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Faculty Of Information Technology

Prof. Sunil Kr. Pandey (Director IT)
Director (IT)
Experience : 24 Years
Email : sunilpandey@its.edu.in
Prof.Sunil Kr. Pandey
Director (IT)
MCA, Ph.D (Comp. Sc.), D.Sc (Doctor of Science in Comp. Sc.)
Ex. Regional Coordinator Computer Society of India - Region-1 (UP, HP, Delhi, Uttrakhand, Haryana, J & K, Punjab)
Ex. State Coordinator - Uttar Pradesh, Computer Society of India
Member – Editorial Committee of CSI Communication
Member: Academic Advisor Council – CEGR
Senior Member – IEEE, M-ACM,M-CSI, M-IETE, M-Indian Science Congress
Executive Data Scientist (Johns Hopkins University, USA through Coursera)
Trained on OBE (Outcome-based Evaluation) by NBA for Washington Accord.
Contact No.: 91-9910370632
Email: sunil_pandey_97@yahoo.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sunilpandeybsb
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-sunil-kr-pandey-2720879/
With an experience of over 24+ Years in Industry and academia, presently Principal – I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad and the Director (IT) at I.T.S, Ghaziabad and has been associated with I.T.S for about 02 decades. I am responsible for Planning, Development, Execution & Maintenance of one of best IT Infrastructure in vicinity in Academic Institutions and Academic Programs of IT. I am also a Dale Carnegie and MxLA Certified Faculty.
Has been Coordinating NAAC (3rd Cycle successfully Completed with A Grade) and NBA Accreditation (3rd Cycle successfully completed for MCA, PGDM Course).
He has been credited 10 Patents and One Copyright already published in Journal of Patents and available on Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs& Trade marks, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India. He has published about 75 Research papers/ Book Chapters in reputed publishers including Springer, IGI, Journals/ Conferences.
His contribution to Academics & Research and NEP-2020, has been recognized and appreciated by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow and CCS University Meerut and IEI.
He has been awarded by various leading forums of Indian IT Industry including Dataquest., CXO TV, Enterprise IT Magazine, Global CIO Forum, CISO Platform, Trescon Global, Dell, VMWare, CIOAXIS, CISO Connect, CORE Media, GEC Media Dubai, Tech Media, Data Centre Consortium & UBS Transformance etc.
1. Application – Id: 202211002759Field: Computer Science
Title:A Control & Data Transfer System To Measure Ambient Temperature Of A Medicine In A Medication Supply Chain Management System
Status: Published on Portal of Patent Office, Govt of India
2. Application – Id: 202111060104Field: Bio Medical Engineering
Title:System For Wearable And Real Time Telemedical Health Care Using Artificial Intelligence And Internet Of Things
Status: Published on Portal of Patent Office, Govt of India
3. Application – Id: 202111045258 Field: Bio Medical Engineering
Title:Smart Watch With Machine Learning And Iot For Early Detection Of Heart Attacks In Cardiovascular Diseases Patient
Status: Published on Portal of Patent Office, Govt of India
4. Application – Id: 202111048073 Field: Comp. Science
Title: System For Crop Health Assessment And Monitoring With Incorporating Weather Forecasting Data Using Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning
Status: Published on Portal of Patent Office, Govt of India
5. Application – Id: 202111045992 Field: Biotechnology
Title: Intelligent Healthcare System Using Cloud Computing For Identification And Classification Of Tumor Cells In Lung Cancer
Status: Published on Portal & Notified in Patent Journal of Govt. Of India
6. Application – Id: 202111046442 Field: Bio Medical Engineering
Title: Intelligent System For Personal Health Management Platform Based Big Data & Artificial Intelligence
Status: Published on Portal & Nitofied in Patent Journal of Govt. Of India
7. Application – Id:202111050627 Field: Comp. Science
Title: System And Method For Generating Traffic Heat Map In Smart City Through Cloud Computing Approach
Status:Application Ready for Publication on Portal of Patent Office, Govt of India
8. Title:A Control & Data Transfer System To Measure Ambient Temperature Of A Medicine In A Medication Supply Chain
Status:Application Ready for Publication on Portal of Patent Office, Govt of India
9. Application – Id:20 2022100283.5 Field: Comp. Science
Title:An Intelligent System And Method For Automatically Identifying Electric Vehicle Charging Voltage By Charger Using Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Technique
Status:PatentApplicant Submitted for Grant for International Grant in Germany on 20.01.2022
- Date: 30.10.2021 (Applied and Application is in waiting state)
Title:Artificial Intelligence Based Unmanned Aerial Drone for Solid Waste Management & Environmental Sensing
Professional Experience:
- As the Director (IT), I am also responsible for overall IT Infrastructure Design, Development and Maintenance of different Institute of the I.T.S – The Education Group with one of the best IT Set-up in the vicinity.
