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Department of Management at I.TS Ghaziabad organized the Friday Club interaction among PG faculty members on27th July, 2018. The speakers for the day were Prof. Alok Singh and Prof. ShikhaArora.
Prof. Alok Singh chose to speak on the topic “Review of Dairy and Milk Supply Chain”. He had spoken on this topic recently during a conference at IIT Kashipur. It was also part of his Ph.D on the topic “Supply Chain Performance of Perishable Products in India”.
He explained that supply chains could exist for both perishable and non-perishable products. Similarly they could be judged on the basis of both financial and non-financial measures. He also pointed out some of the inconsistencies in existing supply chains. In addition, he spoke about potential issues in his research.
Prof. ShikhaArora then came forward to talk about her experiences while attending a Summit on Gender Equality. She spoke of how women’s programs werenot up to mark in India. She mentioned how India’s ranking had dropped from 87 to 108. The gender pay gap had risen in the rural areas. Even in the corporate world there was a lot that was still to be done.
The summit had three plenary sessions. These were on Gender mainstreaming, Accelerating and implementing gender specific initiatives and the transition to policy development, respectively.
Both the talks were followed by lively discussions among the faculty members.