Department of Management at I.T.S Ghaziabad organized a visit to Zee Studio for a show Janta Ki Adalat. The guests invited for the show included religious Guru Swami Dipankar, Vijay Shankar Tiwari from the VHP, Ashutosh Mishra and Islamic scholar Asif Khan. The show was moderated by Sachin Arora.

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Wednesday, February 6, 2019
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The issue at hand was the VHP’s decision to suspend its campaign for the Ram Mandir at Ayodhya till the Lok Sabha polls. The moderator questioned the reason for this apparent inconsistency in the approach of the organization. The participants in the discussion had their own take on the topic. Mr. Tiwari tried to emphasize that this was only a temporary exigency, and that the campaign would be taken up in right earnest once the elections were over. Mr. Mishra felt that it was an issue of duplicacy from the side of the organization, and in that respect, it was nothing new. Swami Dipankar reiterated that whatever was happening was in line with the glorious traditions of this great country, and ultimately it was the religious sentiments that needed to be upheld. Mr. Khan opined that any decision relating to the Ram Mandir should be taken only after properly considering the grievances of all concerned.

The audience for the show also had some very strong opinions on the matter, and made sure that their voice was also heard. It turned out to be a very spirited interaction on a burning topic. In that sense it was a fulfilling experience for the students on a relevant issue.