Utthan Lab, a CSR initiative of ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad made its mark by organizing a Sports Event and MS Word learning Session for the students on special request made by of MH Public School, Arthla, Ghaziabad on Friday, 23rd November'2018.

Student Volunteers for the day from MBA and PGDM actively and successfully coordinated the Activity.

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Friday, November 23, 2018
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More than 140 students of the school participated in the Sports Event and learned working on MS Office on Computers in Practical Labs. They were taught the basic use of MS Word by the Student Volunteers of ITS College. In this session they were taught about the “Tool Bar”, Bold, Underline and Italic in MS Word. They all then were taken to the Ground for the Sports Competition where they participated in the games like Tug of War; Lemon Race; Kho Kho and Balloon Race.

Director Management, Dr. Ajay Kumar felicitated the Event by distributing the Prizes to the winners of all the games. Winners received Stationary Sets and Mugs with ITS logo embedded on it as Prizes and Gifts. Principal of the School along with the 3 teachers were also felicitated by the Director Management Sir. All the students were given refreshment at the end of the session.

Faculty Coordinators of Utthan Activity are: Dr. Nitin Saxena and Prof. Shilpi Vaish.