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Students and faculty members of the Department of Management of I.T.S College, Ghaziabad attended the e session on NISP for Students and Faculty on the 28th of April.

The speaker for the session was Dr. Dipan Sahu, MHRD IIC. At the two and half hour long session he spoke at length about the National Innovation and Startup Policy 2019 for Students and Faculty. He discussed the thrust areas and highlighted features of the policy. The learning session was replete with start up related insights to the benefit of budding student entrepreneurs. The session focused upon the following relevant information:
- the strategies and governance for promoting entrepreneurship, incubation and preincubation support facilities,
- nurturing startups, product ownership rights for technologies developed at HEIs,
- organizational capacities, human resources and incentives,
- creating innovation pipelines and pathways for entrepreneurs,
- norms for faculty startups, pedagogy and learning interventions for entrepreneurship.
- collaboration, cocreation, business relationship and knowledge exchange and
- entrepreneurial impact assessment.
Management students and faculty of I.T.S college Ghaziabad attended the session on Role and Importance of Pre Incubator by Mr. Mithu Singaram from IIT Madras on the 29th of April. The rich learning session focused on planning an incubator highlighting the key components in planning an incubator covering feasibility study planning, business planning and incubator policies. It focused on initial tasks required of the development team, learning and capacity building, infrastructure and facilities and designing of incubator including space and design. The speaker discussed the difference between preincubation, incubation and accelerator and aspects involving funding and handling of financials of an incubator. The discussion also touched upon the key skills required of incubator staff. He discussed at length elements of an effective mentoring program and key success factors. The session was rich in practical knowledge for students interested in pursuing entrepreneurship.
Faculty members and students of the Department of Management participated in the activity organized under MHRD IIC e session series on the 30th of April on “Hangout with Emerging Innovator & Entrepreneur through MIC & AICTE” with successful entrepreneur Ms. Vandana Thakur from L M College of Pharmacy, Ahemdabad and Mr. Amit Sanjay Loknayak of Institute of Chemical Technology of Mumbai and associated with IIT Bombay as the key speakers. Ms. Thakur discussed at length her innovation AnV-Stat which is a homeostasis formula based Gauze for First Aid Kit highlighting on the vision and mission behind the innovation and the innovative features associated with it. She traced the beginning of her entrepreneurial journey and emphasized on what it means to be a female entrepreneur. She shared the details about the project right from its ideation stage to finding a place in MHRD Innovation Cell nominations and the ensuing accolades which opened doors for funding and international market exposure as well. She also highlighted the essential elements and phases of startups towards educating the listeners. Mr. Amit Sanjay Loknayak focused on the basics of startups from the perspective of student entrepreneurship. He shared his national award winning innovation called PREG V DET kit which is a urine based simple rapid pregnancy detection kit for cattle which was recognized at the MIC POC contest. He also talked about the global recognition that followed and shared his learnings from global communication experts for investor pitch.
Students and faculty of the Department of Management of ITS, Ghaziabad attended the e session on the 1st of May on Role of Network Enablers in Driving I & E in HEIs with Ms. Geetika Dayal, Executive Director TiE Delhi NCR as the key speaker. The speaker traced the journey of TiE Delhi NCR since its inception in 1992 and its growth story with its goal of influencing the maximum number of start ups and entrepreneurs through its activities of regular monthly networking meetings, workshops, investor connects, mentoring sessions, forum meetings in education and training and its representations at global events. Towards addressing the stall in business activity on account of the covid lockdown it has:
- As one of the key enablers of the startup ecosystem, been endeavoring to connect with the quarantined innovators across the country by leveraging the digital platforms.
- Through series of daily webinars, been facilitating remotely enabled knowledge sharing platforms between startup founders and domain experts.
- Helped the startups tide through COVID 19 crisis on the back of the strategic guidance and support supplied by top angel investors and mentors.
- Through online Mentoring Helpline provided regular and constant support to members.
Faculty members and students of Department of management of ITS Ghaziabad participated in the MHRD e session on the 4th of May featuring Hangout with Successful Startup Founder and Learning on Design thinking Approach for Hardware Innovation with Dr. Pankaj Parashar, CEO/Founder Cutting Edge Medical Devices Pvt. Ltd., Indore as the key speaker. The session was titled “Product Design and Engineering for Developing a Product, a Start ups perspective”. The speaker shared the theoretical basics of what is entrepreneurship, what is product and what are its peculiarities. He talked about the meaning, importance and aspects of design through simple self explanatory examples and highlighted the steps of engineering a product through design. He also threw light on his personal journey of innovation and product development with the idea of encouraging start ups and how his start up was incubated by IIT Delhi. Showcasing his innovation called SCINTIGLO- The Appropriate Solution which is a medical device for affordable detection of several kidney related disorders through urine analysis, he shared its Unique Selling Preposition or USP, its utility and shared information on the various evolutionary versions of the product with their advancing features. The talk was highly informative and proved to be a rich learning experience for students aspiring to be entrepreneurs.