Department of Management I.T.S, Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad organized a Webinar of Leadership Talk series for PGDM & MBA (2019-21) Batch by Dr. Vinod Dumblekar, Director- Mantis  and Founder- Director ISGA, India. He is the only Indian in the International Simulation and Gaming Association on the topic “Business after Lockdown: Methods, Models and Opportunities” on 21 April, 2020.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2020
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Dr. Vinod Dumblekar explained that now businesses that use cloud computing will not buckle under the pressure of the corona virus pandemic. For instance, the cloud gives businesses easy access to digital payment methods. It has enabled companies to continue working, by rapidly and securely providing access to business applications to their employees working at home.

Dr. Vinod further emphasized that automation and artificial intelligence will enhance the resilience of supply chains. To create long-term resilience we will likely see further robotic automation and artificial intelligence (AI) within their supply chains. These technologies will reduce manual intervention and hand-offs, cutting transmission risks, and reducing the reliance on humans to work face-to-face.

Dr. Dumblekar suggested that successful businesses will have a combination of resilience and agility. Organizations should harness leading practices and catalyze a joint response to mitigate the effect on business. Adaptive organizations will emerge from this period stronger, wiser and more connected as a global society. Resilience will be at the forefront of every strategy, yet it is agility that will ensure competitiveness, and an ability to respond to the unexpected. At the end of the corporate lecture a special vote of thanks was given to him.