Faculty Of I.T.S

Prof. Durba Roy

Associate Professor

Exerience : 34 ( 20 Years of Teaching + 14 years of Industry)

Email :

  • PGDBM from IMT, Ghaziabad, with Major in Marketing ,  (1997-2000 Batch)
  • BA (Hons.) English from Delhi University, New Delhi, with English as Major (1990-1993)

Area of Specialization/Research: Marketing

Experience : 34 ( 20 Years of Teaching + 14 years of Industry)

  • Conferences Organised:

    “India Inc. and Changing Marketing Dynamics”, 18th November 2006 at ITS Ghaziabad

    “Reconfiguring Marketing in the Changing Business Landscape” January 11 and 12 2008 at ITS Ghaziabad as Co- Convenor

    “Innovative Marketing for Reaching Consumers”,  5 & 6 December, 2008, at I.T.S , Ghaziabad , as Co-convenor

    “Winning Mantras for Marketing in Current Times”,   19th and 20th February 2010. at ITS Ghaziabad, as Co-convenor

    “ Marketing in Emerging Markets- Opportunities and Challenges”, 02 and 03 March,2012 at ITS Ghaziabad as Co-convenor

    MDPs conducted:

    Conducted 02 Open House MDPs within Institute’s Premise

  • Conducted an open house MDP on “Team spirit and Leadership” on 03-04 June,2011 as Program Director
  • Conducted an Open house MDP on “Effective Sales Techniques” on 25 – 26 November,2011 as Program Director
  • Also organised and conducted a MDP on Motivation and effective Communication to build a strong team with TCS ION on 18 August 2014 at JRE Institute
  • Was part of Organising team and convenor for a MDP with Dr. Phillip Kotler on “ The new Ways of Marketing in todays Global environment”

    Conducted 03 In-house MDPs

  • “ Stress Management” as Program coordinator on 24-25 June,2013 in RICOH
  • “ Effective Sales Techniques: as Program Director on 08-09 July,2014, in Videocon
  • “Communication for Effective Sales” as Program Director on 28-29 July , 2014, in Alps Industries