Institute of Technology & Science, Ghaziabad is hosting 16th Annual Inter Institute Cricket tournament on 05th March, 2019 to 08th March, 2019 at Mahamaya Cricket Stadium, Ghaziabad. 

The programme will start with inaugural ceremony at 09:30 am on 05th March, 2019.  It will be a four day event. Final Match and prize distribution will take place on 08th March, 2019.

Following teams are participating in this tournament

  1. S.R.M University, Modinagar
  2. I.M.S College, Ghaziabad
  3. I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida
  4. Janhit College, Ghaziabad
  5. I.P.E.C Engineering College, Sahibabad – Team B
  6. I.T.S Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad
  7. I.P.E.C Engineering College, Sahibabad – Team A
  8. R.K.G.I.T Engineering College, Ghaziabad
Announcement Month: 
Announcement Date: 
Announcement Year: 
Date Of Announcement: 
Tuesday, March 5, 2019