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Prof Chandra Mani Sharma conducted two days workshop on “Data Science using Python” at I.K. Gujral Punjab Technical University (a Govt. State Technical University of Punjab), Main Campus, Kapurthala during 9th – 10th March, 2018. In this workshop, the students of B.Tech (CSE) and M.Tech (CSE) participated.
Data Science is an emerging area of research and development. In recent years, the demand of the professionals in the field has witnessed an exponential growth. It is going to play a pivotal role in the on-going AI revolution. The objective of the workshop was to provide the participants a hands-on exposure on Python programming and its applications in solving problems using machine learning and other approaches.
The day -1 of the workshop had sessions on basics of Python programming including data structures (lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets etc), control structures, iterations, creation of modules, introduction to Anaconda & Spyder, introduction to various packages for Data Science such as numpy, scipy, matplotlib, pandas, sklearn etc.
The day-2 of the workshop covered basics of machine learning including supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement learning. Overview of various data sets available for experimentation, analyzing and & visualizing data, application of KNN, LDA/PCA, SVM, Bayes Classification etc., evaluating different techniques, quality bench marks for machine learning such as confusion matrix, f1-score, recall value etc, introduction to deep learning etc. The workshop was concluded with a Q/A session on Data Science and future directions.
Workshop was very useful for the participants and it was highly appreciated by participants and the University administration.