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Dr Charu Chaudhry from Department of Management Studies, ITS Mohan Nagar Campus organized a Staff Development Program on "Service Orientation" for ITS Dental College employees on May 7-8, 2020.
The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way organizations work and cater to their customers. The program was designed to help ITS staff members understand the changing expectations of students/patients and fulfill the need of delivering excellent service to them as customers.
Dr Charu emphasized upon the value of creating WOW moments in customer service which in turn impacts customer satisfaction. She deliberated upon creativity and idea generation to deliver differentiated service keeping human values in mind. Participants showed a lot of enthusiasm and responded eagerly. They discussed the role/job specific scenarios to develop a better understanding of the changing situation. They were motivated to implement learning from the development module to real life situations to bring excellence in customer service.