News & Events

‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme


Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme  at Department of Management organized an activity to acquaint the learners with the reading of time from a clock, along with a greater world view.


Utkarsh opened the day’s first innings with a lesson on how to read time from the hands of a clock. In order to make matters easier for the kids, he had brought along a clock so as to provide a demonstration of the concepts taught. He was helped in this endeavor by Shiksha. Once the children were comfortable with clock times, Utkarsh moved on to multiplication tables and identification of factors.

The second session of the day was focused on the world at large, with Megha holding forth on continents and world languages. Once again, Shiksha provided a helping hand. While the children had some familiarity with the continents, thanks to past sessions, foreign languages were a totally different ball game for them. Megha listed down the ten major international languages in terms of popularity. She rounded off the session with a look at some common greetings in German or Deutsche language.

The usual quiz was held to ascertain the day’s learnings, with those answering right receiving toffees. The curtains came down on the day’s proceedings with the distribution of ‘Bikano Navratan Mix’ and ‘Parle Orange Bite’ toffees among the pupils.

Dr. Indraneel Mandal accompanied and motivated the student volunteers. Prof. Lokesh Upreti planned and guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.

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Faculty attended “International Conference at JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus, Greater Noida


Dr. Surendra Tiwari , Faculty of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad attended International Conference at JEMTECH as session chair.

 Conference was intended to take stock of recent advances and development of knowledge bases and easy access to structured databases on systems, processes and technology based on quantitative study trends and developments at the globally competitive environment that will provide future directions to young researchers and practitioners.

Objective of conference was to help in sharing of experience and exchange of ideas, which will also foster National Collaboration. The Conference was of immense benefit to Researchers, Academicians, Industry and Participants from Technical Institutes, R&D organizations, Management & Legal Practicing organizations and students working in the field of Engineering, Management, Law and Education.

Conference witnessed large number of academicians and professionals in the allied fields along with their papers.

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Visit to ZEE News to participate in "KAVI YUDH 2019" by MBA students


Department of Management  at I.T.S Mohan Nagar organized a visit of  PG students to ZEE NEWS studio for participating in very famous satirical show "KAVI YUDH 2019".


There were majorly two rounds and the topics were 'MISSION SHAKTI' and upcoming 'LOK SHABHA ELECTION 2019' respectively. The discussion was highly interactive and informative. The students felt highly motivated and enthusiastic after attending the program.

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Crea – The Cultural Club


Cultural Club of Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar organized “Beat the Street- The Talent Hunt show” for Management students on 29th March, 2019.

Having backed by months of preparation along with the heart and soul of every member, the event roared success, radiating positive vibes and energy all across.

The lavish auditorium served as the main hub for the Talent hunt activities like dance, singing, playing Musical Instruments. Different games, dance performances and singing were center piece of the event. Many students enthusiastically came forward to showcase their talent. Highlight of the event was great performances by the winner of the activity Mr. Kunal Mudgal and Mr. Sudhanshu Dixit.

Event concluded with the Prize Distribution Ceremony by Dr. Ajay Kumar, Director (Management) and Dr. V.N. Bajpai.

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Utthan Lab Activity


Utthan, A CSR initiative of I.T.S - Mohan Nagar organized a session on "Internet learning" and "Famous Monuments of India" for the students on 29th March, 2019.

Faculty Coordinators and Student volunteers taught the importance of the Internet and different search engines followed by a quiz competition based on Historical Monuments.

In the first segment of the activity, students were taken to Computer Labs to learn working on internet. Participants were taught to use “Google Chrome”. Student Volunteers taught them to use Internet and gathering information. Then they were asked to prepare a Presentation on the theme for the day.

In the second segment of the activity, students presented their views on Historical Monuments of India.

Also, children were introduced to some fun games that made them learn to be creative and confident.

Director (Management), Dr. Ajay Kumar, Dr. Nitin Saxena and Prof Shilpi Vaish - Faculty Coordinator of Utthan Club, along with team felicitated the event by distributing Prizes to all the winners of the activity.

