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Prof. Shikha Aggarwal, faculty of Department of Management attended webinar on “Impact of Corona Virus on the Global Economy” organiozed by Office of International Partnerships, Shiv Nadar University
on May 1, 2020 at 09:00 PM (IST). The guest speaker for the session was Prof. (Dr.) V.V. Chari, Professor of Liberal Arts, Department of Economics, University of Minnesota, USA and an adviser at the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis. He was also the Founding Director of the Heller-Hurwicz Economics Institute. He has served on the Board of Editors of many journals, including Econometrica, the Journal of Economic Literature and the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
Prof. Chari shared some great insights about the world economy post- CoVid- 19. He shared his opinions and believes that medium range planning for economies post- CoVid- 19 is going to be extremely turbulent as after effects of lockdown will be much visible in the short and medium terms, however he is positive that recovery may happen in the long run. He also appreciated the Indian Central Government and added that India is not actually one big economy but a compilation of many smaller economies in the sense that economy of Maharashtra is much different from that of Tamil Nadu and Delhi, and hence once size fits all is not the way to go certainly. The session was interactive and enlightening with many queries of participants that Prof. Chari handled very nicely.