Utthan, A CSR initiative of Department of Management at I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad Organized "National Education Festival" in association with CEGR on 18th April, 2019. Faculty Coordinator and Student volunteers taught the importance of Education in our life.

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Thursday, April 18, 2019
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In the first segment of the activity, there was a video analysis session. The video was on the importance of Education. Discussion was made on what an educated person can achieve in his/her life in comparison to an uneducated person.

For Celebrating “National Education Day” lesson based story books were distributed to the students. The children were excited to receive the new books  and started narrating the stories as they leafed through the pages of stories from the "Panchatantra" and the "Jatak Tales".

In the second session of the day, a written quiz competition was organized. Students were divided in two different groups on the basis of their class standard (1st Group I class to IV class and 2nd Group V class onward). The winners of the quiz competition were awarded at the end the activity.

Dr. Surendra Tiwari, Dr. Nitin Saxena  and Prof Shilpi Vaish- Faculty Coordinator of Utthan Club, along with team felicitated the event by distributing Prizes to all the winners of the activity.

All the students were given refreshment at the end of the session.