Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organised Guest Lecture for the MBA-III students on “CRM and Brand Management

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Friday, November 15, 2019
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 in Retailing” by Mr Ajay Chhabra, Senior Digital Transformation Consultant & Marketing Head India- Global Consumer Brand. Mr.Ajay has around 20+ years of experience in Digital Consulting, Brand Mgt& CRM. He has strong experience in working directly with the practice leaders with respect to branding and digital marketing. He very vividly shared the concept of branding and CRM. He aligned the concepts with various examples from the industry. He shared his experience with GE, GM, Microsoft, Motorola, Coca-Cola etc. He talked about the relevance of retail branding and CRM. His exhaustive experience with multiple digital marketing agencies including Ogilvy One & McCann MRM Worldwide has been more on the branding activities.  He supported the concepts by using highly exciting videos on branding & CRM. The session was highly interactive and interesting.