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20th May, 2018 activity of ‘Parivartan’- the Slum Education Programme, a CSR initiative of ITS, Ghaziabad was a blast of fun and fabulous prizes. On demand of children summer games were organized during which the little players tested their skills to the fullest and enjoyed as never before.
Volunteers of the day – Aditya Pandey, Shreya Mani Tripathi, Aru Bansal, Varun Arora, Rohit Tiwari, Rashi Tyagi, Samina Khatoon, Ankit Jaggi, Arpan Banerjee, Argha Majumdar and Neha Agarwal started the class with the prayer and informed the children about the highlights of the day.

The children were waiting eagerly for this day as they had been told that on this date they would have a chance to participate in the Summer Games. A game with five plastic pins and five rings was put as a task for the children and they had to throw the rings so that they fall on the pins. One by one everyone got one’s chance. Around fifty winners were given fabulous prizes like school bag, Milton water bottle, Plastic Trishul, Plastic Gada, Balls, Uno Cards, Toy Pistols, Air Pencil, Block Games, Bubble makers, Toy train, interesting books and Nestle Maggi packets.
The game and the uproar of competition went so high that the family members of the children, neighbours and passersby also joined in to have fun by watching it live. At the end of the competition, even the PGDM and MBA volunteers also tested their hands on the rings and teased each other with loud laughter and boundless fun.
The activity concluded with the distribution of prizes, Crax Curls and éclairs. Dr. Gopal Krishna Dwivedi accompanied and guided the volunteers as the faculty coordinator of CSR Club.