A full day workshop on “Product Design & Development ”  for the students, under the Institution Innovation Council at  Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad has conducted successfully in Lab-3 on 14-11-2019  from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM  .

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Thursday, November 14, 2019
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Prof. Abhay Kumar Ray and Prof. Varun Arora  from Department of IT were the key resource persons for this workshop.

Objective of the workshop :                

  • This workshop must help the students to understand different types of product design architecture best practices and  different application development approaches in detail along with  the demonstrations based on product design and development using Visual Studio 2010.
  • After this workshop students can develop applications with better design and development approaches to provide better performance at peak time.

Pre-requisite: Knowledge of C, C++, web Application Development.


  • Session based on Introduction of Product design, types, approaches and approaches of Product development in IT industry is conducted in Lecture cum Discussion mode.
  • Rest of the session conducted in Computer Lab by live demonstration of each of the topic.

Content of the workshop:

  • Fundamentals of Product Design, Design types and their goals, Approaches to design a good quality product  and their pros and cons. Demonstrations based on Monolithic approach of product design
  • Introduction to Layered approach and tier approach of Product development  in IT industry and their advantages and disadvantages , Demonstration based on the same.
  • Web services, their uses and application, Micro services based product development in IT industry and its demonstration.

Total 60 IT students participated in this workshop. Students showed their interest to learn these topics and I am sure that participants of this workshop can develop application or software product by using visual studio 2010 with best design practices and development approaches.

 Attendance is attached for ready reference.