- The current IT Set-up, I am managing is with over 1000+ Computers connected through wired network, Over 2500+ Laptops connected with secure Wireless Network Infrastructure, with high-end IT Security Solutions and seamless Internet connectivity, licensed Software Solutions.
- From 03rd March, 2015, Director - IT and responsible for overall coordination of Academics & IT Infrastructure at the institute.
- On 11th July, 2014 – 2nd March, 2015, Head – Dept. of IT at I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad.
- From 1st January 2009 I was promoted as Professor in Dept of Information Technology at I.T.S, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad. Currently holding the portfolio of Chairperson – MCA Programme and Chairperson – Alumni.
- Since August 2007 – again re-joined my previous institution ITS, Ghaziabad as Assistant Professor (in the scale of 12000-420-18500) in Department of Information Technology at Mohan Nagar, Campus.
- December 2006 – July, 2007 worked with Sikkim Manipal University, Sikkim as Assistant Professor in Dept of IT & CA and was placed at Manipal, Karnataka.
Job Profile:
- Lecture Delivery through VSAT which is broadcasted to all the learning centres in the country. In addition I was involved in formal class room teaching with Manipal University (earlier known as Manipal Academy of Higher Education - a Deemed University) Manipal.
- Job profile included Academic Co-ordination of IT Courses of the University
- Course restructuring, syllabus design in consultation with the experts drawn from Academia and Industry
- Coordination of Course Content development activity for various subjects in these courses.
9. June, 2003 – till 30th November 2006: Worked as Asst. Professor in Dept of CS & IT, Institute of Technology & Science, Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad, U.P., one of the premier institutes in this part of the country. (Please visit the website www. Itsgzb.ac.in
10. Oct, 1999 – May, 2003 worked as Lecturer in the same Institution and subsequently promoted to Asst. Prof. (Dept. of Computer Science and IT) at Institute of Technology and Science. The Institute is offering 3 P.G. and 2 U.G. courses in the field of information Technology and management. My responsibilities included:
- Academics -- Taking lectures in PG/ UG Programs and have taught following courses:
- Cloud Computing
- Soft Computing
- Database Management Systems
- Data Mining and Data Warehousing
- Foundations of E-Commerce
- Software Engineering & Quality Assurance
- Computer Organization & Architecture
- Management Information Systems
- C Programming
- System Analysis & Design
- Administrative –
- IT Infrastructure Design, Development, Management & Monitoring
- Actively involved in getting Accreditation from NBA for MCA Programme at ITS, Ghaziabad. Carried responsibility of complete document preparation in-place. MCA Course was successfully accredited by NBA in Year – 2009 and subsequently it is re-accredited 02 times and currently till June, 2018 and we have already applied for 3rd re-accreditation.
- Actively involved in getting Accreditation from NAAC for my Institute - ITS, Ghaziabad. Carried responsibility of complete document preparation in-place. Institute was successfully accredited by NBA in Year – 2003 and since then it is continuously re-accredited and now it is till 2022.
- Actively involved in getting ISO Certification at ITS, Ghaziabad. Carried responsibility of complete document preparation in-line with ISO Guidelines and defining the processes. Institute successfully got ISO Certification in the year 2006.
- Chairperson – MCA Program:Held the responsibility for five years and have been instrumental in improving the academic environment of the programme.
- Chairperson – M.Sc. (IS) Program:Held the responsibility for three consecutive years and was instrumental in improving the academic environment of the programme.
- Also acted as Examination Center Superintendent in conducting various University and Competitive Entrance Exams including GATE, CPMT, UPMCAT, B.Ed. etc. entrance examinations of CCS University, Meerut and Dr. B.R.A. University, Agara etc.
11.Provided Consultancy Services to Manipal Universal Learning Pvt Ltd, Bangalore in Course Restructuring, Content Development and other Academic issues for various Programs where they are acting as Supporting organizations for other Universities.
