News & Events

XVI Intra Institute Cricket Tournament-2018 organized on 28th-29th November 2018


Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized sports activity “Intra Institute Cricket Tournament” for PGDM, MBA, MCA, BBA & BCA students on 28-29 November 2018. Total Eight team participated in the tournament.

The tournament was inaugurated by Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director (Management) accompanied by Dr. D.K. Pandey, Sports Coordinator, Prof. Pawan Kumar and Mr. R. S. Chawla, Sports officer.

The final match was played between BBA and PGDM, in which PGDM won the match by 15 runs. The Best Bowler trophy was won by Mr. Syed Kunain of PGDM 2017-19 Batch and Best Batsman Trophy was won by Mr. Sonu Singh of PGDM 2018-20 Batch.

Prize distribution ceremony was graced by Sh. Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman- I.T.S The Education Group, Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director (Management), Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey, Director (IT), Dr. Vidya Sekhri, Director (UG), Prof. Nancy Sharma, Vice Principal (UG), Dr. V.N.Bajpai, Dr. D. K. Pandey and Mr. R. S. Chawla. The winner and Runner up teams were awarded with individual and team trophies.

All participants expressed there deep sense of gratitude and thankfulness to the dignitaries present during the ceremony.

The event was a great success with huge number of audience from all the courses.

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IB Club – GLOCAL organized a visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM Students


IB club, popularly known as “GLOCAL”, of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM 2018-20 Batch students. The visit was part of two part initiative by the IB Club. The first stage involved visit of 40 students to the trade fair where the students were asked to interact with the business participants in IITF and seek answers of questions related to their trade practices, their outlook towards IITF, the challenges and opportunities they are facing in international trade keeping in mind the current business environment. The second stage shall include presentations of the groups on their experiences and the information gained during the visit.


The students displayed enthusiasm and eagerness during their visit and gained new insight in how to interact with the representatives of the different companies. Many of the students who went there for the first time found the experience enriching and expressed their willingness for such future activities which may further enhance their first hand learning experience.

The activity, under the guidance of IB Club Mentor, Prof. Parul Gupta and Prof. Gurpreet was conducted by members of team GLOCAL.

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IB Club – GLOCAL organized a visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM Students


IB club, popularly known as “GLOCAL”, of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM 2018-20 Batch students. The visit was part of two part initiative by the IB Club. The first stage involved visit of 40 students to the trade fair where the students were asked to interact with the business participants in IITF and seek answers of questions related to their trade practices, their outlook towards IITF, the challenges and opportunities they are facing in international trade keeping in mind the current business environment. The second stage shall include presentations of the groups on their experiences and the information gained during the visit.


The students displayed enthusiasm and eagerness during their visit and gained new insight in how to interact with the representatives of the different companies. Many of the students who went there for the first time found the experience enriching and expressed their willingness for such future activities which may further enhance their first hand learning experience.

The activity, under the guidance of IB Club Mentor, Prof. Parul Gupta and Prof. Gurpreet was conducted by members of team GLOCAL.

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IB Club – GLOCAL organized a visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM Students


IB club, popularly known as “GLOCAL”, of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM 2018-20 Batch students. The visit was part of two part initiative by the IB Club. The first stage involved visit of 40 students to the trade fair where the students were asked to interact with the business participants in IITF and seek answers of questions related to their trade practices, their outlook towards IITF, the challenges and opportunities they are facing in international trade keeping in mind the current business environment. The second stage shall include presentations of the groups on their experiences and the information gained during the visit.


The students displayed enthusiasm and eagerness during their visit and gained new insight in how to interact with the representatives of the different companies. Many of the students who went there for the first time found the experience enriching and expressed their willingness for such future activities which may further enhance their first hand learning experience.

The activity, under the guidance of IB Club Mentor, Prof. Parul Gupta and Prof. Gurpreet was conducted by members of team GLOCAL.

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IB Club – GLOCAL organized a visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM Students


IB club, popularly known as “GLOCAL”, of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM 2018-20 Batch students. The visit was part of two part initiative by the IB Club. The first stage involved visit of 40 students to the trade fair where the students were asked to interact with the business participants in IITF and seek answers of questions related to their trade practices, their outlook towards IITF, the challenges and opportunities they are facing in international trade keeping in mind the current business environment. The second stage shall include presentations of the groups on their experiences and the information gained during the visit.


