I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad resumed the full-fledged ‘Parivartan- The Slum Education, Programme’, a CSR initiative of the Management Department on the 19th of December, 2021.


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Sunday, December 19, 2021
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The proceedings were kicked off by the student volunteers, as they re-familiarised the students with the importance of studies. They impressed on the kids how it would help them to take care of familial obligations; how it would enable them to make better decisions in different aspects of life; and in general how it would allow them to improve the quality of their life. Volunteers effectively used the storytelling approach to get the pupils actively involved in the learning process.

Student volunteers tried to evoke national pride as he tested the knowledge of the young ones regarding their country. Starting with the states and their capitals, the interactions proceeded to the national symbols like the national animal, national bird, and the national song.

The little ones impressed all with both their knowledge and power of recall. In an effort to drum up energy further, the volunteers engaged the children in a game to test their alertness. At Parivartan, it is after all something of a tradition to use games to promote learning with fun.

A notable occurrence was the distribution of face masks among the children, with the volunteers reminding them “Do gaz doori, Mask hai zaruri".

Following past practice, a quiz was conducted to test the learnings of the day, with those answering correctly being rewarded with toffees.

Finally, refreshments were distributed to all the children.