12. July, 1997 – April, 1999: Worked with RSCPL, Mumbai. The assignments included design and implementation of Databases, Backup & Recovery and providing assistance to Data Base Administrator in day to day activities.
13. Also got an opportunity to work in Faculty of Engineering & Technology, University of Jimma, Jimma, Ethiopia in the capacity of Asst Professor.
1. Academic administration of academic programs offered by the Institute and IT Infrastructure of I.T.S – The Group
- To work for strong academic rigor and performance of students
- To conceptualize & conduct various Corporate Events like CXO Meet, CEO Meet, Summits, and Academic & Research Events like – Conferences (12), Seminars (25), Faculty Development Programs (26), Technical Workshops, other co-curricular activities, Value Added Modules for students, Inter-institutional Events – “SAMAGRA” and “TECHNOVATION”etc.
2. To arrange & Conduct/ organizes Sponsored/ Funded Projects by leading organizations including Dept of Science & Technology, Govt of India (10 - EDP/ TEDP/ EAC/ WEDP etc.), AICTE (06 - Seminars/ Conferences/ FDPs), Indian Air Force (650 Air Warriors/ Officers of Indian Air Force in last 04 years).
3. To organize Faculty Development Programs/ Expert Talks& Interactionfor Faculty Members of my Institute by Internationally renowned Academicians, Industry Leaders & practicing professionals. Some of the eminent Guests to whom we invited in recent few months include: Dr. Sartaj Shani, University of Florida, Florida, Prof. San Murugesan, Western Sydney University, Prof. E. Balagurusamy, Australia, Mr. Renato Se Castro, Padova, Itlay, Mr. Manoj Chugh – President, Tech Mahindra, Mr. KRD Ramesh, Executive Director – IBM India, Prof. MM Pant, Mr. Pankaj Gupta – Washington, USA, Mr. Ashsih Bhatia – Cognizant, Texas, Austria, Mr. Gautam Hazari – Worldwide Technical Director – GSMA, UK etc.
4. Training Programs
Coordinated and executed training programs for various organizations including Indian Air Force, Ghaziabad District Administration, Doctors, Police Staff of Ghaziabad etc.
5. Coordination & Management of IT Infrastructure
- To manage & look after smooth operation of entire IT Infrastructure at my institute, evaluation, assessment, upgradation of existing setup, recommendation and procurement of IT Resources (including Desktops, Laptops, Networking equipment, network infrastructure, Software Development, Security Framework etc.).
- The IT infrastructure at my institute comprises of about 1000+ networked connected computers on Fiber Optic backbone with latest configuration, about 2000 laptops connected through wired/ wi-fi network, Internet facility with proper security framework in place etc.
6. Chairperson – Alumni Association at I.T.S, Ghaziabad
- Started the Alumni Association at I.T.S, Ghaziabad from scratch and now have a strong Alumni Network with over 8000 Alumni closely associated with Institute and contributing significantly in overall development of Institute & students in the form of conducting Workshops, Training Programs, Expert talks for students, Placements, Seminars, Counseling Sessions, Industry Visits, Collaborative Projects etc.Our Alumni Meet is one of largest Alumni Meets in the vicinity which is consistently witnessing participation of over 1000+ Alumni and their Spouse & kids.
- To continuously work towards strengthening Alumni-institute relationship and interaction that can be mutually beneficial for both.
- Planning and organizing various events like Alumni Re-union, Alumni Mentorship Program, regular experience sharing sessions, seminars etc.
- Instrumental in getting NAAC/ ISO/NBA accreditation for my institute
Some of the recent Professional Guest Talks/ Invited Talks
- Was invited as a Speaker in Dataquest Technology Conference organized at Eros Hotel, Nehru Place Delhi on 19th July, 2019.
- Delivered a Talk on Recent Trends in Data Science In a Faculty Development Program organized in association with MSME at IIMT New Delhi on 17th July, 2019.
- Delivered talk in a Faculty Development Program at BVICAM, New Delhi
- Invited and Spoke as a Speaker in EduTech Congress organized on 23rd August, 2018, New Delhi by mUni Campus.
- Took 100+ Sessions as Resource Person in the field of Database Technology, Internet of Things, Social Media Analytics and In-Memory Databases atlarge number of institutes/ events including Central Universities and other institutions of repute.
