News & Events

Online Workshop “Interactive Tools and Techniques for Energized and Engaged Classes”


Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Assistant Professor of Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad attended an online workshop on “Interactive Tools and Techniques for Energized and Engaged Classes” on 6th  August, 2022 conducted by NPTEL.


The purpose of the workshop was to enable learning through gamified interactive tools and techniques. The session was attended by corporate trainers and educationalists across the country.

The pre-lunch session was chaired by the Mr. Kartic Vaidyanathan, Founder of Let’s Play To Learn. He gave a demonstration on Mentimeter software, which can be used for making easy-to-build presentations, interactive polls, and quizzes. This made learning experience very engrossing and interactive.

The key speaker for post lunch session was Dr. Preeti Aghalayam, a Professor in the Dept. of Chemical Engineering at IIT Madras. She shared her experience and expertise of converting conceptual ideas from the classes to the form of games, including hyper casual mobile games, intricate board, and card games, and so on. She gave the overview of slido, wordwall, gimkit, etc.

The sessions were interactive and engrossing. The speakers gave a great exposure about gamification which will improve student learning experiences in various environments.

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FDP on “Advanced Research Methods: A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach”


Dr. Nitin Saxena from Department of Management attended a 5-Day Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Research Methods: A Qualitative and Quantitative Approach” from 25th July to 29th July, 2022.


The FDP was organised by the MAIT Delhi in association with Shaheed Bhagat Singh College Delhi. The FDP focused on Systematic Literature Review and Meta Analysis. The resource persons for the FDP were Dr. Jaspreet Kaur, Associate Professor, Pearl Academy and Dr. Pooja Goel, Associate Professor, Shaheed Bhagat Singh College who discussed how to identify a research topic and how a meta- analysis can be conducted. The sessions were highly informative and provided a great learning experience to participants. 

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AICTE Conclave on NEP Implementation


Management faculty members Prof. Yachna Malhotra, Dr. Indraneel Mandal, Prof. Charul Agarwal, Dr. Gurpreet Kaur, Prof. Mansi Singh, Dr. Neeraj Sanghi, Dr. Mayank Sharma, Dr. Vinay Kumar Srivastava, Prof. Smita Barik and Prof. Shikha Aggarwal form I.TS School of Management and Institute of Technology and Science, Ghaziabad attended the AICTE conclave on the theme “Implementation of NEP 2020: Facilitating Engineering Education in Indian Languages” organized by AICTE at AICTE, Head Quarter, New Delhi.

The focus of the conclave was on the fact that for too long technical education in this country has been conducted in English and the time may have finally come for moving over to various Indian languages which can make it easier for the students to both understand and express themselves.

The dignitaries gracing the occasion included Shri Anil Sahasrabudhdhe, Chairman of the AICTE; Shri Chamukrishna Shashtri, Chairman of the High Powered Committee on the Promotion of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India; Shri Santosh Kumar Taneja from the Sankalp Foundation Trust; Director of the Faculty Development Cell of the AICTE; and Shri Rajeev Mahajan, Member Secretary of the AICTE; Prof. M.P.Bhunia, Vice Chairman of the AICTE. Each of them offered their considered thoughts on different aspects of this mammoth project.

The conclave saw participation by several heads of institutions of colleges and universities from across the country, several of whom were felicitated for their contribution in popularising technical education in local languages. Over a thousand participants joined the conclave online from various parts of the nation. A few students were invited to share their experiences in learning in languages like Marathi, Hindi and Telugu.

It turned out to be an inspiring exchange of minds as all agreed on the significance of diversifying technical education in the vast repository of languages in a country like India.

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Management faculty attended “Diversity and Inclusion Conclave” of FICCI


Dr V N Bajpai and Dr Satish Kumar of I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad attended 1st Diversity and Inclusion Conclave of FICCI on July 6-7, 2022 at Hotel, Lalit, New Delhi.


The conclave facilitated deliberations around the theme “India@75- Being Diverse, Inclusive and Better for all” by senior representatives, Industry leaders, policy influencers, professionals, CHROs, CSOs and various D&I experts from India and abroad. 

With 75 years of India’s independence, we cannot afford to exclude vulnerable sections of the society from the mainstream economy. We want to make every effort possible to ensure that all the diverse sections of the society- women, persons with disability, LGBTQ+ community and others are included in all aspects- be it education, digital, financial, employment, culture or society; leaving no one behind.  Through this conclave FICCI endeavours to ensure that Indian corporate have inclusive organizational policies in their companies with enough gender diversity, inclusion of people with disabilities as well as representation from the LGBTQI+ community.

