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Prof. Nitin Saxena with Prof. Ankur Ahuja attended a National level Faculty Development Program on “Insights of Investment Avenues” organized by DAV Centenary in collaboration with The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Faridabad on 01st September, 2018.
Speakers for the day were CMA Sunil Sigh, Chairman of Northern India Regional Council of The Institute of Cost Accountants of India, Dr. K.P Kaushik, Professor, National Institute of Financial Management, Dr. Ajay Garg, Certified corporate Valuer and Mr. Ravish Bhateja, Motivational Speaker.
Mr. Sunil Singh elaborated the traditional investment options and their return history with reference to government policies in last 7 years.

Dr. K.P Kaushik explained the derivative market and about new instruments which can be traded in capital market.
Mr. Ajay Garg explained that how secondary income can be generated and how much it is important to link the family regular expenditure with savings. He also explained the risk associated with each investment option.
The purpose of the program was to enhance the understanding about the different investment avenues available in the financial system, so that one can contribute towards the economic development. The program also aimed to enhance the knowledge of capital market and hence to better prepare students as well equipped advisors and investor.
FDP was very insightful for the participants.