- Conducted Training Programs, delivered Guest Lectures & conducted Workshops on various themes at different prestigious organization including Indian Air Force Station, Ghaziabad. Over 500+ Air Warriors & Officers have been trained in these Training Programs.
- Organized innovative & unique events with grand success & huge participation of Industry Leaders in the context of academic Institute including CEO Meet, CXO Meet, Digital Conclave, ICT Summits in which Industry leaders of about 50+Global IT Companies including Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, Dell, IIT Delhi, Polaris, Infosys, NIIT Technologies, Tech Mahindra, Ericson, Huwaei Telecom, Dhiragu Telecom Maldives, Aircel, CDSL, Voyzon Technologies etc addressed the gathering. The events were well appreciated by about 1000 delegates from Industry, Academia and Government organization who attend the event.
- Invited as Invited Speaker and Technical Chair in more than 100Conferences, Summits, Seminars of Industry & Academia, FDPs, other prestigious events including - Annual Conventions of Computer Society of India, Indian Science Congress, Conclaves of Industry held at various places like New Delhi, Bangfalore, Mumbai, Hyderbabd, Kolkata, Patna, Gaya. Addressed as Key Note Speaker, Invited guests at leading institutes of the country including Gaya College, Mahila Mahavidyalaya - Patna, Patna Women’s College – Patna, Central University of Himachal Pradesh – Dharmshala etc.
- Organized first IT Summit in the vicinity in which Industry Leaders from Oracle Corporation, TCS, Wipro, NIIT Technologies, Birlasoft, Steria, SAP Labs, SOPRA Group, SOftPark21, BM Engineers etc. addressed the gathering.
- Spoke as invited Speaker in a00+ Seminars, Conferences, FDPs and SDP at various Institutions across the country.
- Was invited as Expert Member of Panel on Role of ICT in Global Business Landscape he at IMT, Ghaziabad held during 01st to 03rd February, 2015 at IMT Ghaziabad.
- Delivered talk as invited speaker in 101st Indian Science Congress held at Jammu. I also chaired one of the sessions in Indian Science Congress in ICT Section.
- Received Best CSI Accredited Student Branch Award from Computer Society of India in Annual Convention held at JNTU, Hyderabad.
- Carried out prestigious assignments of University like Coordination of Central Evaluation work, Head Examiner etc. of G.B. Technical University, Member of Academic/ Advisory Council of I.T.S Ghaziabad (one of the leading educational institute in North India).
- Dale Carnegie trained and Certified Faculty under Wipro Mission10X programme.
- MxLA Certified Faculty from Wipro under Wipro Mission10X programme.
- Member of Editorial Review Board/ Advisory Board of various National & International Journals in India & Abroad including Journal of Information, Information Technology and Organization published by Informing Science Institute, University of Maniotoba, USA.
- Organized 12 National Conferences, 15 National/ Regional Seminars, more than 50 Workshops & Training Sessions, 25+ Faculty Development Programmes on various themes in IT Area in association with various reputed organizations including AICTE, NASSCOM, Computer Society of India and other Universities.
- Associated with various universities including Dr. APJ Adbul Kalam Technical University (previously known as UPTU), Lucknow, GNA University - Phagwara, C.C.S. University, Meerut, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University - Agra, Amity University, Noida, G.G.S. Indraprastha University, Delhi in various capacities including, Paper setting, Practical Examiner, Observer, Examiner etc.
- Attended QIP Programs me on “Cryptographic Algorithms” conducted by BEC, Howrah and sponsored by AICTE.
- Was selected in Redington USA Inc as Analyst, also got H1B.
- Written 10 Articles on Database and E-Commerce related topics in news papers, News Letter of the Institute
- Attended more than 40 Seminars, QIPs, Workshops and Faculty Development Programs on IT Related Topics.
- Coordinated the bidding and conduct of training programme for the Indian Air Force(Hindan Base) on various technologies. (Over 650+ Staff Members were trained in this programme in the span of 3 months time and in 12 Batches). An amount of Rs. 7,00,000/- was received from Indian Air Force for this training.
- Actively involved in implementation of e-Collectorate Project “e-Patravali” in Ghaziabad District. Conducted and Coordinated Training Programme for the employees of Ghaziabad District Collectorate on e-Collectorate Project. Total 66 Employees of Ghaziabad Collectorate received the training.
- Academic Consultancy for Manipal Universal Learning Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, a learning resource center of a number of Universities in India & abroad.
