As a part of Institute-Industry interaction and academic delivery prerequisite a workshop on Derivatives Market in India by Mr. Sachendra Patel,  Managing Director – GSP Capital Pvt Ltd. on 25th Feb 2020 was organised for the students of MBA -IV term students.

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020
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Mr. Sachendra Patel has a rich experience of 7 years in the field of capital markets. His academic interest includes equity analysis, derivatives markets and mutual funds.

Mr. Sachendra Patel started his conversation with students by bringing in few hard facts about Indian economy, he spoke about the size of the Indian economy and the future ahead.

He talked about how derivative segment and how this is generating lot of interest among traders and investors now a days, as the investment is very less. He said that instruments in this segment should be used as hedging tools but we surly can use them as trading tools as well.

Derivatives markets are driven by big players with financial power. These big players or HNIs who invest huge amount of money in the markets, but while investing they take the advantage of derivative segment to multiply their profits.

He also talked about the various types of margin requirement of derivatives market which can play a major role in changing the ROI of trader.

He also gave a brief overview of Mutual fund and Currency market. Session ended with a vote of thanks given by student.