I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Department of Management organised an Online Guest Lecture for MBA (2021-23) batch participants on the topic "High Impact Communication Skills in Digital Era" on 7th March, 2022.


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Monday, March 7, 2022
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The Guest Speaker for the session was Ms. Juhi Gupta who is a Master Trainer, Motivational Speaker, HR Consultant and Career Guide.

Ms. Juhi gave a detailed view of Business Communication in the digital world with the help of examples and a few activities. She explained to the participants about basic communication skills which are required to be successful in the corporate sector. She talked about SLRW principles of communication and the basic telephonic and online meeting etiquette to be followed during conversation with the clients or customers at the workplace.

She also highlighted the importance of business writing and proofreading guidelines while sending the emails and texts. Also, she gave a detailed overview of Corporate Expectations to the participants about ethical behaviour and attitude so that they can inculcate such traits in their personality.

Overall it was a wonderful interactive session which concluded with the presentation of a virtual plaque to the guest as a token of remembrance and gratitude.