Research Publications
1. Book Chapters
A book chapter titled “Social Media Analytics:An Application of Data Mining” in Book titled “Data Mining in Dynamic Social Networks and Fuzzy Systems” published by IGI Global, USA in June, 2013. It is available
@ http://www.igi-global.com/viewcomplimentarytitle.aspx?titleid=77529. (ISSN: 2327-1981) and DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4213-3.ch010.
2. Title Publications (Editorial Volumes)
1. Edited volume published recently by SPRINGER titled “Innovations in Information & Communication Technologies”(ISBN-13: 978-3030662172, ISBN-10: 3030662179)comprising of original research that focuses on technological advancements for effective teaching with an emphasis on learning outcomes, ICT trends in higher education, sustainable developments and digital ecosystem in education, management and industries. The contents of the book are classified as; (i) Emerging ICT Trends in Education, Management and Innovations (ii) Digital Technologies for advancements in education, management and IT (iii) Emerging Technologies for Industries and Education, and (iv) ICT Technologies for Intelligent Applications. The book represents a useful tool for academics, researchers, industry professionals and policymakers to share and learn about the latest teaching and learning practices supported by ICT. It also covers innovative concepts applied in education, management and industries using ICT tools. (ISBN 978-030-66218-9) and available @ https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9783030662172#aboutBook
2. Edited volume of contributions from the researchers, academicians and industry people on the theme Emerging Computing Technologies published by Wisdom Publications, New Delhi with ISBN No.: ISBN: 978-81-89547-85-1, 2010. This title is also available at for purchase at (http://www.bookadda.com/author/sunil-kr-pandey)
3. Edited volume of contributions from the researchers, academicians and industry people on the theme Next Generation Technologies for Information Management published by Wisdom Publications, New Delhi with ISBN No.: ISBN 978-81-89547-69-1, 2009.
4. Edited volume of contributions from the researchers, academicians and industry people on the theme Next Generation Computing Technologies published by Wisdom Publications, New Delhi with ISBN No. ISBN: 978-81-89547-48-6, 2008.
5. Edited volume of contributions from the researchers, academicians and industry people on the theme Impact of Information Technology on Society published by Wisdom Publications, New Delhi with ISBN No.: ISBN:81-89547-41-0, 2008.
6. Edited and published about 12 books for courses on DBMS, Software Engineering, Advanced DBMS Computer Organization, Fundamentals of Information Technology etc for Distance Education Modules of Sikkim Manipal University, Manipal.
i. http://www.wattpad.com/81838-smu-adv-programming#.Uc-v5Zz9WJQ
ii. http://www.scribd.com/doc/99543009/Book-MC0061-A-B
3. Interviews/ Views/ Research Papers Published
- My Interview published @ https://collegedunia.com/news/c-9503-interview-dr-sunil-kumar-pandey-director-at-its
- My address in UP Education Conclave, Lucknow : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oj2IakxzZjU&t=303s
- An Interview in Digitallearning Magazine in July-August, 2016 Issue and available@ http://digitallearning.eletsonline.com/2016/08/ict-prompts-advancements-in-higher-education/The Magazine is published by Elets, VOLUME 12 ISSUE 06 JULY - AUGUST 2016, ISSN No. 0973-4139.
- Study of Object Oriented Analysis and Design Approachhttps://thescipub.com/abstract/jcssp.2011.143.147
- Published 50+ papers in reputed publications including American Journal of Computer Science (Science Publications, NY, USA), International Journal of Computer Science & Information Security (Seoul, South Korea), and International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering (Engg. Publications, Singapore), CSI/FSM/IETE. I was also invited to present my papers in World Computer Science Congress, twice in year 2006 and 2009 held in Los Vegas, US.
- A Paper titled “Social Media Analytics – A Research Perspective“ was published in the proceedings of 101st Indian Science Congress held at University of Jammu, Jammu during 03rd to 07th February, 2014 on Page No. 132-136.
- Coordinated the task of courseware development for IT Courses (MCA, BCA, B.Sc. – IT, M.Sc. – IT and books on IT subjects in Fashion Technology courses) for Directorate of Distance Education, Sikkim Manipal University, Manipal, Udupi, Karnataka.
(A Partial List of Papers Published / Presented in Journals/ Conferences ia attached as Annexure-1)
- A Paper titled “Study of Methods for the Study of Design Behavior in Object Oriented Approach” was published in the bi-annual International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (A Fully Refereed International Journal) (ISSN: 0974-8385)Vol.5, No.1 – 2012, Pages: 35-46 Published BySerials Publications.
