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Department of I.T organized seven days Orientation Programme of its newly, admitted 22nd batch of MCA (2018-2019) at the Institute from 20th August to 25th August, 2018. The formal inauguration and opening ceremony for the above mentioned batch of MCA Course was on 21st August, 2018. Opening & Inaugural ceremony was formally inaugurated with the lamp lightning by Vice Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group, Sh. Arpit Chadha, Director-PR, I.T.S- The Education Group, Sh. Surinder Sood, Chief Guest , Dr. M.M.Pant, Former Pro-Vice Chancellor, IGNOUand Founder & Chairman- PlanetEDU, Guest of Honor, Mr. Ravinder Arora, CISO, IRIS Software, Mr. Tarun Nehra, National Operations Head, TCS, Director-I.T., Dr.Sunil Kumar Pandey, Chairperson- MCA Programme , Prof. Puja Dhar and Coordinator-MCA, Prof. Smita Kansal.
Vice Chairman, I.T.S-The Education Group welcomed the newly admitted students of MCA and said that students will get ample of opportunities to interact with the Leaders of Industry which will help them to corelate their university syllabus with the real corporate life.

Director-PR, ITS-The Education Group, Sh. Surinder Sood welcomed all the students and wished them best luck for the new beginning of their professional career and advised them to work hard and be updated as per the demand of the Industry.
While addressing the students Director-IT, Dr. Sunil Kr. Pandey said that Department always provide the Opportunity to students of MCA to work on Industry Projects during studies. In house Skill Development Cell for overall development and Placement preparation modules. He said that Department of I.T organizes many Industry visits for MCA students to leading IT Companies like TCS, SOPRA, Data Centers and the Organizations who have adopted Technologies including Narora Atomic Power Plant, AMD, Smart Health, Apple Center of Excellence, Mother Dairy, ITS-CDSR for CAD & CAM System used in Dentistry.
Chairperson-MCA, Prof. Puja Dhar while welcoming the students of 22nd Batch of MCA said that the I.T Department believes in the process of learning by doing and hence the University prescribed curriculum is well supplemented with various value added Modules, continuous industry interaction, different IT Clubs, industry visits, CXO Meet, CEO Meet, SAMAGRA, IT-Summit, Conferences and many more
Chief Guest of the inaugural ceremony, Dr. M.M.Pant talked about the shaping minds for the new millennium. He said that success happens when preparation meets opportunities. He also discussed about the Top 10 skills of year 2020 and technology mega trends in the 4th Industrial revolution.
Guest of Honor, Mr. Ravinder Arora discussed about the Cyber Security and the IT jobs that can lead to Cyber Security careers. He also advised students to learn ,practice and stay updated.
While addressing the Students Mr. Tarun Nehra, National Operations Head, TCS, said that students have to come out of the shell and make the road map for their career. He also emphasized that students should also take care of their health and make routine of walking so that they will remain fit and can work in a healthy environment. He also advised students to work on their basic concepts of all the subject which they will study during their MCA course.
After the formal Inaugural ceremony, Mr. Suneel Keswani, POSSIBLERS took the session on Personality Development where he interacted with the students and gave them real life examples and how to cope up in the difficult situations. This was followed by four days Orientation Program to sensitize students with MCA Program, Course requirement & structure, industry orientation through invited Industry people and other basic technical skill sets which are required for their professional development.
From 20th August to 25th August, 2017 some special sessions were also scheduled after the inaugural day. The objective of these sessions was to make the new students aware about requirement from the industry so that they can prepare themselves accordingly.
In continuation with the Orientation Programme, on 20th August, 2018, Mr. Upkar Singh, Director Technology, FIS, Global, Noida took the session and very nicely explained about the VUCA world which means Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity. He also advised students to follow 10-E Keys starting from Enthusiasm to enjoying the successful life.
On the same day on 20th August, 2018 ,Students were also involved in a Yoga Session where the team members from Art of Living were invited. Students enjoyed many mind games and they also gave them some tips to sharpen their mind while they are in stress.
On 23rd August, 2018 students were also taken for an Industrial Visit to the CISCO LAB of APTRON, Noida. They were given the demonstration on how data transmits and other networking concepts were also discussed in the session
On 24th August, 2018 there were also some other PDP sessions taken by Prof. Preeti Baliyan and Prof. Chanda Jain. Mr. Neeraj Chandhok also took one session on Customer Service Orientation where he interacted with the newly admitted students of MCA Programme.
On 25th August, 2018 a valedictory ceremony on 5-days MCA Orientation Programme on 22nd batch of MCA was organized which was followed by the Industry talk by Mr. Amandeep Singh, CIO, Ford Motors, Gurgaon. He very nicely discussed about the new technologies like IOT, Data Science, Machine Learning and Deep Learning. He made the session so interactive that students were totally involved in his talk and also cleared their doubts regarding the new technologies and demand in the Corporate world.
While addressing the students Mr. Manikanand Iyer, Head AMD India discussed about the demands of the Industry from the students. It was followed by the Alumni interaction where MCA alumni including Mr. Vikas Sharma, WIPRO, Mr. Manish Sharma, Syscom, Mr. Gautam Bagga, Infosys, Mr. Yash Mendirata, WIPRO, Ms. Manisha , IBM and Ms. Muskan Abbasi. It was an open session where students asked many queries to the invited alumni and they too made this session interactive.
Overall the session was very interactive and informative for the students and faculties too.