I.T.S - Mohan Nagar, Management Department organized a Merit and Performance Award Ceremony for MBA (2020-22) batch on November 30th 2021. 


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Tuesday, November 30, 2021
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The ceremony was graced by the benign presence of Shri. Arpit Chadha, Vice Chairman I.T.S - The Education Group; Shri. Surinder Sood, Director PR, I.T.S – The Education Group; Director, Dr. D K Agrawal and Dr. Surendra Tiwari, Chairperson MBA.

The beginning of the ceremony was marked by the motivating speech by Shri. Arpit Chadha who motivated the students by emphasizing that how values in life are important in all walks of life which makes everyone in life a true winner. 

Shri. Surinder Sood addressed the students & revealed the importance of competition amongst the students and motivated them to have the spirit of continuous improvement.

Dr. D K Agrawal discussed the importance of small achievements and efforts of life which cumulatively become big for future. He congratulated all awardees and their parents for the success of their wards. Dr. Surendra Tiwari shared brief overview of the event with the audience. 

The students were presented with awards in three categories as follows:

·         Top 3 Merit Holders of MBA I Year.

·         Top 10 position Holders of MBA I Semester

·         Top 10 position Holders of MBA II Semester

·         Top 10 improvements in MBA II semester over MBA I semester.             .

33 students were awarded under the above categories. Top three Positions of MBA I Year (2020-22) bagged the Cash Prize of Rs. 10,000 by Nancy Gutpa; Rs. 7,500 by Shrang Singh & Rs. 5,000 by Kiran respectively. Rest of the awardees were rewarded with certificates of Merit & Improvement.

The event culminated with a Hi-Tea for Parents & Awardees.