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- Faculty
Faculty Of Information Technology

Varun Arora
Assistant Professor
Experience : 14 Years
Email : varunarora.ka@its.edu.in
Ph.D. (CSE) pursuing ,M.Tech (ALCCS), MCA,M.Sc.(Physics), B.Sc.(PCM)
Areas of Competence and Interest: Machine Learning, Nature Inspired Algorithms
Academic Course Taught: C, C++, Java Programming, Design and Development of Algorithms, Compiler Design, Web Technology, Data Structures, Management Information System
Experience : 14 Years Teaching experience
(National-04, International-02)
Presented a reasearch paper "Role of Nature Inspired Algorithms in Business Analytics" in "IEEE TECHNICOKNOCKDOWN-2023" organized by SIT, Lonavala on 4 May, 2023.
Published a book chapter “Role of 6G, IoT with integration of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning and security in Agriculture in the book "Digitization of New Technologies, 6G and Evolution of Green Computing".
- Presented research paper entitled”A comprehensive review on Multimodal Feature Selection through Nature-Inspired Algorithms” in international conference on Communication, security and Artificial Intelligence, ICCSAI-2022, IEEE organized by Galgotias University, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh during 23-24 December 2022.
- Presented research paper entitled “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning in Agriculture and Crop Production” in National Conference on Next Generation Computing Technologies and their Role in Nation Development(NGCTND-2020) organized by Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad during 21-22 August, 2020.
- Presented research paper entitled "Future of Secure Financial Transactions: Bitcoins" in the international conference "Changing Economic Scenario: Strategies for Business Sustainability" at Jaipuria School of Business on 11th November 2017.
- Presented research paper entitled "Survey on Automatic Video Content Analysis Techniques" in a National Conference on IPR, Future Technology, Optimization & Management INMANTEC Institute, Ghaziabad on 17th February 2017.
- Presented a research paper entitled “A Comprehensive Survey on Personality of Authors on Blog Data” in National Conference EPICTIS-2014 at ITS Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad on 7 -8 November 2014.
- Presented a research paper entitled "Instance Learning for Face Recognition Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network and DCT" at National Conference on Smarter Approaches in Computing Technologies & Applications (SACTA- 2014) at ITS Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad on Saturday, 19th April 2014.
Conference/Seminar/Workshop/FDP Attended
- Completed online certification on “Introduction to Machine Learning” on Infosys/ Springboard on 22 March, 2023.
- Completed Online Certification on “Certified Bitcoin Professionsl: Pass the Certification Exam” on Udemy on 28 December 2022
- Completed Online Certification on “Learn Python Programming: Step By Step Guide for Beginners” on Udemy on 24 December 2022
- Attended five days online Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning: Concept and Applications” during 14-20 March,2023 organized by Department of Computer Science & IT, Kathua Campus, University of Jammu.
- Attended five days online Faculty Development Program on “Emerging trends and applications of Machine Learning Based Artificial Intelligence” during 20-25February ,2023 organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad (U.P.).
- Attended five days online Faculty Development Program on “Recent trends in machine learning, IoT and data Science” during 23-28 January, ,2023 organized by Asansol Engineering College.
- Attended Professional Development Program on Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis using Python, RStudio, Tableau and Text Mining held from October 31 to November 4, 2022 at Amity University, Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
- Completed online certification course on “Certified Bitcoin Professional: Pass the Certification Exam” from Udemy.
- Completed online certification course on “Learn Python Programming” from Udemy.
- Completed online certification course on “Python for Machine Learning” from Great Learning.
- Attended one week online Faculty Development Program on “Machine Learning Fundamentals”from 23rd March to 28th March 2022 organized by the Department of Computer Science & IT,KathuaCampus,Universityof Jammu.
- Attendedone-weekonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“InnovationandResearchTrendsin Artificial Intelligence” from 21st February to 26th February 2022 organized by Centre forArtificialIntelligence,BanasthaliVidyapeeth.
- Attendedone-weekonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“InnovationandResearchTrendsin Artificial Intelligence” from 21st February to 26th February 2022 organized by Centre forArtificialIntelligence,BanasthaliVidyapith.
- Attendedone-weekonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“EmergingTrendsinDataAnalytics 2022” from 17th February to 21st February 2022 organized by Amity Institute ofInformationTechnology,Noida.
- AttendedoneweekonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“RecentTrendsinCyberSecurityand Machine Intelligence” from 31st January to 4th February 2022 organized by InderprasthaEngineeringCollege,Ghaziabad.
