which students were given the topic – DIGITAL INDIA for poster making. The teams presented their posters to the panel of Judges which comprised of Prof. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi and Prof. Shikha Arora.

There were exciting Question Answer rounds for the audience as well. Club members played various audio clips and the questions were asked based on the audio clips.

The next activity was TEAM BUILDING Game (Step out from your castle). There were about 10 teams of 4 members each. This was a very engaging learning cum fun activity based on Team building and Leadership.

The winners of Poster-making competition were:

· First prize for poster making - Rubiya Nur , Nikhil and Priyanshi.

· Runner up prize - Ankit Pal, Atay Rasool Khan , Shiva Shah.

Winners of Team Building Game were Rubiya Nur, Fahima Khatoon, Priyanshi Gupta and Rishabh Jain.

Winners were awarded with exciting prizes and certificates.

The activity was organized under the guidance of Library Club Mentor Prof. Shikha Arora and was conducted by the members of The Reader’s Café- Library club successfully.

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‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme


10th December, 2017 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was a countdown session during which the children had the countdown of tables, numbers and other lessons learnt earlier. Besides, they got a big treat as Ms. Aanchal Grover, a passed out student of PGDM 2015-17 batch, had sent Laddoos and balloons for them on the occasion of her birthday.
Volunteers of the day Anjali Kasana, Mayank Kumar, Anchal Omar, Shalu Gupta and George Rudolf Henry started the class with the prayer and informed the children about the session scheduled for the day.
The session of the Day was - ‘Countdown’, a countdown of the lessons learnt so far. This included the revision of tables from 2 to 20, counting and English alphabet. By chance, while the volunteers mentioned the name of ‘Satyawadi Raja Harishchandra’ as a reference to something, they realized that the children did not know anything about him. Finally, on demand, the story of Raja Harishchand was narrated for the slum children and they were told to be as pious, strong and truthful as he was.

At the end of the talk, a short quiz was conducted. Those who responded correctly to the questions asked were felicitated with on the spot prizes.
The children got a sweet and pleasant surprise on this day. Ms. Aanchal Grover, a passed out student of PGDM (she had gone placed and married last year), had sent Motichoor Ke Laddu and colourful balloons for all the children on the occasion of her birthday. The children were overjoyed to have got these delicacies and gift and sang the birthday song with full zeal for their Aanchal Didi.

The class concluded with the distribution of Parle G biscuits and éclairs among the children. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi accompanied and guided the volunteers as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club.

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SANSMARAN – 2017, The I.T.S Alumni Meet, of our Institute for IT Courses was organized on Saturday, 9th December, 2017 from 05.30 PM Onwards at I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad Campus. The Alumni Meet – 2017, was formally inaugurated by lamp lighting by Shri. Arpit Chadha, Honorable Vice Chairman – I.T.S The Education Group, Sh. Surinder Sood – Director (PR), I.T.S The Education Group, Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey, Director(IT),Dr. Vidya Sekhri – Director UG, Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director (Management), Prof. Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal UG. On this occasion, Members of Alumni Cell(IT) - Dr Umang (Alumni Coordinator -MCA/MIS/MIT), Prof. Yogita Chauhan (Alumni Coordinator -BCA) were also present.

Sh. Surinder Sood, Director (PR), I.T.S – The Education Group welcomed the Alumni and expressed his happiness over large participation of Alumni in Alumni Meet.
Shri Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman - I.T.S The Education Group, while addressing the gathering welcomed the Alumni and said that Alumni Meet is an event where our Alumni get an opportunity and refresh old memories at institute, to meet their own batch mates, to their juniors and above all to visit their institute from where they started their professional journey of their career.

This year the experience sharing by Alumni of Senior Batches was also introduced, on the advice of Honorable Vice Chairman Sir. Some of the Alumni of senior batches of MCA, MIS and BCA shared their experience and addressed the gathering. It was well taken and appreciated by Alumni.

In his address, the Director (IT) & Chairperson – Alumni said that every year increased number of participation of Alumni from various courses in such meets shows the love, affection and strong emotional bonding between Institute and it’s passed out students. This was followed by a lucky draw which was organized for the alumni based on the information (Visiting Cards) provided by them at the time registration in the meet. Lucky Draw were drawn and awards were given by Shri Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman- I.T.S The Education Group, Shri Surinder Sood, Director(PR), I.T.S The Education Group, Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey, Director(IT), Dr. Vidya Sekhri, Director(UG), Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director(Management), Prof. Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal(UG Campus). 

With an objective of bringing our old students back to institute and provide them a platform for reviving old memories at the institute, meeting with their faculty members & own classmates, sharing and exchanging views, ideas and experiences, every year in month of December, institute organizes this Alumni Meet. Every year increased participation of alumni from all the batches from all the courses of the institute is evidence to the emotional attachment and connects of the students with the institute. The uniqueness of this year’s meet was the presence of alumni from all the batches of various courses of the institute, who came to institute after 14 or 16 years after they passed out from institute.

Towards the end of the program, Dr. Vidya Sekhri, Director UG thanked the alumni for their participation and support in Institutional activities. She also thanked to the members of Alumni Cell for their sincere efforts and rigorous follow-up that made this event a success. The event concluded with DJ followed by Dinner.
Total about 500+ Alumni of the Institute with their spouse and kids attended the meet and made the event a grand success.

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