The students displayed enthusiasm and eagerness during their visit and gained new insight in how to interact with the representatives of the different companies. Many of the students who went there for the first time found the experience enriching and expressed their willingness for such future activities which may further enhance their first hand learning experience.

The activity, under the guidance of IB Club Mentor, Prof. Parul Gupta and Prof. Gurpreet was conducted by members of team GLOCAL.

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IB Club – GLOCAL organized a visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM Students


IB club, popularly known as “GLOCAL”, of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, organized visit to India International Trade Fair for MBA and PGDM 2018-20 Batch students. The visit was part of two part initiative by the IB Club. The first stage involved visit of 40 students to the trade fair where the students were asked to interact with the business participants in IITF and seek answers of questions related to their trade practices, their outlook towards IITF, the challenges and opportunities they are facing in international trade keeping in mind the current business environment. The second stage shall include presentations of the groups on their experiences and the information gained during the visit.


The students displayed enthusiasm and eagerness during their visit and gained new insight in how to interact with the representatives of the different companies. Many of the students who went there for the first time found the experience enriching and expressed their willingness for such future activities which may further enhance their first hand learning experience.

The activity, under the guidance of IB Club Mentor, Prof. Parul Gupta and Prof. Gurpreet was conducted by members of team GLOCAL.

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‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme


‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme of PG Management at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organized activity based on old fashioned learning, but would include a path breaking activity session.

The first session of the day was to be on minerals and energy resources. As is normal for Parivartan, Prof Lokesh Upreti initiated the session by introducing the area and inviting the children to put forward their ideas on this. Ankit took over the class responsibilities by discussing the different types of minerals and ores, and why they are important. In between, Jhalak pitched in to explain the difference between minerals and ores, and encouraging the students to ask questions. Ankit then resumed, moving to the areas of conventional and non-conventional energy sources. He took care to point out the pitfalls of conventional energy resources.

Then Jhalak moved into her ‘teacher with a mission’ mode to discuss something totally radical – how to use memory techniques effectively. She promptly wrote an impromptu list of random items on the board and asked the children to memorize them. When asked a little later to recite the list in its entirety, the children naturally had some difficulty. Jhalak then proceeded to convince them how memory techniques could be a big help here. The children were excited, and needed no additional prodding for the next exercise.

But all good things come to an end. As the shadows lengthened, a quiz was held by Ankit to revise the earlier session. Those who answered correctly received toffees.

Finally things came to a close with the distribution of ‘Britannia Tiger Kreemz’ biscuits and ‘Parle Orange Bite’ toffees. Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers. Prof. Lokesh Upreti guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.

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I.T.S Ghaziabad organized Alumni Meet (Management Courses): 2018


I.T.S Alumni Meet of Management courses (PGDM, MBA & BBA) unveiled itself in all its glory on a beautiful evening of Saturday, 24th November, 2018, manifested emotions, youth and enthusiasm at its full flow. What took months of planning and diligent execution was finally ready to mark its presence with million smiles on faces and high spirit to welcome its brand ambassadors, the alumni. With beautiful ambience, dazzling lights and foot tapping music, the meet began with a difference.

It was time again for celebration with nostalgia, as 560 ex-students of management programmes (PGDM, MBA & BBA) of Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad gathered to cherish all those happy moments, good times and loving memories of their friends and faculty. Huge participation of alumni with their spouse and kids has been a testimony of growing networking among alumni and strong bonding with its alma-mater.

Programme was inaugurated with lamp lighting before Maa Saraswati by Shri B. K. Arora, Secretary of I.T.S- The Education Group, Shri Surinder Sood, Director (PR), I.T.S- The Education Group, Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director (Management), Dr. Vidya Sekri, Director (UG Campus), Prof. Durba Roy, Chairperson Dr. V N Bajpai (PGDM), Dr. Nitin Saxena (MBA) and Prof. Pawan Kumar (BBA) along with senior most alumni of all the courses.

With great pride and honour, this meet witnessed 13 alumni of the very first batch of PGDM (1996-98) programme, 12 alumni from the second batch of MBA (2005-07) program and senior alumni of BBA.