- Attendedone-weekFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“EssentialsofResearch”from3rdJanuaryto8thJanuary2022organizedbyMewarInstituteofManagement,Ghaziabad.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgram on “Data Analytics and Machine Learning Using Python” organized by School ofInformation Technology, Rajiv Gandhi ProudyogikiVishwavidyalaya from 12th July to 16th July2021.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgram on “Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering: Current Trends and future”organizedbySantLongowalInstitute of EngineeringandTechnology, Longowalfrom 5thJulyto 9thJuly2021.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgram on “Quantum Computing” organized by Government College of Engineering from 21stJune to 25th June 2021.Attended AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy onlineFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“CyberSecurity”organizedbySriVenkateswaraCollegeofEngineeringfrom30thNovemberto4th December2020.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgram on “Data Science and Machine Learning” organized by KIET Group of Institutionsfrom11th Novemberto21st November2020.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgramon“CyberSecurity”organizedbyGovernmentEngineeringCollegefrom5thOctoberto9thOctober2020.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgram on “Data Science and Machine Learning” organized by KIET Group of Institutionsfrom17th Octoberto21stOctober2020.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgram on "Cyber Security" organized by Shri Venkateswara College of Engineering from 30thNovemberto4th December2020.
- Attended online one-week Faculty Development Program on "Ruby and Perl Programming"organized by St. Peter's Engineering College, Hyderabad in association with spoken tutorials,IITBombayfrom3rdJune-8thJune2020.
- AttendedAICTETrainingandLearning(ATAL)AcademyonlineFacultyDevelopmentProgram on "Blockchain" organized by the National Institute of Technology, Warangal from25th Mayto29thMay2020.
- Attended an online Faculty Development Program on "Cyber Security in Covid-19 pandemicandpost-pandemic"from16thMay-17th May2020.
- Attendedanonlinefacultydevelopmentprogramon“CryptographyandNetworkSecurity”conductedbyPanimalarInstituteofTechnology,Chennaifrom11Mayto15May2020.
- Attended Faculty Development Program on "Design and Analysis of Algorithms in ABESIT,Ghaziabadfrom11thJuneto15thJune 2019.
- Attended Faculty Development Program on "Computer Forensic and Cyber Crime in ABESEngineeringCollegefrom23rdAprilto27thApril2018.
- Attendedfivedaysworkshopon"AndroidDevelopmentFundamentals"inG.L.BajajInstitute
- AttendedInternationalConferenceon"IndiaTelecom-2016TransformingIndia,FICCIon2ndNovember2016.
- Attended two days workshop on "amateur Radio Communications & Computing in Educationenvironments" in ABES, Engineering College Ghaziabad from 14 September to 15 September2016.
- Attended Workshop onNeural Networks and its implementation with MATLAB"at, BharatiVidyapeeth's Institute of Computer Applications Management & Research New Delhi from 17thJanuaryto18thJanuary2014.
- Worked as faculty team member of Infosys campus connect program held at Inderprastha Engineering College, Ghaziabad.
- Worked as core team member of industry academia program of National Association of Software and Services Companies (NASSCOM) conducted by Sopra India.
- Guided MCA and BCA projects in Java programming and PHP.
- Worked as a core team member of Web Club and Programming Club at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
- Worked as core team member of Skill Development Cell at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
- Worked as core team member of Inter-Institutional Techno-Cultural Fest, SAMAGRA at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
- Worked as principal coordinator of DST sponsored Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Technology Based Entrepreneurship Development Program, Entrepreneurship Development Programs and Faculty Development Programs.
- Involved in the training program of HindonAirforce officials.
- Involved in NBA and NAAC accreditation process at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
- Worked as a member of Editorial Team of I.T.S Newsletter.
- working as Nodal Officer of Virtual Lab in association with IIT Kanpur at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
Other - Participated in Virtual Lab Coordinator’s Meet on 1 April 2023 at IIT, Kanpur.
- Participated in Tech4ED expo & Conference 2023 organized by ICT Academy & KC GlobalED on 28-30 April 2023.
- Attended one day online Faculty Development Program on MIE-One Note Teacher Academy on 24 May 2023.
- Attended offline faculty development program on Microsoft Power BI at Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organized by ICt Acedemy during 31 July-4 August 2023.
- Completed one week online faculty development program on “Big Data Technologies ” organized by CDAC, Noida during 21-25 August 2023
- Completed online certification course on Introduction to Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence from Infosys SpringBoard on 22 August 2023
- Attended fifteenth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3) organized by Jaypee Institute of Information Technology , Noida.
- Attended TEDX on 15 October 2023 at I.T.S, Mohan nagar, Ghaziabad.
- Participated in 10th National Annual Virtual Lab Coordinator’s Meet on 20 October 2023 at Bundelkhand University Jhansi.
- Completed Online Course on Time Management from Great Learning Academy.
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