All the students were given refreshment at the end of the session.

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Statesman Club organized sports activity Sportacus


PG Management Sports Club "STATESMAN"  at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized one day Sports Activity “Sportacus”  on 29th March 2019. 120 participants participated in various events. Events scheduled for the day were VOLLEY BALL, SHOE LACE RACE, DODGE BALL and TUG OF WAR.

The event started at 10:00 a.m. with the inaugural session in the presence of   Director (Management Dr. Ajay Kumar, Faculty coordinator Dr. D. K. Pandey, Dr.V.N. Bajpai, Dr. Sanjeev, Sports officer Mr. R. S. Chawala & students.​ Volley ball was a successful event of the day as there were 4 teams participating. Each team gave a tough fight to each other. The final match was a thrilling one and the winners were Japneet and Team. Runner up was Ayush and team.

Shoelace Race started with huge enthusiasm and cheer from audience. The competition offered a fun friendly sporting environment. There were 11 teams each consisted of 2 players. 6 teams made it into the finals. Winners were Trique & Avnish and Runner up were  Rajeev & Subhajyoti Pal.

Dodge ball was an entertaining event for the audience when it was started  crowd was full of cheers for the players where each team were having  6 players. 4 teams participated in this event, every team was allotted with 5 minutes and in that span of time they had to dismiss as many players as possible. Winner was Rajeev and team and Runner up was Japneet and team.

Tug of warwas the most awaited event and it was our last event 8 teams participated each team consisted of 6 players. The final was a nail biting won but Manjeev and team outplayed everyone.

The event came to an end at 5:30 p.m. with prize distribution ceremony felicitated by Director (Management) and faculty members. This was a successful and a grand event,  it was witnessed by huge participation and enjoyed by all the students.

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MCA students participated in Inter College Sports Competition


Department of IT always provide platform to unleash the talent of budding technocrats in eager of learning & their interest for participation and attitude for nurturing their social skills with good health.

Department of IT congratulates Our MCA IV Semester Students for securing positions in Inter College Sports Competition Department of Business Administration, ABES Engineering College, Ghaziabad during 28th – 29th March 2019.

Lokesh Kukreti & Vivek Kumar  - Carrom Double Second Position

Manish                                         - Carrom Single   Second Position

Anjali                                           - Race(100 meter)  Third Position

Lokesh                                         - Race(200 meter)Fourth Position

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Video Conferencing session on "Academic & Research Opportunities”


With an objective to create best of opportunities of learning to faculty and students through various means including Class Room Teaching well supplemented with regular interaction with renown Academicians, Researchers, Domain Expert and Industry Leaders Department of IT, I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad has organized Video Conferencing Session on “Academic & Research Opportunities” through Video Conferencing on 28.3.2019 at Institute premises.

In this session, Prof. Yela Marthi Kumar , Central Michigan University USA has shared his knowledge and experience to strengthen Academic & Research  Opportunities  for faculty and students.

This video conferencing session was in the series of Invited talks by national and international speakers of repute by Dept of IT of the institute with an objective to provide the detailed insight of the theme to the upcoming and working professionals about the technological, research and allied issues and experience sharing by leading experts, academicians, researchers and professionals.

It was nice E learning interactive session.

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Department of Management organized Felicitation Ceremony for CSR Volunteers


Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized a felicitation ceremony for the volunteers in Parivartan and Uthaan, the two CSR activities of I.T.S Mohan Nagar.

The ceremony opened with introductory remarks by Prof. Lokesh Upreti, Coordinator - Parivartan. This was followed by the address by Director (Management) Prof. (Dr) Ajay Kumar, where he impressed on the students why it was important to involve themselves in such kind of selfless service, where they are unlikely to receive any tangible benefits. He also expressed the hope that all the students would continue to be associated with this type of social service long after they have left the college.

After this the certificates were handed over to the outgoing volunteers of the 2017-19 batch by the Director sir.  Certificate Distribution ceremony was followed by cake cutting ceremony and all enjoyed snacks and cold drinks.

