Zenith - The Soft Skills Club of I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Department of Management organized "Cue-Pit", an online club activity for MBA (2021-23) batch on 28th January, 2022.

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Friday, January 28, 2022
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The objective of the activity was to invoke the participants of MBA towards team spirit and to be creative with limited resources and develop their Non-verbal communication.

This activity was conducted in three rounds. In first round, Google form was floated and 12 participants were selected. In the second round participants were required to spell the words correctly dictated to them and out of them six candidates were selected.

In the last round, candidates were given seven alphabets with a center alphabet and they had to form a seven letter word mandatory and maximise the words they could form.

The event became more interested and interactive when the audience was also allowed to participate in the filler round of the activity where they were required to recognise the songs by pictorial representation and form faces as per different emojis given.

Winners of the activity were:

Binu Priya - First winner

Pooja Singh - Second winner

Abhinav Chaudhary - Third winner

The activity was very well organized by the club members and appreciated by the participants.