The conclave was address by Keshav Suri, Co-Chair, FICCI Task Force on D&I, Executive Director, The Lalit Suri Hospitality, Sanjiv Mehta, President,  FICCI and CEO & Managing Director, Hindustan Unilever  Limited (HUL), Suhas Lalinakere Yathiraj, District Magistrate, Gautam Buddha Nagar, Rekha M. Menon, Chairperson and Senior Managing Director, Accenture India and many more. 

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Sweating, Humidity & the Enthusiasm, all were high together- Parivartan Club


I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad conducted ‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme on the 6th July, 2022.

The volunteers for the day were Mr. Anuj Gupta, Mr. Akash Kumar, Mr. Sourav Kumar, Ms. Shubhi Kumari, Ms. Jyoti Yadav, Mr. Amit Kumar. Following learning activities for children were organized:

1.      Classroom Teaching-

a.      Vowels.

b.      Articles (a, an & the)

c.      Consonants

2.      Moral Education

Students taught the children a lesson of humanity, they told the children that being helpful for others is the only difference between Humans & Animals. Therefore we all should help others in terms of money, knowledge or whatever we have in excess.

Kids participated in all the activities and enjoyed a lot. Activity was ended with the distribution of Merry's Chocolate biscuits, Cakes and Melody Coffee-Bite toffees among the children. All the student volunteers were quite happy & satisfied by providing their small contribution in making the society more valuable & Beautiful.

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Tree Plantation Drive at I.T.S Ghaziabad


A plantation drive was carried out by the faculty and staff of I.T.S Ghaziabad on 5th July, 2022.



Saplings were planted inside the campus and nearby areas to raise awareness and consciousness about the environment among the masses. Tree plantation is no longer a choice but a necessity of time.

The drive witnessed a huge success, empowering us with substantial knowledge of the environment and plants.


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Guest Lecture “Managing Project Using Quantitative Techniques” for MBA students


Department of Management ,  I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, organized a Guest Lecture on the topic “Managing Projects Using Quantitative Techniques” in the hybrid mode on 28th June 2022 for MBA first-year students. Dr. Gurpreet Kaur welcomed the speaker, Ms. Batika Seth.

Ms. Batika Seth, presently working as a Portfolio Manager in Tata Consultancy Services. She is a technocrat with 15 years of rich experience in the IT/Telecom sector, with a variety of roles in project lead, service delivery, and project and portfolio manager.

The session was focused on the project lifecycle and the stages that are included in it i.e., initiation, planning, execution, monitoring & control. She also discussed the project triple constraint i.e., time, scope, cost, and how a manager uses this constraint for the betterment of the organization and the stakeholder. And in the end, Ms Batika discussed some of the common techniques for project planning which are helpful in Breakdown structure, Gantt chart, Kanban, Analogous Estimation, Parametric Estimation, Bottom-up Estimation, Critical Path Method (CPM), Program Evaluation & Review Technique (PERT).

At the end of the session, a Q/A round was held in which the speaker cleared all the queries of the students regarding project management. It was an engrossing lecture. The event concluded with the presentation of virtual plaques as a token of gratitude and remembrance by Dr. Gurpreet Kaur to the guest speaker Ms. Batika Seth. 

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Staff Development Program on “Advanced Excel”


Department of Management at I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organized the Staff Development Program on “Advanced Excel” for the staff members on 24th June 2022.

Advanced Excel Functions refers to the features and functions of Microsoft Excel, which help the user to perform complex calculations, perform data analysis, and much more. The objective of this SDP was to improve the day-to-day efficiency of Staff personnel by making them well versed in various operations of MS Excel.

The speakers of the session were Prof. Sunil Upadhyay and Prof. Mansi Singh, who trained the staff on using advanced excel to bring creativity that leads to innovative ideas and solutions. They used various advanced excel tools like Conditional Formatting, Index, Pivot table, VLOOKUP, and HLOOKUP for effective learning.  They emphasized on lookup and pivot table function of excel for day-to-day operational activities.  A total of 20 staff members participated enthusiastically and enjoyed the session.

The staff development program was highly interactive, and participants were enthusiastically involved throughout the training.

The session turned out to be very informative for the participants.

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Guest Lecture on “Capital Budgeting for Startups” for MBA students


A guest lecture was organized for MBA 21-23 batch on “Capital Budgeting for Startups” on 22nd June 2022. .

The resource person for the lecture was CA Mr. Vishal Sharma, Director – ECOO Global Advisors.  Mr. Vishal is having an experience of more than 17 years. His key expertise area is corporate finance and project appraisal.

The session was started with the welcome of Mr. Vishal by Dr. Vinay Srivastava with plant sapling. Mr. Vishal started his lecture with the introduction to capital budgeting techniques. He interacted with students on the application of NPV & IRR techniques in the industry. He took up a case of mobile industry and elaborated in details the facts of the industry.

