
Training Program conducted by Dr Lalit Kumar Sharma for International Participants

Dr Lalit Kumar Sharma (Associate Professor, Marketing) conducted a training program on 17th December 2018 at NIESBUD, Noida as a part of MDP series initiated by ITS, Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad. The program was sponsored by MEA (GoI) under ITEC Program. The theme of the program was Small Business opportunities for Women in Waste Management.

Total 36 Participants from 22 Countries (Bhutan, Botswana, Congo, Cote D’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Gambia, Guinea, Liberia, Mangolia, Niger, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Tajikistan, Togo, Uganda, Uzbekistan and Zimbabwe) participated in the program.
The objective of the program was to sensitize the participants with the concept of waste and importance of managing it in the world for betterment of community and improving economic conditions. Entire program covered the topics like “Understanding Waste and Types (Municipal solid waste, Industrial solid waste, Hazardous waste), Problems due to waste,  Different procedures of managing waste, E- Waste Management, Sensing Business Opportunities due to waste in community, How to conduct research and income generation with the help of waste management”. All participants participated with a lot of enthusiasm and all prepared many useful articles with the help of waste material provided to them.
It was a great learning experience to all participants.

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MDP session by Dr. Lalit Kumar Sharma

Dr. Lalit Kumar Sharma conducted a one day Management Development Program on “Income Generation through Waste Management” for foreign delegates.

Dr. Lalit Kumar Sharma (Associate Professor, Marketing) of I.T.S Mohan Nagar, conducted a full day training program  for International participants on 13th December, 2018 at NIESBUD, Noida as a part of MDP series initiated by I.T.S Mohan Nagar. The program was sponsored by MEA (GoI) under ITEC Program. The theme of the program was Income Generation through Waste Management. Total 38 Participants from 23 Countries like Bhutan, Botswana, Burundi, Cote D’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Guinea, Indonesia, Sudan, etc. participated in the program.

The objective of the program was to sensitize the participants with the concept of waste and importance of managing it in the world for betterment of community. Topics like “Understanding Waste and Types, Problems due to waste, E- Waste Management, Sensing Business Opportunities due to waste in community, How to conduct research and income generation with the help of waste management” were covered. All participants participated with a lot of enthusiasm and prepared many useful articles with the help of waste material provided to them.

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Workshop on Hadoop and Data Analysis using Hive

A two days workshop on “Hadoop and Data Analysis using Hive ” on 1st and 2nd Aug 2018 during 10:00AM to 4:30PM organized by I.T.S-Dot Net Club in association with CSI-Student Branch at I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.

Prof. Abhay Kumar Ray was the resource persons. Total 34 (Thirty Four ) students of MCA final year participated in the workshop. This workshop was focused towards making the students aware & sharpening the skills of Hadoop for their better placements . This two days workshop covered the topics like, Introduction to Hadoop & its components , Its configuration and installation ,Integration of Java APIs , introduction to Hive and HQL and demonstration and use case based study on Hive and Hadoop. The attendance sheet of students is attached with this report for reference.

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Faculty Development Programme on “ Data Analytics with R” at KEC Ghaziabad in Association with E&ICT IIT Roorkee

Two faculty members from Department of IT, ITS Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad ( Prof. KP Singh, and Prof. Abhay Kumar Ray) attended a six days Faculty Development Programme on “Data Analytics with R” organized by Krishna Engineering College ,Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad in Association with E&ICT IIT Roorkee, during 26th -June-2018 to 1st-July- 2018.

The objective of this FDP was to increase understanding of Statistics, data Analytics, Machine Learning with R Programming and its real life applications which will help the participants to carry out various analytical studies.
The said six days faculty development programme was conducted by Mr. Sriraman Rajagopalan. He covered all the basics of R Programming , Apply functions ,processing of different file formats , Basics of statistics in R ,Machine Learning Algorithms like linear regression, logistics regressions ,Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support vector machines, support vector machines, k-Nearest Neighbors ,k-Means Clustering with hands on implementation of these algorithms with R. At the last of this training programme we submitted a mini project based on machine learning algorithm which was evaluated and appreciated by the resource person.

The training programme was very useful and we learnt many new things from this programme.

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SDP organized on Employees Assessment and Engagement

Department of Management, at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized Staff Development Program on 7th May 2018.

The session was 

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Prof. Parul Gupta and Prof. Shikha Arora conducted a MDP for Corporate Delegates.

Professor Parul Gupta and Prof. Shikha Arora conducted a Management Development Program on “Team Building” for corporate delegates of Crystal Screening at their office premises in Noida on 8th April, 2017.


The one day workshop apprised the trainees the importance of working in a team and building on the strength of every team member. The training emphasized the importance of team synergy and how knowing the team members closely can enhance the functioning of the team as a whole.  Further it highlighted the need for effective communication among the team members, the importance of setting clear objectives for the team and the impact which dedicated involvement of all the team members in any project can generate.

The session was made highly interactive by means of ice breaking exercises, energizers and other content centric activities. The participants were highly enthusiastic and participative. The participants exchanged their views and opinions on the subject with utmost excitement and eagerness. At the end of the workshop, the participants were determined to make a positive difference in their respective team functioning and their workplace.

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Workshop on Java Technologies

A workshop on Java technologies, Java Core Concepts, Overview of J2EE, JSP, with concept MVC was conducted for MCA IV semester and BCA VI semester students on 16th February, 2018.

The workshop was aimed to provide concepts of OOS and core java including elaboration of components of J2EE.

The workshop was continued with overview of MVC architecture and its importance in web project development in real life projects. The programming basics of JSP with MVC models were also discussed followed by hands on by the students.

Students were given a glimpse development of login module in JSP and JDBC. In that students were explained the front end and backend(database) connectivity code and uses of jar files for the thin connection(Type-IV JDBC). The workshop was concluded with a java quiz.

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Workshop on “Application Development Using C#”

A Workshop on “Application Development using C# ” on 27th-Jan-2018 during 10:00AM to 4:30 PM , organized by I.T.S-DotNet Club in association with CSI-Student Branch at I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.

Prof. Abhay Kumar Ray was the resource persons. Total 36 (Thirty Six) students of MCA final year participated in the workshop. This workshop was focused towards making the students aware & sharpening the skills on ASP.Net , ADO DOT Net ,T-SQL, Writing Stored Procedure ,Writing C# code to use Stored Procedure for better placement . 
The attendance sheet of students is attached with this report for reference.

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