- A Paper titled “Study of significance of Object Oriented Paradigms in Modeling” was published in National bi-annual Journal COMPUTING TRENDZ-The Journal of Emerging Trends in Information Technology (ISSN – 2230-9152), Vol. 1, No. 1, Page 09 – 15, January 2011 published by SMS, Varanasi.
- A Paper titled “Study of Object Oriented Analysis & Design Approach” was published in American Journal of Computer Science (ISSN 1549-3636) published by Science Publications, NY, USA and indexed in Ulrich, DOAJ, Cabell, WAD, ASA, IET-ISI Scientific, Genamics, EBSCO, Thomson Gale, ProQuest, SCOPUS etc in Vol.-07, Issue-2 Page 143-147., February, 2011.
- A Paper titled “An Alternative approach to Temporary Memory Management in Databases using Object Oriented Systems” has been published in International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security (ISSN 1738-7906) Vol. 10 No. 10, Page 158-165, October, 2010 published from Seoul, Korea.
- A Paper titled“Context Aware Computing: Augmentation of Mobile Devices with Awareness of their Context”was published in Appejay Journal of Management & Technology, Volume -3, Number -1, Page 85-93.
- A Paper titled “E-Governance in India: An efficient mechanism for improved Governance through Digital Inclusion” has been published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Global Issues in Business & Technology organized by National Institute of Financial Management Ministry of Finance, Government of India, Faridabad in collaboration with DBMA Modern Technology & University of Maryland Management Institute Inc., Eastern Shore, USA on 31st July 2008 – 01 August 2008.
- A Paper titled “Comparative Study of Data Warehouse Technologies” was presented and Published in the Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Management organized at IMT, Ghaziabad on 25th& 26th February, 2008.
- A Paper titled “Recent Technologies and Development in Databases” was published in the Proceedings of the National Seminar on Impact of Information Technology on Society organized at I.T.S, Ghaziabad on 09th February, 2008.
- A Study report titled “Study on contribution of GIS based applications for Rural Development in India” has been accepted for presentation and publication in the proceedings of International Conference on Information & Knowledge Engineering (IKE’07) being organized in World Computer Science Congress being organized by UCMSS in association with MIT, Massachusetts during June, 25 - 28, 2007 at Las Vegas, Nevada, USA..
- A Paper titled “Study of Status & Legal Framework of Cyber Crimes – An Indian Perspective” has been published in Refereed Journal “Abhigyan”, a publication of FORE School of Management (One of the Top-10 Institutes in India) in December Issue Page No 20 – 29, ISSN 0970-2385 Vol. XXIV No. 3.
- A Paper titled “E-Learning: Opportunities and Scope in India” was published in the proceedings (Re. No: egov06/ABS/157) of the International Conference Egov Asia 2006 organized by Ministry of ICT, Govt of Thiland during April 26 – 28, 2006 at Rama Gardens Hotel and Resort Bangkok, Thailand.
- A Paper titled “Quantum Cryptography: A Synergy of Quantum Mechanics and Information Theory” has been accepted for the presentation in National Conference on Computer Applications being organized during 13th& 14th April, 2006 by Bharti Vidyapeeth’s Engineering College, New Delhi.
- A Paper titled “Grid Computing: Enabler of Clustering of Distributed Resources” was presented in National Seminar on Emerging Computing Technologies organized by Indian School of Mines (Deemed University) and Central Mining Research Institute, Dhanbad, Jharkhand in association with Tata Group and other well known organizations during 11th& 12th march, 2006. Paper was also published in the proceedings of the said Conference.
- A Paper titled Context Aware Computing: Issues & Challenges” was presented in National Conference on Electronic Circuits & Communication Systems” organized by Thapar Institute of Engineering Technology (Deemed University), Patiala at Patiala during 09.02.2006 and 10.02.2006. Complete Paper was also published in the proceedings of the said Conference.
- A Paper titled “Security Auditing: Reducing the Risk Caused in Outsourcing of IT Projects” written by Prof. S.K. Pandey, Prof. Deepak K. Bagchi and Prof. Kumud Kundu was presented in the “International Conference on Emerging Issues in Accounting, Information Technology, Business and Management” organized by Research and Development Association, Jaipur during 02nd – 03rd January, 2006. Paper was will also Published in the Proceedings of the said Conference.