 He told students that recently Central Government has asked Mobiles units to manufacture maximum part in India so that employment can be generated in India. For this mobiles units prepared a project estimating the parts which can be manufactured in India. For this NPV technique of capital budgeting was used and using this techniques government imposed 10% tax on import from china and introduced subsidy for Indian manufacturers. He also discussed that qualitative factors are also important with quantitative factors for evaluating a Project.

He also discussed the preparation of cost sheet for different parts like PCPA, Display unit, panel etc. He shared the factors affecting a project approval from government. He majorly emphasized on the generation of revenue for company as well as for government from the project. He also discussed the simple payback technique for evaluating the project. In closing of the session he asked students to be expert in MS EXCEL and Financial Modelling for bright future in finance industry. At the end Dr. Puneet Kumar presented a memento to Mr. Vishal Sharma

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"International Yoga Day"


I.T.S School of Management and Institute of Technology & Science jointly, Celebrated "International Yoga Day" with PGDM/MBA Faculty, Staff & Students on 21st June, 2022. 

Arenowned Yoga Professional, Acharya Mukesh Ji, was present to guide the participants in performing various yoga exercises with full efficiency. Acharya Mukesh ji is a "Wellness & Yoga Expert" and has been a former Yoga Representative in Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India.

During the session Students & Faculty members performed various yoga exercises like; Anulom-Vilom, Gomukh Asan, Chakrasana, Kapalbhati, Tadasan etc. Participants performed all the exercises successfully. During the celebration Acharya Mukesh explained the significance of Yoga in day-to-day life for health and happiness. Acharyaji highlighted the importance of yoga in the form of ‘Niyamas’(rules & discipline) for physical fitness and mental well-being. The practice of yoga has attained global recognition as a holistic approach to health.

Acharyaji said that in the fast-pace modern world every individual knowingly and unknowingly undergo some stress which lead to chronic pains, fatigue, anxiety and stress. Therefore in present scenario Yoga is the panacea for these problems. Dr. Timira Shukla, Director- I.T.S School of Management expressed gratitude to Acharya Mukesh ji for his interactive and immersive session.

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FDP on Data Analysis using SPSS and AMOS


The I.T.S School of Management & Institute of Technology and Science, Ghaziabad inaugurated  5 - Days FDP on ‘Research Methods and Data Analysis using SPSS and AMOS in collaboration with QTanalyticsTM, New Delhi and SPSS South Asia on 20th June, 2022 at Mohan Nagar Campus.

The eminent resource persons for FDP Prof. (Dr.) Prabhat Mittal, Professor – Commerce and Management, Saraswati College (E), University of Delhi and Prof. (Dr.) Pankaj Kumar Gupta, Director, Centre of Management Studies, Jamia Milia Islamia, New Delhi graced the inaugural session.

Shri  Surinder  Sood, Director (PR), I.T.S - The Education Group, highlighted  on the pitfalls of qualitative research. He explained that research in social sciences involves the consideration of a multitude of factors and elaborated on the evolution of technology in Data Sciences. 

The session began with the welcome address by the Director Prof. (Dr) Timira Shukla, who emphasized on the significance of data analysis for interdisciplinary research. Dr Anusha  Agarwal, Convener, provided an overview of the programme along with the deliverables.

Over the five days sessions were held delving into different elements of the FDP, which included scaling and sampling techniques; univariate and bivariate analysis; parametric and non-parametric tests; tests of hypotheses; ANOVA and MANOVA; correlation and regression; multiple and logistical regression analysis; and structural equation modeling.

On the final day group presentations were made by all the participants. Following this the valedictory session was held in the presence of Director Prof. (Dr) Timira Shukla, Convener Dr. Anusha Agarwal and resource person Prof. (Dr.) Prabhat Mittal.

The Director in her address in the valedictory session urged all the participants to upskill and write research papers. She lauded Dr. Prabhat for the training in each aspect of research methods and techniques and tools data analysis.  The individual attention to each and every participant for learning and practice   sessions deserves special mention. 

Dr. Prabhat Mittal quipped that it was not a valedictory session, but rather the inauguration of a new resolve towards research. Thanking the Director, he stated that there were many takeaways from the programme, and expressed appreciation for the patient learning from the side of the participants. He also went on to provide tips for successful publication of papers in leading journals.

The 5 – days FDP ended with distribution of certificate.

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Workshop on “Website Development using Word Press”


Department of Management, I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organised a Workshop on the topic “Website Development using Word Press”  for MBA-II Semester students. The guest speaker for the session was Mr. Anshul Srivastava, Digital Marketing Manager at Pro QC International, Noida.

The workshop was aimed at giving hands on experience on website and blog development. Mr. Anshul explained the related concepts of webhosting and domain name. He further demonstrated how easily one can use the tool of Word press and build a website without coding. He also told students about the various plugins which can be used while using Word Press and how social media tabs can be inserted. The students also learnt how web pages can be developed ad edited.

