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Department of Management at ITS Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad organized a Binary Club activity “YoGदान” for MBA (2020-22) students on 18th June, 2021.
The activity was conducted in the presence of Binary Club coordinator PROF. MANSI SINGH. The purpose of the activity was to enhance the knowledge related to Indian freedom fighters among students with respect to the parameters of remembrance and accuracy.
The activity consist single round which was organized through MS teams application. Total 12 teams were participated in which each team has 2 members in the activity. There were 4 question asked for each team related to Slogan identification, Voice Identification and Pictures identification of various freedom fighters.
Winner of the activity were
Ist Position: Anjali Singh (A) & Dheeraj Kumar (A)
IInd Position: Ragini Singh (A)
IIIrd Position: Shubham Kumar (B) & Aditya Sharma (B)
Activity was concluded with vote of thanks by Faculty Coordinator Prof. Mansi Singh. The Winners were felicitated with certificates. The activity was a great success where students enjoyed a lot along with fun and learning. All students appreciated the initiative taken by club “BINARY Club”.