- Paper titled “Biometrics and Bluetooth: A Proposed Framework for Authentication & Authorization” jointly written with Mr. Deepak K. Bagchi, & Mrs. Kumud Kundu was published in the proceedings of "International Conference on Computer Networks & Wireless Technology” organized by VEC in association with IEEE Chennai Chapter at Chennai held during 28th -31st of Dec, 2005. The paper was also presented in the conference.
- Paper titled “Analytical Study of Data Mining Algorithms” was presented written by Sunil K. Pandey was presented in the 8th Conference of 8th Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences CONIAPS – VIII, 2005 organized by C.C.S. University, Meerut with NICE Society Institutions, Meerut during December, 29 to December, 31, 2005 with the focal theme of “Interdisciplinary Approach in Physical Sciences”. Paper was also published in the Proceedings of the said Conference.
- A Paper titled “Information and Communication Technology: A Catalyst for Future Roadmap of India” jointly written with Mr. Deepak K. Bagchi and Mrs. Kumud Kundu was presented and published in the proceedings of the “Conference on Information and Communication Technology” organized by Computer Society Of India, hosted by CSI, Hyderabad Chapter at Hyderabad during 09th – 12th November, 2005.
- A Paper titled “Enforcement of Cyber Laws: Issues & Challenges, Indian Initiatives” written by Prof. S.K. Pandey has been accepted for the presentation and for publication as well in the Proceedings of the “International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities in IT Industry” being organized by PCTE, Ludhiana at Ludhiana on 12th November, 2005.
- A paper titled "Safeguarding Intellectual Property using Robust Digital Watermarking" written by S. K. Pandey, Kumud Kundu & D.Bagchi was published in the proceedings of International conference On "The Business Transactions- The Road ahead" organized by INMANTEC, Ghaziabad in collaboration with U. P. Technical University, Lucknow , PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industries, Konard Adeneur Foundation (Germany), M. P. Bhoj(Open) University, Bhopal during 21st – 23rd Nov. 2005. The paper was also presented in the conference.
- A Paper titled “Analysis of Data Mining Algorithms” written by S. K. Pandey and Deepak K. Bagchi has been presented and published in the proceedings of the “International Conference on Current Trends in IT” organized by S R K R Engineering College, Bhimawaram, Andhra Pradesh organized on during 01st – 03rd October, 2005.
- A Paper titled “Trends in Data Mining Applications and Technologies” accepted in national Conference on Emerging Technologies and Applications “ETA-2005” jointly organized by Saurashtra University, Rajkot and Amogdishi Education Society, Sangli, Maharashtra during 01-02 October, 2005.
- A Paper titled “Software Reliability: Critical Attribute for a Successful Implementation” written by S.K. Pandey and Deepak K. Bagchi was presented and published in the proceedings of the “National Conference on Emerging Computing Technologies” organized by H.M.V. Mahavidyala, Jalandhar and sponsored by University Grants Commission on 29th – 30th September, 2005.
- A Paper titled “Data Mining: Application of Clustering & Parallelism” was published in Atmbodh Page 60 – 74, Vol. II, No.2, Spring 2005.
- Paper titled “Data Mining: Need and Scope of Scaling” was presented by him in the National Conference on Recent Advancements and Future Trends in IT” organized by Punjabi University, Patiala on 02 – 03rd March’2005. Complete Paper was published in the proceedings of the conference. Total of more than 150 Papers were received and total 67 Papers were accepted for the publication and Oral Presentation.
- Paper titled “Computer Network: Security is the Major cause of concern” was presented in the National Seminar on “Network Security and its Implementation” sponsored by University Grants Commission and organized by Doaba College, Jalandhar on 01st March’2005. Abstract of the Paper was published in the proceedings of the conference.
- A Paper titled “Data Mining: Scalability & Applications” was presented and published in the proceeding of the Conference “ICCII - 2004” organized by PCTE, Ludhiana at Ludhiana on 27th November, 2004.
- "The Saga of E-Commerce & Reforms" was published in Synergy: Journal of IT and Management, Vol-1, No. - 2, Page 79-87, July, 2003.
Professional Association
- Life Member of Computer Society Of India – MCSI
- Member of IEEE, USA
- Member of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), USA
- Life Member of IETE (Institution Of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) – MIETE.
- Life Member of Indian Science Congress Association
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