Senior alumni of all courses were felicitated for their achievements in their respective fields and being connected with their Alma-mater as a true brand ambassador. They shared their past experiences, spoke about college life and conveyed good wishes.

It was then followed by number of mind blowing performances by students including Ganesh Vandana and band performance by UG students, Group Dance on fusion songs by PG & UG students.

There were games and quizzes organized for everyone to take part and win prizes as well. The day’s programme had a lot of exciting events lined up to raise the nostalgia one notch up. The excitement augmented to a joyful high when the alumni and faculty joined the festivities together to strengthen the bond among them. Colors of joy, happiness, togetherness could be seen in alumni as well as faculty members. The gala dinner was organised where alumni across batches and sectors, faculty, administrative body members and current students interacted with each other. The major takeaway from the event was the satisfaction, all attendees had after meeting their friends and their alma mater.

Alumni meet is all about refreshing memories and strengthening bond between alumni and its Alma-mater. A time of the year to create an everlasting relationship and to cherish the old ones. Everyone left with not just tapping feet but the pulsating togetherness of what they went for.

From PGDM 136, MBA 190 and BBA 234 alumni joined the meet leading to a total of 560, a record breaking alumni participation. Alumni bytes were recorded to by student groups.

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Utthan Activity


Utthan Lab, a CSR initiative of ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad made its mark by organizing a Sports Event and MS Word learning Session for the students on special request made by of MH Public School, Arthla, Ghaziabad on Friday, 23rd November'2018.

Student Volunteers for the day from MBA and PGDM actively and successfully coordinated the Activity.

More than 140 students of the school participated in the Sports Event and learned working on MS Office on Computers in Practical Labs. They were taught the basic use of MS Word by the Student Volunteers of ITS College. In this session they were taught about the “Tool Bar”, Bold, Underline and Italic in MS Word. They all then were taken to the Ground for the Sports Competition where they participated in the games like Tug of War; Lemon Race; Kho Kho and Balloon Race.

Director Management, Dr. Ajay Kumar felicitated the Event by distributing the Prizes to the winners of all the games. Winners received Stationary Sets and Mugs with ITS logo embedded on it as Prizes and Gifts. Principal of the School along with the 3 teachers were also felicitated by the Director Management Sir. All the students were given refreshment at the end of the session.

Faculty Coordinators of Utthan Activity are: Dr. Nitin Saxena and Prof. Shilpi Vaish.

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Industrial Visit to Inland Container Depot (CONCOR) Dadri,


 I.T.S PG Management Department organized visit for Management student to Inland Container Depot (CONCOR)- Dadri on 22nd Nov 2018.

APM Terminals operates as Star Track Terminals Pvt. Ltd. in Dadri, through a joint venture with the Container Corporation of India Ltd (CONCOR). With more than 67,700 sq mt of paved area and warehouse equipped with modern infrastructure, process and equipment's, this is one of the most advanced inland container facilities in North India.

Its key Services students had the hands-on experience with wereCustomized garment on hanger (GOH) facilities, Reefer monitoring and transportation, Import container storage, Full container load movement, Customs inspection facilitation, De-stuffing / stuffing operations, Warehouse - LCL / FCL imports, Import bonding LCL, Empty container depot, Container maintenance & repair (M & R) service - Reefer & Dry, Import bonding, Transportation solutions (shunting, first mile and last mile), Open yard bonding, Hazardous cargo handling, On-time reports and updates, Dedicated customer service team and Dedicated storage area for customers.

The students were very interactive with the management of ICD and hence had a great learning experience.

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‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme


Every month, one day at Parivartan is reserved exclusively for games with a view to provide the children a diversion from the regular classes while also inculcating virtues like team work and healthy competition. Today was such a day. With winter gradually setting in, it was somehow appropriate that Game Day had arrived.

Prof. Lokesh Upreti started off the day by asking the children why games are an important part of our life. Some responses came in the form of fair play and competitiveness. Prof. Upreti added elements like teamwork, exemplifying it through sports like football and cricket.

The game that the volunteers had chosen for the day was the ‘Freeze Dance’. The rules were very simple. The children had to dance when the music was played. As soon as it was switched off, they had to freeze like statues. Those who failed to do so would be eliminated.

