Utthan, a CSR initiative of I.T.S Ghaziabad, Department of Management, organised a "Computer Lab Activity" to conduct a practical session in the Computer Lab for Government School students of class 1st to 8th in the campus on 18th May, 2023. 


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Thursday, May 18, 2023
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During the session, all the students were taken to the Computer Lab where they were taught to search on Google and make a presentation on the different topics given to them by MBA student coordinators. Students learned the basics of MS office – MS Paint and to make powerpoint presentations using different designs and tools. After making the presentations, students were asked to present their PPTs and were given feedback by the volunteers.

After Completion of computer Lab activity, students were asked to explain their learning during the session. Students were excited to explain the tools they have used for MS Paint and MS Powerpoint.

Faculty Coordinators, Dr. Nitin Saxena and Prof. Shilpi Rana along with student volunteers of Utthan Club coordinated the activity and motivated the students to work harder on their computer skills.  

At the end of the day, students were given refreshments.