Further in the session he also explained how Yoast SEO functions and how it can be used as a plugin in order to achieve SEO rankings. Towards the end of the session Google analytics was explained. All the real time data was used to explain the functionality of the tool, such as incoming traffic, page views, session duration etc.

Students raised their queries with respect to SEO and inorganic way of marketing. A plaque was presented at the end of the session as a token of gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Anshul Srivastava. 

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Guest Lecture on ‘Overview of Operations and Logistics: Prospects and Future Potential’ for MBA Students


Institute of Technology and Management organised a guest lecture on the topic “Overview of Operations and Logistics: Prospects and Future Potential” on June 18th, 2022 at the Dronacharya Auditorium. The session was attended by MBA First Year students.

The resource person for the session was Mr. Ramesh Krishnan, COO, Sellogs Metamediary Solutions Pvt. Ltd. and a regular guest speaker at various management institutes. While Mr Krishnan is a founder of his present organisation, he has over a decade’s experience in the field of logistics, having worked at leading organisations like the Futures Group. He also regularly contributes his views and knowledge in leading logistics organisations and retail publications.

Mr Krishnan explained to the students how operations differs from other functional areas in management, clarifying the role of each in the organisation. He then proceeded to discuss how relatively new areas like supply chain management and logistics have evolved down the ages. In the process he went on to throw some light on important activities like inventory control, stores management, quality issues and related elements. He also pointed out the increasing role of information technology and advised the students to keep themselves updated on the developments in this regard.

The lecture was followed by a lively Q&A session where the students had several queries regarding career options in the field of operations and how operations could gel with other functional areas that interested them. Mr. Krishnan gave examples from his own professional experiences as he guided students through possible career choices. Director Dr V.N.Bajpai, who was present on the occasion, joined Mr Krishnan on stage to help students navigate the professional maze.

The session concluded with Dr Bajpai presenting a plaque to Mr Krishnan as a token of gratitude and appreciation. There was plenty of food for thought for the students as they mulled over the path ahead of them.

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Guest Lecture on “Understanding Business Research through cases” for MBA Students


Institute of Technology and Science, Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad had organized the Guest Lecture for MBA 2021-23 Batch on June 17, 2022 on the topic “Understanding Business Research through cases”. The Guest Speaker of the session was Mr. Jitendra Mohan, Project Manager, Tecnova India Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Jitendra Mohanis a strategic consultant specialized in helping foreign companies to gain access into the Indian market. His company provides workable strategic solutions and implementation assistance to global companies for leveraging the India advantage.

The session started with the brief introduction of the company, its roles and functions. The speaker of the day explains how his company helps multinationals to launch their products in India. Through case based approach the speaker addressed the students on how the knowledge of business research is applied in the real world. During his discussion he highlighted on how they conduct feasibility study, he also discussed about when to use primary and secondary research.

While taking the case of artificial sweetener marketing company, he demonstrates how they segment the customer, how they decide the population and how they decide the market size. In the last he conclude that to be a successful researcher you need to have a research acumen and an analytical bent of mind to see the problem at hand.  

Overall session was full of knowledge sharing, the session was interactive and students raised many questions. In the end a plaque was presented to the speaker of the day by Dr. V. N.Bajpai, Director Managementas a token of gratitude to Mr. Jitendra Mohan.

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Workshop on “Advanced Excel” for MBA Students


Department of Management at I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organized the Workshop on “Advanced Excel” for MBA (2021-23 Batch) on 15th June, 2022.

The Guest Speaker of the session was Ms. Ritu Arora - Certified Corporate Trainer (Microsoft Excel |Power BI)

Ms. Ritu Arorahas been working as a Corporate Trainer since July 2007 and Imparted more than 500 Batches and Trained more than 10000 people.

Director – Dr. V.N. Bajpai welcomed the guest and enlightened the whole audience.

Ms. Ritu startedthe presentation with the most basic terminology of Excel, where she tried to make the session more interactive by asking relevant questions and practical exposures.

The session started with the rows and column shortcuts and even included the concepts of advanced Excel which includethe shortcuts- Ctrl+(), Shift+ f11, Ctrl+Page down and Page Up, Ctrl+: Left Alt+=, Average, Minimum, Maximum, Drag and Drop option, grouping and ungrouping data, slicer, pivot table and it’s use, VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP, and freezing data. Practice worksheets were also being given and YouTube channels were also referenced for learning.

There are certainly more advanced functions of Excelwhich were quoted and lastly, a brief introduction was given over advanced Excel certification and its importance, business trends, and usage of Excel in the corporate world.

Lastly, the eminent guest was being honored with the plague and Words of Gratitude. The workshop was a total sum of learning, knowledge, and exploration regarding advanced Excel.

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