It was a time for solemn remembrance of activities performed through the year, while also pledging to continue on the same path in the future.

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Department of Management organized Webinar


Department of Management at I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organized a webcast on “Are you still evaluating performance?” for faculty members on 27th March, 2019. Eminent speakers for the session were Mr. Anupam Kaura, President, Human Resources, CRISIL Limited and Mr. Raghu Pantfrom SAP SuccessFactors Value Engineering practice, India.

Session started with a very interesting round of questions for the participants focused on mapping their perception about the utilityand effectiveness of Performance Management System in their organization. Mr. Kaura talked about the various challenges in PMS, particularly the element of subjectivity or managerial judgement involved in performance appraisal. He shared the best practices in this area and discussed about Formal Appeal Process that is followed by CRISIL in order to address any grievances related to Performance Appraisal. 

Mr. Raghu Pant elaborated the process of Continuous Performance Management and the importance of aligning it with business. He said that Performance Management is going to be very dynamic in future. It will be aimed at building right set of behaviours, coaching and mentoring than just measuring performance of employees.

Both the speakers concluded the session with a brief summary where they said that Performance Management System has to be developed and customised according to the organizational needs. If the system is followed with Discipline, Rigour, Transparency and Consistency, it will be a success.

The session was very insightful and appreciated by all the participants. Apart from the faculty members, the webinar was also attended by students of MBA First Year, for whom it was an eye opening experience.

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A visit to National Co-Operative Union of India, New Delhi to attend  the 20th Vaikunthbhai Mehta Memorial Lecture series organized by NCUI on 27th March, 2019.

Dr Rajeev Johari and Dr Sanjeev Tandon, along with 44 students of the Department of Management (MBA & PGDM) attended the session. The program started with the lamp lighting ceremony by the Chief Guest Mr Amitabh Kant (CEO, NITI Ayog) and other dignitaries on the dais. Mr Amin (Chairman- NCUI) delivered the welcome address. A brief description about the program and the efforts of Mr Vaikunth Bhai Mehta was given by the Mr Satyanarayan (CEO- NCUI). The much awaited deliberation of Mr. Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Ayog was highly enriching. He talked about the importance of co-operatives and also the role of technology in the overall development of the farming activities. He also talked about the fact that involving in the allied co-operative services of fisheries and horticulture can enhance the overall productivity. Proper administration of cooperatives can improve the income level of the farmers. He also gave an example from his own life, where he could increase the income from 12% to 20% by introducing proper co-operative marketing strategies. He concluded his lecture by highlighting the importance of co-operatives unions and their collaborative working with the farmers. The benefits drawn are for the union and the villagers at large.

The event came to an end with the vote of thanks by one of the members of the organization who was representing the state of Madhya Pradesh.

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web conference on “Modernizing IT in a Cloud-First World”


With an objective to create best learning opportunities& bridging the gap between Industry & Academia among IT Students, Department of IT, I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad has provided platform for attending web conferenc

India's Largest Digital Conclave of Economic Times CIO (ETCIO), in association with Google Cloud through Video Conferencing on 26.3.2019 at Institute premises.

In this event eminent speakers B Ganesh, Global CIO, HSBC; Arnab Basu, Technology Consulting Leader, PwC; Piyush Chowhan, CIO, Arvind Lifestyle Brands; A Sathyanarayanan, GM-IT, Ashok Leyland; Mr. Janakiram MSV, Principal, Janakiramhave shared their experience and thoughts for helping enterprises to understand business needs and future vision for digital business. 

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Faculty of Department of Management Dr. Rajeev Jahuri attended Conference


Faculty of Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad, Dr. Rajeev Johari attended the conference on 25th March 2019 at India Habitat Centre titled Future of the Digital Economy: Cross Currents in Emerging regimes

The conference begin with opening remarks by Dr. Rajat Kathuria, Director and CE, ICRIER who highlighted the specific concerns of digital economy in terms of future prospects be it positive or negative and to what extent could it be considered reliable for security and protectionism within government policy framework. Mr. Peter Cherukuri, Executive Director, Data Catalyst Institute delivered his address on data analytics and future course of action in the digitalization of economic growth.

