An online Alumni Talk by Ms. Megha Mittal, Enterprise Solutions Specialist, Pepsico, New York City, United States and Alumnus of MBA (2007-09) was delivered on 17th December, 2021.

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Friday, December 17, 2021
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The session was organised for MBA 2021-23 Batch.

The Talk was started with the welcome address by Prof. Durba Roy, Head CRC followed by address of Dr. D.K. Pandey, Chairperson – Alumni Committee. The Topic of the talk was “Theory to Practice”. The purpose of organising the talk was to get participants aware about the Gaps between theory knowledge or classroom knowledge and knowledge required for Industry opportunities.

Ms. Megha Mittal talked about her journey from management trainee to her current post at Pepsico. She started her talk by asking a few questions to the students 1. What is your aim of doing MBA, 2. Have you planned the path to achieve your aim, 3. Have you identified your weaknesses which will become hurdles in achieving your aim etc.  

She discussed that she has faced lots of issues and hurdles for pursuing her job in a different country, having a different work culture. She also discussed how she has overcome her weaknesses and become successful in her career. She discussed the importance of communication for achieving a successful career and stable job. In the end Dr. D.K Pandey gave a virtual plaque to Ms. Megha Mittal as a token of regards on behalf of the institute.