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Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized a special session of Shri Sanjay Kumar on Ethics and Goal Achievement” for it's PG students on 6th February, 2019.
Shri Sanjay Kumar is a social leader, reformer deeply grounded in spirituality, continuing to transform lives with an aim to create a society free from crime, violence, addiction and social discrimination through several humanitarian projects and peace building initiatives of the Art of Living. He is associated with the Art of living since past 20 years and have spearheaded various projects and initiatives of the foundation.
In his address to students, he highlighted the importance of being a good human as an essence of becoming a good Manager. He said that setting goals is essential for driving performance, but goals can also lead to unethical behavior. He shared his experiences and motivated students on how to avoid the dangers while undertaking initiatives that promote both performance and an ethical culture. It was great learning for the participants.