2nd May, 2018 was a very special date for the staff members of ITS, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad as the institute had organized an interesting Staff Development Programme for them. The theme of SDP was ‘Effective Communication, Stress & Time Management’. The resource persons for the SDP were Prof. Shikha Arora and Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi.

The SDP was inaugurated by Director Management Dr. Ajay Kumar who in his inaugural address pointed out the importance of the theme of SDP and asked the participants to remain interactive throughout all sessions of SDP. He said that an SDP can be effective and fruitful only when we have an internal urge to update ourselves with the latest knowledge and skills. He wished the participants a great learning and fun.

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Wednesday, May 2, 2018
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Soon after the inaugural addresses, the high energy SDP began. Prof. Shikha Arora took the session on Effective Communication while Dr. G.K. Dwivedi elaborated the nuances of Stress and Time Management. A variety of tools were used for the effective training and sharing the various aspects of the theme. Staff-members showed unprecedented interest in the tasks like opening a fist, getting signatures on Bingo sheets, sharing what they think about their partner in SDP and a PT like exercise that ended with a great learning and a lot of fun. Videos on amicable organizational behaviour and emotional support to colleaguea not only attracted the participants but also generated a lot of learning out of discussions after the videos.

At the end of the SDP, the staff members shared their experiences and takeaways. Finally the SDP, packed with fun, learning and games concluded with the valedictory session.