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Department of Management organized session by Prof. Santosh Sood, in which he spoke about research and the confusion a researcher feels in interpreting research outcomes.He shared his experience regarding three research cases. First was pertaining to a charity organisation, as one of his clients. The survey had three major questions enquired from general public.
The first question was regarding the organization- Foreign or Indian, where they would love sharing money for the charity work and they could identify honesty of dealings highly significant. The second question was regarding the transparency (or nothing declared- opaque) in charity work operation. The third question was regarding their preference for an Indian or Multinational Charity organisation, which have their total charity work in India.The research outcomes of these three research questions were highly astonishing. The faculty members discussed the reasons for these strange research findings. The second case discussed was regarding the acceptance of LG Electronics (Golden Eye TV) in Indian market. Here again the research findings were highly astonishing. The third case was regarding an automobile engine efficiency fluid, Nulon (Teflon). Prof. Santosh Sood brought out various USP’s of this liquid additive. The research findings again had turned done the acceptance of this new product by the end consumers. The discussion was very interesting and enriching, which had triggered the thought process regarding variety of research projects.