The conference was organized with the partnership between ICRIER and Data Catalyst Institute. Key Note Address was delivered by Ms. Aruna Sundarajan, Secretary, Department of Telecommunication, Govt. of India on policy issues and vertical impact on qualitative data which also highlighted the digital instrumentation for younger demography and e-commerce. She interlinked data with the security of incremental growth and digital drivers.

The conference was structured in three panels and every panel was based on different areas viz. Future of the Digital Economy, Data Security: Emerging Discourse on Encryption and Localization and Identity and Authentication in India’s Digital Economy. Panelist and Moderators were experts from academia, industry, technocrats, service providers, info analysis from public, private and Government institution and Ministries. The discussion centered on data security, privacy security, data space, data user’s identity, quality of data, data storage facility, digital technology and interlinking with growth and delivery of services etc.

A special address by Mr. Gopalakrishnan S., Joint Secretary, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India was delivered on the issue of privacy and data storage facility focusing on spectrum supply by Government.

Overall it was a great learning experience with new insights gathered on a wide array of the specified theme.

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‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme


‘Parivartan’ – The Slum Education Programme at Department of Management at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organized activity on 24.3.19 

Election fever has gripped the country. Therefore the time was ripe for enlightening the learners at Parivartan about the ‘Dance of Democracy’. It was time for some preliminary lessons in Civics. Prof. Lokesh Upreti opened the day’s deliberations by trying to explain the process through which representatives are selected for the Parliament in India. He discussed how the party which enjoys majority in the Lok Sabha goes on to form the government at the center with the leader of that party occupying the chair of the Prime Minister of the nation. Prof. Upreti, with contributions from Nagesh, also took time to explain the mechanism behind the formation of the upper house of Parliament, the Rajya Sabha.

Observing that the children were having some difficulty in grasping the concepts involved, an impromptu role play session was organised where two of the kids were selected to represent the leaders of two major (fictitious) parties in the fray. Each party was to contest the elections for ten seats. Three children each were nominated as candidates from the major cities from each side. The resultant process clarified much of the bottlenecks in the learning process.

The second part of the day was devoted to a session on multiplication and division, specially that comprising of two digit numbers, with power performers Mansi and Atul spearheading the session. The learners worked out the sums in their copies, which were then evaluated by those present. For the first time, grades ranging from ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ were mentioned on the copies, in an attempt to encourage the children in their efforts.

With the end drawing close, the regulation quiz was held for judging the understanding of the day’s lessons, with those answering correctly receiving a pack of ‘Crax Rings’ each. This was followed by the distribution of ‘Bikano mixture namkeen’ and ‘Parle Orange Bite’ toffees among the children.

Prof. Lokesh Upreti planned and guided the volunteers in the conduct of the programme as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club - Parivartan.

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Webinar Session on “Madrid Release AI to Mobile” for MCA Students


With an objective to create best learning opportunities to MCA Students, Department of IT, I.T.S Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organised session on “Madrid Release AI to Mobile” through Video Conferencing on 19.3.2019 at Institute premises.

In this session, Speaker of Session Mr. Mr. Dave Wright, CIO, Service Now and Mr. Brad Mattick Vice President, ServiceNow discussed Dramatic improvements in mobile, “Intelligent” agent support and Significant improvements in Service Delivery and Management.

After the session, Director (IT) Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey concluded the session and shared his eminence knowledge & thoughts on importance of online seminars and told how it is beneficial for an individual student for their bright future. He gave various examples for better understanding of each students. Dr. Pandey advised students to participate in webinars for getting wide & updated exposure of technical subjects and courses of their interest. He has also told that participation in such webinar provide platform to groom their listening skills with updated information shared by Domain Expert either from Academia or Industry repute.

Dr Pandey interacted with the students on related problems and answered the queries raised during the session. It was nice experiential learning session for all participated Students.

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