For the purpose of the game the children were divided into two groups for older and smaller children, each group being arranged in a circle. The routine was repeated until two winners were identified from each group. Since the game involved dancing, it goes without saying that there was no end to the excitement and enthusiasm. While everybody readily joined in the conduct of the games, special mention needs to be made of Nagesh and Sachin, the former playing the music, and both taking the lead in controlling the swaying crowds.

The 4 winners received a "tennis racket set" each. The day concluded with the distribution of "Bikano Peanuts" and "Ravalgon Pan Pasand" toffees among the children. Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers. Prof. Lokesh Upreti guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.

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‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme


Every month, one day at Parivartan is reserved exclusively for games with a view to provide the children a diversion from the regular classes while also inculcating virtues like team work and healthy competition. Today was such a day. With winter gradually setting in, it was somehow appropriate that Game Day had arrived.

Prof. Lokesh Upreti started off the day by asking the children why games are an important part of our life. Some responses came in the form of fair play and competitiveness. Prof. Upreti added elements like teamwork, exemplifying it through sports like football and cricket.

The game that the volunteers had chosen for the day was the ‘Freeze Dance’. The rules were very simple. The children had to dance when the music was played. As soon as it was switched off, they had to freeze like statues. Those who failed to do so would be eliminated.

For the purpose of the game the children were divided into two groups for older and smaller children, each group being arranged in a circle. The routine was repeated until two winners were identified from each group. Since the game involved dancing, it goes without saying that there was no end to the excitement and enthusiasm. While everybody readily joined in the conduct of the games, special mention needs to be made of Nagesh and Sachin, the former playing the music, and both taking the lead in controlling the swaying crowds.

The 4 winners received a "tennis racket set" each. The day concluded with the distribution of "Bikano Peanuts" and "Ravalgon Pan Pasand" toffees among the children. Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers. Prof. Lokesh Upreti guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.

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‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme


Every month, one day at Parivartan is reserved exclusively for games with a view to provide the children a diversion from the regular classes while also inculcating virtues like team work and healthy competition. Today was such a day. With winter gradually setting in, it was somehow appropriate that Game Day had arrived.

Prof. Lokesh Upreti started off the day by asking the children why games are an important part of our life. Some responses came in the form of fair play and competitiveness. Prof. Upreti added elements like teamwork, exemplifying it through sports like football and cricket.

The game that the volunteers had chosen for the day was the ‘Freeze Dance’. The rules were very simple. The children had to dance when the music was played. As soon as it was switched off, they had to freeze like statues. Those who failed to do so would be eliminated.

For the purpose of the game the children were divided into two groups for older and smaller children, each group being arranged in a circle. The routine was repeated until two winners were identified from each group. Since the game involved dancing, it goes without saying that there was no end to the excitement and enthusiasm. While everybody readily joined in the conduct of the games, special mention needs to be made of Nagesh and Sachin, the former playing the music, and both taking the lead in controlling the swaying crowds.

The 4 winners received a "tennis racket set" each. The day concluded with the distribution of "Bikano Peanuts" and "Ravalgon Pan Pasand" toffees among the children. Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers. Prof. Lokesh Upreti guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.

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Students and Faculty Participation in CEGR Workshop


Director (Management), I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad was invited as a keynote speaker in the workshop on ‘Assessment and Accreditation’ organized by Centre for Education Growth and Research (CEGR) in Collaboration with Sunder Deep Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad on 17th November, 2018. This workshop was also attended by PGDM and MBA students along with faculty members, Dr. V. N. Bajpai and Dr. D.K. Pandey. The other prominent speakers were Prof. A. P. Mittal, Member Secretary, AICTE, Dr. Ramesh Unnikrishnan, Director, AICTE, Prof. N. K. Sinha, Vice Chancellor, Himalayan Garhwal University and President, CEGR and Prof. Piyush Ranjan, Pro Vice Chancellor, Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi.

The speakers deliberated on the benefits of accreditation and shared the process of accreditation of two prominent bodies, NAAC & NBA. Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director (Management), I.T.S Ghaziabad shared his views on requisites of being a good teacher and role and responsibilities of teachers towards students and society. In the function, Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey, Director (IT), I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad was appointed President of CEGR Ghaziabad Chapter.

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