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The Department of Management at the Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, organized a workshop for MBA II-year Batch 2023-25 IT Specialization students on "Business Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" on December 24, 2024.

The resource person for the session was Mr. Chetan Prakash, Senior Data Scientist at APPWARS Technologies Pvt. Ltd., who has extensive experience in AI, ML, and data-driven business solutions.
The workshop aimed to provide students with practical insights into the applications of AI and ML in various business domains, enhancing their technical and analytical competencies.
The session commenced with a formal welcome, and a token of appreciation was presented to Mr. Chetan Prakash by Prof. Mansi.
Mr. Chetan Prakash began by introducing the fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning and emphasizing their growing importance in the business world. He then highlighted key real-world applications, including predictive analytics, customer behavior modeling, and operational optimization.
The session was interactive, with participants engaging in discussions and practical demonstrations of AI tools and frameworks. Students gained hands-on exposure to techniques used for implementing AI and ML in business scenarios, enhancing their understanding of these cutting-edge technologies.
An engaging Q&A session followed, where students inquired about specific applications of AI and ML in their fields of interest, receiving valuable insights from the resource person.
The workshop concluded successfully, with all participants expressing their satisfaction and eagerness to apply their newly acquired knowledge.
In the end, Dr. Uma Gulati, Chairperson of the MBA Program, extended a heartfelt vote of thanks to Mr. Chetan Prakash for delivering such an enriching session.