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I.T.S School of Management, Ghaziabad organized a Staff development program on "Data Analytics through Microsoft Advanced Excel” for the staff members on Friday, 23rd June, 2023. The expert for the session was Prof. Sunil Upadhyay, Asst. Professor I.T.S School of Management.
The SDP, led by Prof. Sunil Upadhyay, began with an introduction to the importance of data analytics in today's business world. He then proceeded to demonstrate various advanced Excel tools, such as Conditional Formatting, Index, VLOOKUP, and HLOOKUP, which are essential for effective data analysis. He emphasized the significance of lookup and pivot table functions in Excel for day-to-day operational activities. Throughout the workshop, he provided step-by-step guidance on how to use these tools and their practical applications.
Additionally, he explained the various features and functions of Excel that can be utilized for complex calculations, data analysis, and more. The workshop fostered a highly interactive environment, with staff actively engaged throughout the training.Overall, the workshop successfully achieved its objectives of improving staff efficiency in Excel operations and enhancing their analytical capabilities.