On 10th June, a guest lecture was organized for the students of MBA First Year (Batch 2021-23). The topic of the session was ‘Decoding start-up ecosystem for successful businesses.’


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Friday, June 10, 2022
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The guest of the day Mr. Nishant Madhukar, Managing Partner and Chief of Strategy- Madhouse works, explained how start-ups can read the environment and strategize for their growth.

The session was graced by Dr.VN Bajpai, Director- ITS Ghaziabad, who welcomed the guest and motivated the students to give shape to their dreams of being entrepreneurs by being active learners and receptive to the opportunities in the environment.

During the session, Mr. Madhukar discussed in detail various measures an aspiring entrepreneur can take to ensure that the venture can thrive in the competitive world. He motivated the students to identify their Ikigai and pursue their aspirations accordingly.

The session also witnessed active participation form the students as they raised their queries related to the topic. The explanations and examples given by Mr. Madhukar helped in creating a good understanding of the discussion among the students.