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"Summer Break is the best time of the year as it gives children a chance to relax and explore new things. It gives them an opportunity to take a break from their daily study routine and adopt new hobbies like singing, dancing and painting, while also having fun with friends".
Keeping in mind the excitement of the children for summer vacation, Utthan, a CSR initiative of Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad, Department of Management, conducted a very interesting session on "Summer Break Special and Computer Lab activity” for Government School students of class 1st to 8th in the campus on May 26, 2022.
During the first part of the activity, Children discussed their interests/hobbies and plan to spend their summer break with the Faculty Coordinators and student volunteers. Also they showcased their talent like dance, sketch etc. to all the Utthan Club students. Students were also given some puzzles and riddles where the creative minds were able to solve them all with utmost enthusiasm.
In the second half, all the students were taken to Computer Lab where they were asked to draw different figures using the shapes tool of Ms Paint and were asked to discuss various tools of MS paint.
Faculty Coordinators, Dr. Nitin Saxena and Prof. Shilpi Rana along with student volunteers of Utthan Club motivated the students to indulge themselves in various activities during their summer break and to utilize the best of this time.
At the end of the day, students were awarded with exciting gifts for the best performances and were given refreshments.