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25th March, 2018 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was a twofold session on the ‘The Making of a Newspaper’ and ‘The Sense Organs’.
Volunteers of the day Nagma, Robin Chauhan, Sonia Dhawan, Raziullah Ansari, Rohit Bage, Vidhi Yadav, Ranjiw Kumar, Anjul Varshney, Novika Chadha and George Rudolf Henry started the class with the prayer and informed the children about the highlights of the day.
The first session of the day was on ‘The Making of a Newspaper’ during which the children were told how a newspaper is published. They were informed how the news-items are collected by the correspondents from the spot of the incident, police station and hospitals, how these news-items are edited by the editor and allotted page numbers, how the soft copy of the newspaper is sent to the automated printing machine and finally how the newspaper reaches to its readers in the morning.

The second session of the day was on ‘Our Sensory Organs’ during which the children were taught about five sense organs and their main functions. After these sessions a short quiz was conducted and those who gave correct responses were felicitated with the packets of Monaco Biscuits.
This is worth a mention that Ms. Dolly Sharma, a known leader and ex-candidate for Mayor- Ghaziabad spotted the class of Parivartan while passing by and stopped her car there. She expressed her pleasure and appreciated the efforts of ITS volunteers wholeheartedly.
The class concluded with the distribution of Biscuits and éclairs. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi accompanied and guided the volunteers as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club.