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Department of I.T. organized one day workshop on “Internet of Things” for the students of MCA & BCA on 18th April, 2018. Mr. Ashish Bhargava, Senior Manager Consulting, UniCoverage Technologies was the speaker of the workshop.
While welcoming the guest, Director-IT, Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey said that Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem of connected physical objects that are accessible through the internet. The ‘thing’ in IoT could be a person with a heart monitor or an automobile with built-in-sensors, i.e. objects that have been assigned an IP address and have the ability to collect and transfer data over a network without manual assistance or intervention. The embedded technology in the objects helps them to interact with internal states or the external environment, which in turn affects the decisions taken. He said that students always have doubts about the IOT and its applications, these type of workshops help students to upgrade their knowledge about the current technologies and which will definitely help them in their placements. MCA-Chairperson, Prof. Puja Dhar, Coordinator-MCA, Prof. SmitaKansal and other Faculty Members of Department of I.T were also present in this workshop.
While addressing the students, Mr. Ashish said that IoT allows the devices to communicate with each other, access information om the internet, store and retrieve data , and interact with user, creating smart, pervasive and always-connected environments.
The objective of this workshop was to help the students in setting up an IoT Lab and be aware about this new technology. He said that ConnectiFY is a development board which allows to carry many experiments and its advance features allows to take data to the Internet using in-build features of using Ethernet, Bluetooth, XeeBee.
Mr. Ashish said that the practical teaching system design should base on of cultivating students’ engineering ability and accomplishment, especially, the ability to solve the problem in the Internet of things engineering. Teaching about IOT technologies are closely related to make students ready for industries.
At the end of the session students were given the practical demonstration of various small applications including the basic knowledge about passive electronic components, basic circuit design, Logic family and theory, Serial and parallel interfaces and some basic knowledge about Sensors/ Actuators.
Mr. Ashish and his team also demonstrated the basic working of microcontrollers, use of general ICs. He said that student should have the basic knowledge of C and Python.
Students were very happy while attending this Practical based workshop. This was a new learning for the students of MCA and BCA.