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DBMS Club of the Department of I.T, I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organized a Special Session on Angular - Micro-frontend "The Future of Modern Webs Apps Development” for the Students of MCA (2024-2026)
conducted on 5th October 2024.The session was inaugurated by Director (IT&UG) Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey, Guest Speaker, Mr. Manoj Kumar, Associate Director – Development Worldpay Chairperson-MCA, Prof. Puja Dhar, Coordinator-MCA, Prof. Smita Kansal, and DBMS Club Faculty Coordinator, Prof. Saurabh Saxena, Prof. Ashwini Kumar.In the Session, Mr. Manoj talked about the importance of Angular and Micro frontend and module federation while developing a future ready, easily scalable,flexible and secure web apps using Angular JS, Node JS,Bootstrap,HTML5,CSS3,Typescript, Micro-fontends ,microservices , database with apache tomcat.He also explained benefits of a angular and micro frontend architecture based responsive web app development as career prospective and its uses in various domains like e-commerce,healthcare,social media, automobile industry and in big organisations like Microsoft, Amazon, Netflix ,forbes etc.The session was very interactive, informative and knowledge enriching for the students.