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Department of IT organized an Educational visit for a group of 40 students accompanied by Director-IT, Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey, Prof. Smita Kansal, Prof. Saurabh Saxena, Prof. Varun Arora, Dr. Vidushi Singh, Prof. Nancy Sharma, Prof. Yogita Chauhan and Prof. Shreyta Raj to Narora Atomic Power Station (NAPS), a public sector undertaking under the Department of Atomic Energy, Government of India which is located at about 176 kms from Ghaziabad on 25th February, 2017.
The trip started from I.T.S, Mohan Nagar campus at about 6.30 AM. A small briefing was made by Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey, Director-IT related to the visit. The journey lasted about 3 and half hour. As soon as the bus entered the outskirts of NAPS, a scenic view was everywhere with blissful greenery.
Students were taken to a stack block by a bus. A guest lecture was delivered by Mr. Mukesh Sharma, Training Officer, NAPS. He gave a brief description about the power plant through an interactive presentation. He explain about the growing need of nuclear energy in the near future. Narora Power plant has two units which produce 220MW units of power. Later, the group was taken to Nuclear Energy Information Centre, where the process of nuclear power generation was clearly explained through a schematic flow diagram. Nuclear applications in various fields were visually explained for a better understanding.
Later, students were divided into two groups headed by Mr. K. Singh, visit coordinator from NAPS and Mr. Mukesh Sharma & taken to Turbine building. Safety measures were taken before witnessing the functioning of turbine. Students keenly observed the entire process and raise their queries which were resolved by the instructors accompanying them. Control room, the much awaited place for all as many devices that were controlling overall system were witnessed. An internal view of the reactor (Calandria) was shown through cameras. A working view of twin units with many functioning devices created a sense of inquisitiveness amongst the students.
It was indeed an unique experience to visit the entirely automated Control Room and see how IT is helping in such a critical system and to see and experience of having Uranium Channels, operations of Turbine, Environmental Science Lab. It was a wonderful learning experience for everyone.