In the series of various sessions conducted under Utthan (CSR Activity), a new session has been organized on 8th September'2018 to celebrate “International Literacy Day” with 137 active participants. To make this day memorable and knowledgeable for the students, participants were introduced to MS Office by making them aware to use MS Word and MS Paint on the computer systems.

Volunteers started the day with a small presentation on MS Office and Importance of Education in India among the children.

Students were taken to the computer lab1 & lab 2 for practical session where they were explained with the basics of MS Word and then how typing can be done on MS Word was taught by student volunteers. After the practical session at computer labs a competition on the same was held among the students in which students were given a minute to speak on the use of MS Office.

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Saturday, September 8, 2018
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For the students below 5 years of age “Explain the picture Competition” was organized. In this competition a picture was showed to them, on which they spoke for 40 seconds.

The session was coordinated by Prof. Nitin Saxena and Prof. Shilpi Vaish and they both discussed the importance of Literacy to the students.

The Vice Chairman, Mr. Arpit Chaddha Sir felicitated the Program and graced the Program with his presence. In his address sir discussed the importance of literacy. Also sir has also shared about the World Physiotherapy Day which is also celebrated on 08th September every year.

Director Management, Dr. Ajay Kumar motivates the students to make other people literate. Also he explained why we celebrate this day. He also explained the functioning of UNESCO.

At the end, 33 little speakers were chosen as winners for fabulous prizes like Pencil Box, Geometry Pouch and Colors, Note books etc.

The activity concluded with the snacks and the cold drinks served to all.