Utthan, A CSR initiative of I.T.S - Mohan Nagar organized a session on festivals celebrated in India during January to July for school children on 20th July, 2019 in the campus.

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Saturday, July 20, 2019
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In the first segment of the activity, students were familiarized with all festivals celebrated in India.
In the second session, students were taken to Computer Labs and were taught about “Google Drive” and creating “Google Form”. Students were asked to create Google form using different tools available like inserting picture, creating multiple options, charts, tables etc.

Also, Students presented their views on different festivals on stage. Total 42 students participated in the speech competition and 35 were awarded with the prizes.

Dr. Sunil Kumar Pandey, Director (IT) was invited to felicitate the winners with prizes.

All the students were given refreshment at the end of the session.